• [2018/06/22]
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Game Director
Hidden Variable Dev
May 5, 2017
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Hey everyone!

Wow, 2017 was a crazy year! Seems like only yesterday (it was MAY!) that we launched Skullgirls around the world. Since then, we’ve seen Eliza, Beowulf, and Double charge onto the scene, explored brand new Origin Stories, added Medici Prize Fights (by popular demand), and even implemented a brand new 3D stage into the game!

With the impending transition to our own services independent of LINE, there are a TON of things we’re excited to be able to include in Skullgirls moving forward (a small portion of which you’ll already see in 2.0). While this post still leaves a bit to the imagination, it will still hopefully whet your appetite for the year to come!

Many of the features below are going to be discussed in very broad terms. This is intentional. While our goals remain fixed - the route we take to achieve them often changes once we sink our teeth into the task at hand (and a little air of mystery is nice from time to time).

As such, what we describe below may not 100% match exactly what makes it into the game - it should at least give you an idea of where our priorities lie in the not too distant future.

So, without further ado - let’s dive in!
  • NEW CHARACTERS - Squigly! Ms Fortune! Robo Fortune! All will be joining Skullgirls in 2018! There may even be some special appearances from some reclusive characters we all know and love...

  • ORIGIN STORIES - Parasoul! Filia! Eliza! Beowulf! We’ll continue to release new Origin Stories for all your favorite characters!

  • NEW WAYS TO GROW YOUR FIGHTERS - Marquee Abilities (for those who remember them from Beta) will be making a comeback! We’ll also be providing new uses for duplicate instances of the same character, and - perhaps - even a new Tier of Fighters even greater than gold...

  • PRIZE FIGHT IMPROVEMENTS - Updated Prize Fight schedules, the ability to manually set defense teams (and get rewards based on how they perform), new modifiers at certain streak levels, more visibility into Rank Reward cutoffs, and more!

  • SILVER / GOLD RELIC SHARDS - Instead of just the “Shard to Get” Relic, we plan to implement a tiered “shard” system (Bronze Fighters beget Silver Relic Shards, Silver Fighters beget Gold Relic Shards, etc) to provide a more reliable path to rarer characters.

  • DIRECT PURCHASE STORE - A special section to the Store where players are presented with a list of Fighters, Moves, Relics and Keys that are randomly selected and regularly refreshed that are all for sale for varying amounts of Canopy Coins.

  • CONTENT FOR END GAME PLAYERS - We know there are those of you out there with max L50 Gold Characters in abundance - we want to make sure there are fun, rewarding challenges that have been built with you in mind!
...and biggest and best of all…
  • SOCIAL FEATURES - Ever since the beginning, we’ve always had plans to add new social features to Skullgirls. Now that we no longer need to address LINE restrictions, we can begin building friend lists, chat, “guilds”, and supporting cooperative / competitive modes to go along with it!
This only scratches the surface of some of the things we have in store for the rest of the year. We are 100% committed to continuing to grow the Skullgirls Mobile experience in new and exciting ways to ensure that there is always a wide array of interesting, varied, fun, and challenging content for you all to enjoy throughout the year.

All that said, much of this depends on how successfully the game performs in early 2018. As such, we will need your help!

After January 18th (once we’ve re-launched), please help us spread the word! Friends, influencers, YouTubers, you name it! If you know anyone that you think will enjoy Skullgirls and/or can help signal boost it to those who will, please share a link to the app and tell them what you think.

Lastly, if there’s anything in particular you are hoping to see (either as a part of the items mentioned above or as something new entirely), don’t be shy about sharing them below - we’re always listening!

Thanks once again for all of your support - here’s to a successful relaunch and a feature-laden 2018!


Charley (and the Skullgirls Mobile team)
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Social features in MY mobile game? I think not :mad:

In all seriousness, very excited for the things to come. Thanks for the hard work so far, and thanks for the hard work to come ;)

The direct purchase store sounds like a problem considering I'm too busy spending all my coins on upgrading stuff haha, new fighter upgrades are something I'm definitely looking forward to.
Squigly was the first listed on the new fighters section so I'll be ready to spend all my cash.

EDIT: Subscribe HVS facts
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Many of the things I read pleased me. Possibility to have something above gold. From Bring more content like guilds and chat in the game a real-time PvP mode with solo and guild competition. That's really good. I already bought my card google for help with what I can to this game grow up brought few friends who play. What else is missing in the game now is online mode in real time. And bring some way that will give the player unique abilities linked to tree to differentiate player in max level one from the other. Something that I would have to redo every month to get this unique bonus.
which would have a different roll every month.
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Perfect, I love that now they put the rest of the closed beta test features. But I have some suggestions to make SG Mobile more popular:
1. A little more optimization: The optimizations they do are fine, but they should also think about the other players who can not play for compatibility. Example: Put an option next to the light effects option that indicates putting the scenes in 2D (like photos attached to improve a little more the performance in mid-range devices)
2. Promotion of the original game: Now that Autumn games is will take charge of the game, and Lab Zero is gaining a lot of HYPE thanks to Indivisible, they could take advantage to put options so that players who have only known Skullgirls by SG Mobile, are encouraged to buy the Skullgirls Original Console Game (SG 2nd Encore) putting Xbox , Play Station and Steam as options to buy, I hope you take into account these suggestions that I am just commenting to you to help congratulations on the development and much success this 2018.
Woo exciting! Here's hoping for a spectacular second year!

Just to save some folks the effort of digging them up, Marquee Abilities were envisioned as a second, unlockable Character Ability. You would be able to choose which Ability you wanted active, but never both of them. As Zug says up there though, all of this is liable to change a lot before they ever appear. The final Marquee Ability might be something completely different when officially announced.

Here's the beta MAs, helpfully transcribed by @moisterrific :
  • Filia - BLOODLETTING (10% of the damage Filia inflicts is regained as HEALTH, Every HIT has a 10% chance to convert a BLEED effect to HEAVY BLEED)
  • Cerebella - CIRCUS CIRCUS (THROWS drain 15% meter from the opponent's BLOCKBUSTERS, THROWS quickly builds SUPER METER for teammates in reserve)
  • Parasoul - HYPER-CRITICAL (Parasoul gains a 3% bonus to CRIT RATE per ACTIVE TEAR, Parasoul gains a 5% bonus to CRIT DAMAGE per ACTIVE TEAR)
  • Valentine - ICU (While Valentine is the point Fighter, teammates in reserve will regenerate all HEALTH not just SCRATCH DAMAGE, As the point Fighter, all teammates now slowly regain SCRATCH DAMAGE)
  • Peacock - TOON TIME (When Peacock or any teammate uses a SPECIAL MOVE, there is a 15% chance that the COOLDOWN will immediately reset, When Peacock or any teammate uses a TAG IN, there is a 15% chance that the COOLDOWN will immediately reset)
  • Big Band - MAESTRO (Gain a permanent ARMOR and ENRAGE buff when Big Band has no living teammates, Gain a permanent ARMOR and ENRAGE buff for every living teammate)
  • Painwheel - TORTURED SOUL (When an opponent lands a CRITICAL HIT, 5000% of the damage will be reflected back, All DEBUFFS will be removed from Painwheel anytime an opponent lands a CRITICAL HIT) [I think that 5000% typo was actually in the beta :p]
Again, remember these are OLD. MAs when they get added will almost certainly be completely different.

I'm realy excited for those new PF changes. Defense teams and new modifiers at high streaks sound fun!
I’m so very excited for all of these cool new things! I’ve always wanted those social features and new fighters!

If a tier better than Gold is indeed added, will it be called Platinum? I think so. I hope so.

I don’t know if anyone will agree with me, but I think it should be possible to purchase bronze/silver/gold keys in the shop instead of only being able to get them in Prize Fights. I dunno, that’s just me.
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2. Promotion of the original game: Now that Autumn games is will take charge of the game, and Lab Zero is gaining a lot of HYPE thanks to Indivisible, they could take advantage to put options so that players who have only known Skullgirls by SG Mobile, are encouraged to buy the Skullgirls Original Console Game (SG 2nd Encore) putting Xbox , Play Station and Steam as options to buy, I hope you take into account these suggestions that I am just commenting to you to help congratulations on the development and much success this 2018.
They could also do that one thing Mortal Kombat X did with like special bonuses if you played the mobile game, tho idk how that'd go down. "Get Annie sooner than end game in Indivisible if you get a Skullgirls Mobile account!" or something flkdsjfsjlh

Looking like a fantastic update! Connectivity is a big thing I was hoping for with the future of this game, can't wait to see how you implement them! Hope you have fun and go nuts with it

Also I'm guessing the highest tier is either Diamond, Platinum, orrr Theonite tier possibly
Happy year and really deserve applause, as a game that is independent and fighting was what I expected..... like many years ago talk about Kof or Tekken or Street Fighter is already very common but a game that led to more is awesome...... I hope them achieve a lot of success.

May Bastet bless them guys.
  • NEW CHARACTERS - Squigly! Ms Fortune! Robo Fortune! All will be joining Skullgirls in 2018! There may even be some special appearances from some reclusive characters we all know and love...
What about Fukua? Will she be joining Skullgirls or no?

Anyway, VERY excited to see all these implemented! Skullgirls has easily become my favorite mobile game to play ever. The team is so nice to their Free to Play members it's great. Thank you all for such a great game, and here's to 2018 being another great year for Skullgirls!
What about Fukua? Will she be joining Skullgirls or no?

Anyway, VERY excited to see all these implemented! Skullgirls has easily become my favorite mobile game to play ever. The team is so nice to their Free to Play members it's great. Thank you all for such a great game, and here's to 2018 being another great year for Skullgirls!
In the Twitter of Sg Mobile it has been confirmed that she will never appear since Fukua is not a canon and the real Filia has some of her Special Moves and Blockbusters.
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In the Twitter of Sg Mobile it has been confirmed that she will never appear since Fukua is not a canon and the real Filia has some of her Special Moves and Blockbusters.
That's not entirely true. Since I can't seem to link, check Skullgirls Mobile twitter, under the Robo-Fortune poster link comments.

Edit: After looking a bit more through the SG Mobile twitter account. They never said anything about leaving out Fukua. In fact, they mentioned twice that they actually plan on adding her in some form, but nothing set in stone, since she's a lower priority than the rest of the main and DLC cast.
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In the Twitter of Sg Mobile it has been confirmed that she will never appear since Fukua is not a canon and the real Filia has some of her Special Moves and Blockbusters.
As someone above said, the devs have never said they would be leaving Fukua out. Peacock got the car BB thats usually unique to Double, and Double just ended up getting the same move (and a bunch of other moves unique to Double were given to other characters too), so Filia having Fukua's moves won't be that big of a deal.
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Yeah, I remember talking to them on one of the threads that theyre definitely bringing her in, just a matter of figuring out how. Tge mobile games in universe explanation for the fighters actually makes it easier to explain fukai since its dealing with alt verse clones.
I do not know anymore when you lose a match and leave it was not supposed to have consequences and lose % exp and loot? But I realize that you do not lose anything. There was a time when I left the game by mistake and when i went to redo got it all in half. I wanted to know why this not clear in the game. Because even losing and redoing you has no consequence. until when you close the application and you come back do not lose anything which for me this would also be a quit. Good guess that losing and giving up by closing the application should have consequences.
I do not know anymore when you lose a match and leave it was not supposed to have consequences and lose % exp and loot? But I realize that you do not lose anything. There was a time when I left the game by mistake and when i went to redo got it all in half. I wanted to know why this not clear in the game. Because even losing and redoing you has no consequence. until when you close the application and you come back do not lose anything which for me this would also be a quit. Good guess that losing and giving up by closing the application should have consequences.
If you quit the game midway through a fight you don't get the rewards. You lose streak and don't get any points. Not sure about node rewards or exp but Im pretty sure you don't get those either.
If you quit the game midway through a fight you don't get the rewards. You lose streak and don't get any points. Not sure about node rewards or exp but Im pretty sure you don't get those either.

More if you lose. You have the possibility to try it straight if you have energy. the issue is that you have the option to come back and nothing happens if you come back. Even if you close the game in the middle of the fight and you return to redo you win everything 100%. That's what I'm talking about.
More if you lose. You have the possibility to try it straight if you have energy. the issue is that you have the option to come back and nothing happens if you come back. Even if you close the game in the middle of the fight and you return to redo you win everything 100%. That's what I'm talking about.
If you lose and come back you get 100% rewards too
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I'm looking forward to the new game! I've waited for Squigly since Beowulf was released, I really hope you add Squigly's Beetlejuice skin! That one and Peacock's Joker are my favourites!! :D
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