• [2018/06/22]
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Characters New character offers going forward should have a $5-10 tier


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
Reaction score
New England
One thing that would greatly increase my willingness to financially support the game when new characters come out is cheaper character bundles. For a mobile game, spending $20 to get the "Launch Offer" with each new character is just ridiculous to me. I'd rather just wait to get the new characters from free-play, even if it was after everyone else already got them. But if there were a $10 offer, or better yet, a $5 offer, I'd be much more likely to jump on it, even if it had only 1 fighter relic.

The $20 launch offer for Robo-Fortune gives you 3 Fighter Relics, 200k coins, 300 Theonite, and 50 skill points. Honestly, for me, I don't need all that. For a new character launch offer, all I really care about is the character. So I'd make one or both of the following offers:

$4.99 Launch Offer - 1x Fighter Relic, 20 skill points
$9.99 Launch Offer - 2x Fighter Relics, 50 skill points (just to give a little added value to the bigger deal)

These proposed offers get right down to the bare essentials for what people want out of a new character offer. And that's fine. The lower price points are much more attractive and sustainable for multiple purchases. I would even consider dropping $5 for a new character I wasn't super stoked for, so long as the microtransaction was actually "micro". A $20 offer is not really "micro". I hope you consider such offers for future new characters, or even implement such an offer for Robo-Fortune before her Prize Fights are added.
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I agree. I do support the game whenever a new character comes out by buying 20 bucks worth of theonite to spend, but the limited offers aren't too interesting to me. If there was a 5-10 buck offer instead maybe i'd be more tempted for certain characters.
@Ryouhi , @TonyPartridge30,

Thanks for the feedback!

The offer prices used for the Robo-Fortune launch were based on data from previous sales, backed by our professionals who know far more about this stuff than myself. You'd think that if we reduce the cost of an offer to 1/4th of the price, we'd get quadruple the sales. However, previous data suggests this isn't necessarily the case.

I understand that $20 isn't a "micro" transaction, but we're doing our best find a sweet spot between that and other F2P games which often focus on $50+ offers and rarely anything else.

That said, we'll definitely consider adding in more lower price point offers in the future

So far, Robo-Fortune's launch is doing well, and we'll be investing that revenue back into the game, and our team, to keep both growing.
@Ryouhi , @TonyPartridge30,

Thanks for the feedback!

The offer prices used for the Robo-Fortune launch were based on data from previous sales, backed by our professionals who know far more about this stuff than myself. You'd think that if we reduce the cost of an offer to 1/4th of the price, we'd get quadruple the sales. However, previous data suggests this isn't necessarily the case.

I understand that $20 isn't a "micro" transaction, but we're doing our best find a sweet spot between that and other F2P games which often focus on $50+ offers and rarely anything else.

That said, we'll definitely consider adding in more lower price point offers in the future

So far, Robo-Fortune's launch is doing well, and we'll be investing that revenue back into the game, and our team, to keep both growing.
Thank you for sharing your thought on the matter as well :)
Also happy to hear that Robo is doing good <3
@Ryouhi , @TonyPartridge30,

Thanks for the feedback!

The offer prices used for the Robo-Fortune launch were based on data from previous sales, backed by our professionals who know far more about this stuff than myself. You'd think that if we reduce the cost of an offer to 1/4th of the price, we'd get quadruple the sales. However, previous data suggests this isn't necessarily the case.

I understand that $20 isn't a "micro" transaction, but we're doing our best find a sweet spot between that and other F2P games which often focus on $50+ offers and rarely anything else.

That said, we'll definitely consider adding in more lower price point offers in the future

So far, Robo-Fortune's launch is doing well, and we'll be investing that revenue back into the game, and our team, to keep both growing.
I can understand using market research to choose what offers work best. Perhaps make lower price point offers available in addition to the ones already there? Perhaps that would make people like me more willing to buy while also keeping the types of offers that your research has shown to be profitable.
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