• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: 1.2.1 Update Notes


Game Director
Hidden Variable Dev
May 5, 2017
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
The new 1.2.1 update will be going LIVE as soon as the Maintenance Mode at midnight PT is complete!

What's new, you ask?

  • Lower Level AI has been updated to reduce frustration for newer players, including a reduction to:
    • Blocking Frequency ("Turtling")
    • Throw Break Frequency
    • Punish Frequency
    • Full Combo Usage on Punish
  • Tutorial AI has been reduced to be less challenging
  • AI will now more intelligently use Special Moves and Blockbusters, including awareness of range and when they are and are not vulnerable
    • NOTE: Most notable with higher level AI
  • Eliza’s Daily Event has been added to the Sunday schedule (alongside Parasoul) - use it to collect Eliza Moves and Skill Points!
  • Dash Canceling > Blockbusters
    • You can now “cancel” from Dash attacks into Blockbusters
  • Increased Light Attack > Launcher Reliability
    • Made adjustments to ensure mid-light combo > Launcher transitions were more reliable on a successful hit (especially for Advanced Combos)
    • Fixed bug where BB1 Super Sonic Jazz would loop indefinitely until it collided (which could also cause the game to hang)
      • Now it will loop a fixed number of times regardless of hits
    • Trip attack recovery adjusted to prevent the ability to Trip twice back-to-back before the victim enters wakeup.
    • Fixed Big Top's Skill Tree Signature Ability upgrade path having two nodes that were errantly switched
    • Fixed issue that would cause Sekhmet to loop indefinitely instead of returning to her "sarcophagus"
    • Fixed bug where BB1 Gregor Samson would loop indefinitely until it collided (which could also cause the game to hang). Now it will loop a fixed number of times regardless of hits
    • Fixed graphic issue with SM Drillationship that prevented it from using the proper palletized colors
    • Fixed issue where the starting Max Gear Points for Bad Hair Day were displayed inaccurately
    • Removed temporary invincibility frame from Charge Attack
    • Removed errant meter gain for BB1 Canopy Bounce and BB2 Napalm Shower
    • Fixed issue with Heavy Reign’s Overcast ability that errantly granted meter for Blockbuster-based Critical Hits
    • Removed errant BB Meter gain from BB2 Laryngectomy
    • Fixed bug that would cause certain moves to fire in the wrong direction (sometimes leading to a soft crash) if queued during Valentine’s throw:
      • Big Band - BB3 Tuba Tuba
      • Eliza - BB2 Nekhbet Breaker
      • Valentine - BB1 Countervenom
    • Fortified transition logic so Light Combo Finisher to Launcher is always guaranteed on hit
    • Fixed Painwheel’s “infinite” combo
    • Updated Rusty to use the proper intro animation
    • Fixed issue with Pea Shooter's Vintage Projector ability that would cause it to not increase damage for projectiles
    • Fixed issue where the starting Max Gear Points for Rerun were displayed inaccurately
  • The following moves have been added to all three Moves Relics and Daily Event drop tables:
    • Big Band - SM Sweet Clarinet
    • Big Band - BB2 Tympani Drive
    • Cerebella - SM Pummel Horse
    • Filia - SM Ringlet Spike
    • Painwheel - SM Gae Bolga Stinger
    • Peacock - SM Boxcar George
    • Peacock - BB2 Lonesome Lenny
    • Valentine - SM Forbidden Procedure
    • Players who scored 0 in a Prize Fight were not getting rewards, but WERE being included in the percentile rankings for rewards - this has been fixed
    • This is why many players with relatively low scores were showing up in higher than expected Rank Reward tiers
    • Updated UX flow to take you back to Match Preview instead of the Events screen after a fight to speed up the time between fights
    • Now, the BEST team you have used (based on FS) for a given Event will be the “rep” team that other players will see
    • Previously, your LAST team was always what was recorded as your “rep” team for a given event
    • UPDATE (6/8): This is not in fact present in this update and will be included in a future update instead. Apologies for the mix up.
    • Added "x" to win streak multiplier display (ex: "4x" instead of "4")
    • Fixed errant display of score/rewards during fight results of a Prize Fight after all milestone rewards have been earned
    • Fixed a bug where sometimes continuing a prepped Prize Fight would errantly burn your local energy
    • Fixed issue where some "Seed" teams did not have moves equipped
    • Added FIGHT button to the Team Select screen to speed up time between fights
    • Added color/pulsing logic to the Timer when it drops below 1:00 to make it clearer that time is about to run out
    • Darkened Bronze Move and Character Portraits/Icons to better distinguish them from Gold versions
    • When upgrading a Move, the UPGRADED fanfare now indicates which sub-stat was upgraded
    • Updated the Element Icons to be more Dark Deco-y
    • Updated Feedback button to redirect to the official Skullgirls Mobile forums
    • Updated logic to properly display Team Constraints in the pre-fight "Match Modifiers" pop-up
    • Fixed bug that would cause XP/Level Up events to be errantly reported, showing that you gained more XP than you actually received and occasionally errantly showing Level Ups and Energy refills that didn’t actually happen
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: This bug did NOT prevent any Fighters from getting XP that they should have earned
    • Enemy teams will now properly select from all possible Moves (including Blockbusters) when randomly picking their Moves (previously randomized Moves would only select Special Moves)
    • Fixed a bug that allowed you to tap on the HP bars for characters and reveal debug text
    • Fixed a bug that would cause a soft crash when certain moves were queued right as the fight timer was expiring
    • Updated Egret Boot Camp so the intro dialogue doesn’t play after you’ve completed (but not 100%ed) it
  • Updated logic for permissions prompts to include pop-ups that explain what each permission is for, along with a clearer error message and UX flow if you can't login because you are missing a required permission
  • Fortified the Tutorial with a number of small fixes, including:
    • Argus Agony not properly killing Valentine at times
    • Ensure Moves are hidden until they are introduced
    • Having Valentine walk into Big Band a little earlier so she can reliably be hit by Brass Knuckles
  • Fixed timing of skill tree prompts so that the player can't tap the Health node too early
  • Added extra step at the end of the Tutorial to force players into Story mode
There are still more issues to address and improvements to make, we're already hard at work on the next update!

As always, please share your feedback about what changes you like, and what you’d like for us to add next. We’re listening!
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Will the removal of zero point scorers affect the rewards for this current pf?
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Reactions: MightyZug
Painwheel had an infinite combo? And the endless loop of BigBand what made him more reliable on tag in (in my opinion) anyway great update can't wait to test out 1.2.1
Bye-bye to getting 1-10% rewards with 300K score (ಥ﹏ಥ)
So when can we update our account names?

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Can't wait for that Eliza daily event!

Also were Eliza moves added to the regular move relics?
Question: Is Eliza in relics yet?

Can we get her skills off move relics at all?
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  • Fixed bug that would cause XP/Level Up events to be errantly reported, showing that you gained more XP than you actually received and occasionally errantly showing Level Ups and Energy refills that didn’t actually happen

Thank you Jesus. Very good improvements, keep it up!

On the other hand, a few questions.
  1. Which change made some characters regress their overall power score? Have one that lowered it from 78X to 678.
  2. Is the power score cap for bronze fighters 1.320? Or is this unintended?
  3. I have to admit that I've been getting the 'rank 1 - 10' Prize Fights rewards in Bronze on multiple occasions not because of the 0 points thing, but rather 'cause after reaching 10~15 winning streak, I can loop and farm the same opponent forever. Dunno if this is intended (doubt it) or if it's just how it is.
  4. Also, I know there are a lot of issues and am sure the team is working non-stop on new features and stuff, but are we getting more fighters? For real tho. Because as a prequel to Skullgirls, it's noted that Ms. Fortune's still human, which disqualifies her instantly, for example.
All in all, ty for the patch!
Painwheel had an infinite combo? And the endless loop of BigBand what made him more reliable on tag in (in my opinion) anyway great update can't wait to test out 1.2.1
Yeah her infinite was:
(Tap -> Dash Attack) x Infinity​
It seems the update no longer allows you to dash mid-combo with Painwheel.

Interestingly Cerebella's is also fixed. With the combo hits upgrade, her infinite was:
Tap -> Tap -> Dash Attack​
In 1.2.1 this is no longer a true combo string.
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Reactions: BambooEarpick
Question: Is Eliza in relics yet?

Can we get her skills off move relics at all?
From what the game has said now that it's been updated, Eliza now has daily events! Relics shouldn't be too far from now, though likely once they implement her into the relics her moves should be then in the move relic pool. For now, we'll just have to contend with farming moves and skill points from her new daily event on Sunday.
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  1. Also, I know there are a lot of issues and am sure the team is working non-stop on new features and stuff, but are we getting more fighters? For real tho. Because as a prequel to Skullgirls, it's noted that Ms. Fortune's still human, which disqualifies her instantly, for example.
All in all, ty for the patch!
I'm hoping they either come up with an excuse or just handwave the inclusion of characters that only fight in the "main" plotline like Ms. Fortune and Squigly. Hell, wasn't Painwheel only running around after the start of the main game?
I'm hoping they either come up with an excuse or just handwave the inclusion of characters that only fight in the "main" plotline like Ms. Fortune and Squigly. Hell, wasn't Painwheel only running around after the start of the main game?
Actually, if I recall correctly, Valentine states the fighters in game are simply pulled from alternate universes! So I suppose that's meant to technically acknowledge the other characters rather than using the same old plot line. I imagine this is to reinforce that the player and the characters they pick are just an extension of us probably?

Though on Painwheel, Trinity knows only because tbh who knows what else is running around in New Meridian with the Skullgirl loose and girls with parasites fighting other girls with parasites and a retired wrestler suddenly grappling a police detective now covered in musical instruments is exactly what I think of the game's plot line. All for either a wish or to destroy the opportunity for one. I'm very fond of it.
Was the knock down attack after an air combo taken out for Cerebella? I used to combo from thrown into knock down or air combo into knock down.
I'd say comboes got worse to hit. The final attack+trip doesn't work anymore, final attack+launcher is now almost impossible to do as Filia, and AI Parasoul is frequently missing air comboes.
Did Rerun Peacock get nerfed in any way? My attack was >700 before the patch, and now it's 561. My fight score also went down from >900 to 809. It doesn't have anything to do with gear, all the gear I had equipped in 1.2.0 is still equipped.
was Diamonds Are Forever BB2 for Cerebella always meant to have such a quick startup and priority when being combo'd? Twice tonight I've started a combo on cerebella only to have it interrupted two hits in by an immediate Diamonds.

Edit: Noticed it occur with merri-go-rilla also. Did something change with Cerebella's hit stun?
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I'd say comboes got worse to hit. The final attack+trip doesn't work anymore, final attack+launcher is now almost impossible to do as Filia, and AI Parasoul is frequently missing air comboes.

Air comboes seem to be adjusted after 1.2.1 for some reason.

You can now easily MISS air comboes on ANY character if you don't tap fast enough. Enemies also frequently miss air comboes which is a bit strange...

Cerebella's sweep doesn't register and has an invisible hit box after she uses her skill/moves for some reason.

a lot of comboes are now harder to register.

Painwheel also can ONE hit you with her combo using SM Gae Bolga Stinger. I had my 7k cerebella get one hit ko'ed at the START of the fight when Painwheel basically did a combo, air combo, ground combo then while i was still on the ground hit me with a gae bolga stinger LOL.