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Collection library of character& moves, reward system...etc

Bannou Neko

New Member
Dec 28, 2017
Reaction score
I think about an easy way to check characters & moves & catalysts in the game.
How many character/move/catalysts I unlock & lock, and quick check character animations and abilities (just like you click player checking profile, and you can see their fighter SA/MA).

Library can also combine with reward(coin/theonite/keys/relic..etc) and challenge
example: just some brainstorm character/story/fight style...etc any ridiculously way to reward)

bronze - got first character, got 10 different characters /20 different characters...etc
silver - got first character, got 10 different characters /20 different characters...etc
gold - got first character, got 10 different characters /20 different characters...etc
diamond - got first character, got 10 different characters /20 different characters...etc

bronze - got first move, got 10 different moves /20 different moves...etc
silver - got first move, got 10 different moves /20 different moves...etc
gold - got first move, got 10 different moves /20 different moves...etc
(maybe)diamond - got first move, got 10 different moves /20 different moves...etc

bronze - got first catalysts, got 10 different catalysts /20 different catalysts...etc
silver - got first catalysts, got 10 different catalysts /20 different catalysts...etc
gold - got first catalysts, got 10 different catalysts /20 different catalysts...etc
(maybe)diamond - got first catalysts, got 10 different catalysts /20 different catalysts...etc

day to play
continuously login for 7 days
play 100days/ 300days/ 500days/ 1000days...etc

story progress
finish boot camp
finish main base story
finish main advanced story
finish main expert story
finish main master story
finish origin(character) base story
finish origin(character) advanced story
finish origin(character) expert story
finish origin(character) master story

winner winner chicken dinner- win 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000
loser loser you chicken- lost 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000
its time to stop- timeout lost 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000

streak 15/30/45/60/90...etc
PF score 1 million /10 million/ 100 million..etc
It's over 9000 (Team battle score) 500/3000/over 9000
longshot 10% 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000
longshot 20% 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000
longshot 30% 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000
longshot 40% 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000

kill in air 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000
kill on the ground 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000
kill during stunt 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000

combo hit 10/20/30/40/50...etc

rift battle win 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000
rift battle lost 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000

finish with BB 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000
finish with Skill 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000
kill yourself (any debuff let you die when you do the attack) 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000
last drop of blood(1%HP or 1HP) finish 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000
no BB win 10 fight /100 fight..etc
no skill win 10 fight /100 fight..etc
no BB& skill win 10 fight /100 fight..etc
Kill la Kill (super BB&skill combo) win 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000
Super Novice team against x3 player (no BB/skill/lvl skill tree) win 10 fight/100/1000/10000/300000

spend coin 10000/100000/1000000/10000000
spend theonite 10000/100000/1000000/10000000

there are lots ideas I have not write it down.
maybe you finish total quest quest 85%, you can get player choice of relic
so you can get the specific character you dream about it!