• [2018/06/22]
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Erick Draves

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2018
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I got my Risky Ginger the last dec 22, in a Parasoul 10+1 relic pack birthday offer. She has an awesome pure brute force, but have some problems with her SA "Inflict DEATH MARK for 10/12/15 seconds and gain ENRAGE when HITTING a DASHING opponent."

I´m not the GOD of intercepts, but have gone trough a crash course "No blocking or you lose hihihihii (And then you die)" with Neouromancer Painwheel, so, I can survive very well without block, and I have hitted enemies with RG parasoul that are running towards me, or even dash attacking and many times I get no enrages. I use normal front attacks, Napalm Shot, NOT JUJU Silent Scope, Motor Brigade, or canopy bounce.

Sooooo, my question is, what is actually a "DASHING opponent"?? Thanks for your time and tricks to use her!! :D
When an opponent running into you and making their D1 attack, they counted as a "dashing opponent". But if AI get close to you enough, they can choose to cancel the D1 attack into a launcher, trip or special attack. So if you hit them after they cancel the D1, you can't get those enrages. Trying to intercept them a bit earlier may help you.
I tried to play Jessica for some time... Either I am a no-skill loser with stumps instead of hands or she is not worth the effort. Enrages are not that difficult to get with Napalm Shot, Tear Explosion, Motor Brigade and other ways to intercept, but they are too easy to lose (I get it, I get it, you have to risk to maintain them), Primed and Salt are still way more useful.

The only way I have found to use her more-or-less efficiently was to get two Enrage stacks with Thrill Shrieker, transfer them over using Inner Pieces - then you need only one intercept to get to unblockable beast mode. But that would need a pretty huge setup time and again, does not worth it in general, IMO.

What I want to try one day is to put her on a Fire Defence team in Rift with lots of Enrages coming from Catalysts and Node Modifiers and see people suffer against unblockable BBs. Buuuut, Para's AI is so terrible with BBs...
I got my Risky Ginger the last dec 22, in a Parasoul 10+1 relic pack birthday offer. She has an awesome pure brute force, but have some problems with her SA "Inflict DEATH MARK for 10/12/15 seconds and gain ENRAGE when HITTING a DASHING opponent."

I´m not the GOD of intercepts, but have gone trough a crash course "No blocking or you lose hihihihii (And then you die)" with Neouromancer Painwheel, so, I can survive very well without block, and I have hitted enemies with RG parasoul that are running towards me, or even dash attacking and many times I get no enrages. I use normal front attacks, Napalm Shot, NOT JUJU Silent Scope, Motor Brigade, or canopy bounce.

Sooooo, my question is, what is actually a "DASHING opponent"?? Thanks for your time and tricks to use her!! :D
I think because of how often the AI loves to block after dashing, Risky Jessica's SA doesn't get to activate once the animation for blocking starts at 0.1 seconds 😂 which will look like Red-Handed simply not activating. I basically just seconded what Eray said I guess. 😅
I got my Risky Ginger the last dec 22, in a Parasoul 10+1 relic pack birthday offer. She has an awesome pure brute force, but have some problems with her SA "Inflict DEATH MARK for 10/12/15 seconds and gain ENRAGE when HITTING a DASHING opponent."

I´m not the GOD of intercepts, but have gone trough a crash course "No blocking or you lose hihihihii (And then you die)" with Neouromancer Painwheel, so, I can survive very well without block, and I have hitted enemies with RG parasoul that are running towards me, or even dash attacking and many times I get no enrages. I use normal front attacks, Napalm Shot, NOT JUJU Silent Scope, Motor Brigade, or canopy bounce.

Sooooo, my question is, what is actually a "DASHING opponent"?? Thanks for your time and tricks to use her!! :D
Yo amo a risky, es mi niña consentida y aprender a lograr hacer una partida sin que te toquen es parte del viaje de los main Parasoul como lo soy yo, por lo pronto te recomiendo que el tipo de interceptado que hagas es deslizar hacia abajo cuando se acerquen a ti, esto como una forma de empezar, ya luego irás viendo que se puede hacer mas ameno aprendiendo a interceptarlos como debe
Yo amo a risky, es mi niña consentida y aprender a lograr hacer una partida sin que te toquen es parte del viaje de los main Parasoul como lo soy yo, por lo pronto te recomiendo que el tipo de interceptado que hagas es deslizar hacia abajo cuando se acerquen a ti, esto como una forma de empezar, ya luego irás viendo que se puede hacer mas ameno aprendiendo a interceptarlos como debe
Honestamente no entiendo por qué la gente dice que Risky es mala, Parasoul tiene una de las intercepciones más seguras de usar del juego al igual que su ataque frontal (como se ve en el vídeo), y el 3er mejor ataque de barrida del juego (detrás de Valentine y Painwheel) . Me parece que alguien empezó el rumor que es mala y de ahí se creció.
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Honestamente no entiendo por qué la gente dice que Risky es mala, Parasoul tiene una de las intercepciones más seguras de usar del juego al igual que su ataque frontal (como se ve en el vídeo), y el 3er mejor ataque de barrida del juego (detrás de Valentine y Painwheel) . Me parece que alguien empezó el rumor que es mala y de ahí se creció.
Despuees de todo este tiempo he aprendido que interceptar con Risky no es "dificil", pero lo complicado es que el juego lo marque como tal, lo que termina haciendo que su habilidad sea dificil de usar.

A veces el enemigo corre, pero al casi llegar, la instruccion "sprint" durante la que debemos atacar cambia. Nosotros no lo vemos, pero estamos pegando a una animacion del oponente que parece sprint, pero aunque se ve corriendo, ya esta pegando de frente, haciendo un uppercut, o alguna otra cosa como guardia.

Los unicos sprints seguros de interceptar y que siempre nos van a dar dos unidades de rabia son los de BIG BAND BADABUM...
