• [2018/06/22]
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Other Holodeck change moderately nerfs EXP usage on it


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2018
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For those unaware, Holodeck is now a once a day event, rather than hourly refresh.

In some ways this is a nice change, as it means you aren't on a strict time crunch to catch every one.


This also means that unless you use an EXP boost on it every day, you're likely going to lose 50% of the XP you would've gotten if it were a weekend or once a week event that refreshed hourly.

I don't want to suggest anything cause they said there will be several adjustments and we should see what they all are first, but this change is pretty big and I wanted it to be known that this may effect the overall efficiency of the event overall. Of course, this might've been noted and compensated for already, but I wanted to say something earlier rather than later.
Huh, interesting observation. It's a trade off of 1 marathon or 7 sprints...

I guess it all comes down to one's individual use of XP boost? I mean, HH will now be 1 map (and a different map upon respawn) every day, kinda like a daily AE, right?

Currently, personally, I don't use XP boost unless I'm gonna maximize it; 4hour to clear AE, grind Peacock Master node, high streak a 'good' PF, and now, I'll include HH. Not too bad. It's better than treating HH like an Event PF and marathon it for a day or weekend or however long it lasts and them wait week(s) till the next one. I think even without a XP boost, the base XP earned daily has to be more significant vs. say the Pea Master Node? Gotta be less boring at the very least, eh? At lease with it being every day, it won't conflict/overlap with other Event PFs that you're grinding that day.

We'll see if our collective feedback from the first trail was accurately interpreted/implemented by the Devs...when it comes to community feedback, sometimes it the squeakiest wheel that gets the grease as they say.

I had my reservations as well upon reading the news... just wait and see how it actually plays out in the next update and go from there.
I personally liked the "It's the weekend! Get ready and down to serious grind." aspect of it but I suppose it's also okay to become another optional Daily grinding option.
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If it's like other dailies, where you have several difficulties, it's good to farm those 4 difficult modes, however, i do think that the 1 hour cycle in the weekend from the previous run was the better approach for xp grinding. But we'll have to wait and see.
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I hear ya about the Booster thing, but I think I'll prefer the once a day style.

I'd rather have it be a guaranteed thing every day that I can work into my daily routine rather than have it *maybe* show up randomly on any given weekend. I feel like I'll be way less likely to miss any refreshes this way.

Plus, it's hard to tell what the original plan for it was, so maybe we won't actually be getting any less EXP from it, setting aside the boosters thing. I'm guessing that it was going to be biweekly at the very most (alternating with the Moves pf), but it might've been a scarce as once a month. That's time enough for 14-28 days to pass, and in that case it feels like the daily availability will give more EXP overall, excluding boosters.

Though, bringing up the original plan vs the new plan once again, I think the addition of some lower difficulty nodes for mid-level players might mean that even if we do include 12-hr EXP boosters in only the old plan's total EXP, the new plan might not even need boosters in order to beat it.
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