• [2018/06/22]
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"NUNSENSE" - Strategy and Discussion


Hidden Variable Dev
May 17, 2017
Reaction score

This thread is for discussing the bronze Double variant: "NUNSENSE"
Have something to say about this variant?

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* Please note that the fighter score shown in this image may not reflect the actual fighter score of the variant in game.
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Hmmmm, I'm guessing the SA has something to do with Stunning or disabling
Every time an opponent gets a positive status Double gains haste, and when she's hit she gets the bleed status effect while applying a random negative status effect to the opponent with every bleed stacked...?

well actually the fact that they made double such a lower level than the valentine does leads me to believe though that it might be connected to % of health taken off to trigger the bleed + opponent debuff but idk
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Every time an opponent gets a positive status Double gains haste, and when she's hit she gets the bleed status effect while applying a random negative status effect to the opponent with every bleed stacked...?

well actually the fact that they made double such a lower level than the valentine does leads me to believe though that it might be connected to % of health taken off to trigger the bleed + opponent debuff but idk
I'm thinking that her SA gives opponents a random negative status effect whenever she is afflicted with one herself. They likely made the bleed effect on Val's Dead Cross proc 100% of the time for demonstration purposes.
Every time an opponent gets a positive status Double gains haste, and when she's hit she gets the bleed status effect while applying a random negative status effect to the opponent with every bleed stacked...?
That seems too specific to have it be just about haste and bleed.
Maybe something when inflicting or receiving any status effects? Or a percentage chance?
So 3 negative affects on Val for the 3 bleeds that double acquires.
If you tag her out, and switch in another strong fighter could be great for the stubborn fight with tanky fighters. Or possibly with a Val that can give health back to all players and then revive double with a BB.
There is so much dust here!

Beating the top-tier Frost Fighters.
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