• [2018/06/22]
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Resolved Not Able to Claim Expert Parallel Realms Accolade

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New Member
Feb 6, 2023
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So, I haven't played SG in a while and I finally decided to do Parallel Nodes. I tried the expert difficulty once and was stopped at the final node, unable to complete it.

That's fine, the next time they refreshed I beat it in Advanced and claimed the respective accolade for it - only to notice that, despite not getting the relic for it, the accolade for completing Expert Parallel Realms was completed.

Assuming it a visual bug, I decided to not report it right then, though I should've.

I then moved on to complete the Expert Parallel Realms, checked my accolades and... I still wasn't able to claim the relic for completing that accolade.
It's a minor thing, but I humbly request this bug be resolved - a Gold/Diamond Relic isn't something I want to just miss out on on a glitch.

In terms of player info, my Skullgirls Mobile account is the same username as it is here: Skulgan. I can provide more information as it is requested.
Update: After checking a little harder, I think I might've mistook the Expert and Master rewards somehow. My apologies. I do remember getting a gold relic from the Expert Parallel accolade now that I've noticed, and I suppose I just forgot I beat it the first go around.
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If you have any other issues with your Accolades you can send a ticket to our customer service team and they can investigate.

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