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Move Slot Capacity


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2019
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Anyone else having to constantly micro manage their moves due to lack of space? I maxed out my move capacity a while back. But as I like to be have and fully equip 2 fighters of each variant I've run out room (one at its own level and one to take to dia). I guess I'm too lazy to build out my fighters with each match. I play every day and don't want to spend my time constantly fiddling around just to be able to open relics especially as there's a few gold and diamonds still to go. Just asking - I'll manage either way.
Same, I'm only keeping one of each variant, but still... Move space is getting low, and it's not just like fighter space where the solution is just to evolve some fodder.
Keeping moves for use on different characters is a recipe for disaster. What happens if soemeone attacks my rift while I take out a critical move to use on a fight? That's just the same as throwing right?

Or worse, I get into a critical fight with 0 moves equipped... I just close the game and wait for a week.
I feel the same, I would have to make the combos less dependent on the blockbusters. To achieve that (by that I mean to maintain interest and that there are no such complaints)
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Hi again. Just wanted to bring this back up. Time moves on, new fighters and even new characters are being added all of which need moves equipped. Please raise the max move slot capacity. Micro managing capacity is a chore and easily remedied.
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The forums are very quiet recently and I don't know if any of the Devs who pass through have seen this. But pretty please - I have masses of unused slots for Catalysts (my rift defense is well catered for) but nowhere near enough slots for Moves for my fighters (with the catalogue continuously expanding). Micro managing maxed out move capacity is probably the most boring and frustrating part of the game as it happens every single day. Dupe Dias is frustrating but its not in the same league because it happens infrequently by comparison. Just a little acknowledgement that you've heard us would be cool. Thanks for your continued efforts on Skullgirls.