This sounds like a general connection issue then. Most screen transitions require a call to our server when you perform actions.It felt like it's happening with all loading screens. I finished a PF fight and the loading screen after the XP gains took awhile (like a good 15-20 sec). When selecting a fight node in Story or Daily Events, it takes a few seconds to bring up the "VS" screen (this might be what you were talking about). When I go from PF to home screen, it's instant, but when I went from home screen to Daily Events, the "Connecting" screen took longer to load than usual. Also whenever I open the app, the "Authorizing" step of logging in takes longer than usual, and the Daily Missions screen pops up everytime I open the app and it takes awhile to load.
Could you tell me which region you're connecting from? Has anything changed on your connection between 2.3 and 2.4?