• [2018/06/22]
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Bug - Normal Modifiers not working as intended after 3.1


New Member
May 20, 2018
Reaction score
After update 3.1 it seems that the increase to Attack and Health of Slayer or Juggernaut, etc. buffs in Rifts not showing up. This is making Rifts extremely easy, so any idea when this will be hotfixed? The same modifiers don’t seem to apply in high PF streaks for Dark Element PF this weekend I’ve noticed. I was at a streak of 30-something and there was a 6k FS character in one of the groups. I don’t remember ever seeing FS so low at higher multipliers. Maybe I’m hallucinating but some explanation would help. Thanks!
A hotfix for this issue will be arriving early next week:

Thanks for the report!

Also, the enemies aren't having their FS increased, but the stats from the bonus ATK and HP are applied. Watch out! Enemies in the mirror may be stronger than they appear...
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This got resolved with 3.1.2 update for the most part. I did notice in Rift the bonus to stats disappeared once and then I reloaded and they were back, not sure if that’s a repeat offender bug but the lack of increased Fighter Score seems to be fixed most of the time. Thank you Devs!
A hotfix for this issue will be arriving early next week:

Thanks for the report!

Also, the enemies aren't having their FS increased, but the stats from the bonus ATK and HP are applied. Watch out! Enemies in the mirror may be stronger than they appear...
Hey Liam, after the hot fix I’ve noticed something. When you first view a Rift map, nodes with +atk% and +hp% will have certain fighter score values, but after you click on such a node and then back out, that FS value will be less than when you first saw it. For instance, I was just in a Ridt node that first had a FS of 58k, then I clicked on it to see the fighters inside and noticed their individual FS did not add up to 58k. When I backed out again, the total FS for the node said 40k. So I’m not sure what happened: it could be the original value was correctly taking into account the +atk and +hp modifiers, and then for some reason actually going into the node messed that up. Or it could be that the initial values were doubling down on the additional stats provided by the modifiers.
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The inaccurate Fighter Scores will be fixed for our next update.
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