• [2018/06/22]
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Game Director
Hidden Variable Dev
May 5, 2017
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
It’s that time again - our preview of what to expect from Skullgirls Mobile in 2021!


As many of you are no doubt aware, this post is coming a bit later than usual. While there are a number of factors at play - the most notable has been the fact that Hidden Variable has recently taken over development of Skullgirls 2nd Encore (SG2E) in addition to Skullgirls Mobile (SGM) as a result of the events of last year, all of which has kept us pretty busy!

While we have done our best to reallocate team members internally to help give both titles the support they need, at the end of the day we are still a small (but growing) team adapting to juggling a lot of new development.

One of the key goals we had for the start of 2021 was to ensure that we had an established, sustainable strategy in place for new content for both SG2E and SGM, hence our announcement of the SG2E Season 1 Pass and our partnership with Future Club which promises (at least) 3 additional brand new characters in the months to come.

Now that Annie / Season 1 has launched successfully on Steam Early Access, we are in the process of finalizing tuning changes for her (and other characters), finishing her Story Mode, and prepping the DLC update for PS4, all within the next couple of months. While there’s still plenty to do, once these initial releases are out of the way, we expect to have more bandwidth and flexibility to recalibrate our development efforts across SGM and SG2E.

While this has all required a bit of extra up front attention to properly set up, we’re confident that this investment in our development pipeline and process will help us set the right foundation for both versions in 2021 and beyond.

Of course, we still have plenty in store for SGM that we can’t wait to share with you (more on that below!), but we just wanted to provide some context up front in light of the unique circumstances.

Thanks (as always) for your patience and support! <3

2020 RECAP

As a quick reminder of all of the fun stuff we accomplished over the course of the past year:
  • FUKUA emerged from our dreams to haunt our reality. We all now have nightmares of Splitting Image to show for it.
  • ANNIE OF THE STARS at long last made the leap from the silver screen, kicking off a whole new set of Characters still to come! (Sagan also stole the Loading Screen spotlight from George… for now).
  • Rift Battles got a HUGE update to make them completely asynchronous.
  • Molly setup Mission Control, introducing Accolades and Deployments.
  • Heaps of new BUFFS (Miasma, Auto-Block) and DEBUFFS (Fatigue, Guard Break, Immobilize) were added. You’re welcome / We’re sorry!
  • Adding up Annie, Fukua, and Holiday Fighters (Gang Green, Time Thief, and Beast King), 25 New Fighters joined the fray.
  • Shiny Fighters are Shiny! Good luck with that REDACTED% chance to get them!
  • Teeby and the Viewing Parlour burst onto the scene to provide the RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS content you all craved.
  • Event Prize Fight rewards were updated to be juicier.
  • We added the Fighter Catalog to make it easier to review the SAs for every Fighter and what you need to complete your Collection.
For a trip down memory lane, we recommend browsing through our Update Notes to see how far we’ve come. Now, on to 2021!


Just like our 2020, 2019, and 2018 Preview posts, the features below are going to be discussed in very broad terms. This is intentional. While we have clear goals, the route we take to achieve them often changes once we sink our teeth into the task at hand (and a little air of mystery is nice from time to time).

As such, what we describe below may not 100% match exactly what makes it into the game - it should at least give you an idea of where our priorities lie in the not too distant future.


While there’s a lot to talk about, the sets of features we have planned for 2021 fall into these two main categories:

1. New Content
All the traditional favorites! Characters/Fighters, Master Story Modes, Origin Stories, etc.

2. Quality of Life Updates to Old Modes & Systems
While many of the current gameplay modes have served us well over the years, we know many of them are a little long in the tooth and could benefit from updates to better serve their original intended purposes while minimizing tedium.

As noted earlier, we are hard at work with Future Club on our 2nd brand new character! Unlike Annie, who launched on mobile first and then made her way to SG2E months later, we are building this new character with the intention of both characters being made available at (more or less) the same time.

Expect all the standard goodies that come with a new character -- a slew of new Fighters, Prize Fights, Daily Events, Relics, plus a new stage and more. We’ll be announcing the new character in the near-ish future, so stay tuned to our social accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) and/or the official Discord for the latest news.

Leveling up your Fighters in Skullgirls requires a lot of time, energy, and resources. While some of this is by design (we are a F2P Fighting RPG, after all), there are definitely aspects of it that have proven to be more tedious than originally intended.

As such, to help improve this moving forward, we plan to explore a number of options, including those below:

XP Events
As many of you are already aware, we recently did a test run of a new XP Event called Holodeck Hazards that was very well received. We are in the process of taking all of that feedback into account to make the event more rewarding/viable for a wider variety of players and to determine a schedule of availability that is a little bit less demanding. Stay tuned!

XP Consumables
While it can be awesome to get a new Fighter that you’ve been coveting for ages, we know it can be disheartening to know - even with XP Boosts - how long it will be before that Fighter will be leveled up enough to be in a usable state. As such, we are exploring XP Consumables that you could collect and spend to immediately provide significant spikes of XP.

We know it’s common practice for players to level up “food” Fighters that will eventually be used for Evolution so you can wring as many Skill Points out of them as possible. We are exploring revisions to the Evolution process that will render this process obsolete.

Duplicate Fighters
Although we added ways for players to consume Diamond Fighters to beget resources, we are interested in exploring more methods by which Duplicate Fighters can provide more value to your Collection in the future.

For many players, the vast majority of their time is spent playing one of these two modes, each of which have known points of friction that we’re eager to improve upon.

Daily Events
While Dailies provide a reliable source of Skill Points, Gold Moves, and Canopy Coins, the process of “mining” the event for those rewards ceases to be compelling as players progress into the mid-late game. We are looking into ways in which players who have established mastery over that content will be able to glean those rewards with far less effort and overhead.

Prize Fights
When Skullgirls Mobile first launched, Gold Prize Fights were invaluable tools for burgeoning mid-game players to be able to secure Gold Fighters for each Character to help bolster their Collection, conquer new content, and facilitate Diamond Evolution. As time has gone on, the PF point thresholds required for players to achieve the top 10% reward has gotten so high that this is no longer a reliable source for those players.

As such, we are looking into ways in which we can provide more compelling and rewarding Prize Fight content for late game players so that Gold Prize Fights can cater to their original intended audience and more closely fill their original role.

While there is a certain purity to raw RNG, our current Relic logic leaves much to be desired, especially for players who covet certain Fighters. As such, we are planning to explore methods by which players will be able to exhibit more agency to get the Fighters that they want.

This really speaks to two different chunks of content - Master Origin Stories and Brand New Origin Stories:

Master Origin Stories
We are excited to provide (long overdue) Master versions to our existing Origin Stories! Specifics are TBD, but you can expect that they will roll out in the order that they were originally released.

Brand New Origin Stories
These are a little bit trickier to predict given the array of resources required to deliver them (and how some of that overlaps with the resources needed for new Character development), but we are itching to do more of these as soon as we can. While we can’t strictly promise a new Origin Story before the end of 2021, know that it’s something we’ll be pushing for!

While the ultimate priority of these features is still TBD, we wanted to briefly acknowledge them to reassure you that they are indeed on our radar, even if their fate for 2021 is still up in the air:
  • New “Everests” to provide challenging content for late game players (e.g. a "Tower of Trials")
  • Move Loadouts and other Move Organization improvements
  • Move Stat Rerolling/Augmentation
  • Voice Packs
  • Fight Replays
Prioritizing features inherently means deprioritizing others. Without going into all of them, we minimally wanted to acknowledge one key feature (or set of features) that we know are top of mind for many of you:


I mean, when you think about it, “Soon” is relative, right? 😅

In brief, while we’re incredibly excited about the potential for Guilds and Guild-related Content, to do so properly requires a fair amount of infrastructure and supporting features. We have a plan, but realistically we feel that fortifying the core of the game per the notes above are ultimately more important for our long term success.

Looking forward to sharing more about our Guild plans as we approach 2022!


In the absence of our ability to physically gather, we’ve been looking for more opportunities to do live event-style giveaways. First up, look no further than the recently announced Skullgirls Championship Series! Make sure to tune in to the Qualifiers and Finals to unlock access to juicy in-game prizes.

Also, two of our team members stream regularly on Twitch and are known to periodically give away goodies -- be sure to follow TheAlmightyBones (Twitch, Twitter) and JujuBlu (Twitch, Twitter) so you don’t miss out!

That's about it!

Needless to say, we couldn’t be more excited about what the future holds, and we wouldn’t be in the position to be able to give Skullgirls the attention it deserves without your dedication and support.

Lastly, if there’s anything in particular you are hoping to see in 2021 (either as a part of the items mentioned above or as something new entirely), don’t be shy about sharing them below - we’re always listening!

Thanks once again for all of your support!

<3 MightyZug (Charley) and all of us at Hidden Variable:

Pen Stroke Pony
Sam Handwich
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Thanks so much for supporting this amazing game! We couldn't have done it without you guys. Anyways, are there any plans that SG2E will get half or most of what SGM has content-wise, as far as game modes and QoL improvements are considered? Also, looking forward to the next DLC character being announced in the near future! The future surely looks bright for the game indeed! 😁👍
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So, basically you'll focus con tweaks and changes and some additional but not completely NEW content this year... Well I'm glad to see that, when you talk about upgrade the daily events for the older players, my eyes shone.
I'm really excited about the next Update coz idk what to spect: additions, tweaks, RADICAL CHANGES oh boy, I'm HYPING
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Reactions: Hikalgo
Thanks for keeping the new content rolling. You guys Rock! I am super stoked for the next new character (Minette anyone?) but I'm also really excited to hear about your plans for getting more from duplicates and turning the holes in your catalogue into your most wanted variant!! Woohoo!!!

What I'm hoping NOT to see (pretty please) is an autobattle feature that means you can complete your dailies with the push of a button - whether that's for free or at the cost of some theonite/canopy coins. I used to play Angry Birds Evo and that got to the stage where late game you needed to focus on farming way to much in order to continue to compete and there was just too much to do. Every single day. They tried to solve this with an auto-battle feature that just showed the result of a fight (level skipping) and all it did was take the fun out of the game.

What I would love to see is a mirror mode with the attacking orientation switched Right to Left. Simple as that. I used to love that feature in Xtreme G (yeah it's a racer and I know I'm showing my age). But it was one helluva lot of fun to play because your brain had gotten so used to processing movement in the original orientation.

Anyhow, whatever you end up implementing, I know you're going to do it exceptionally well because you're you. You Rock. You're the Skullgirls Mobile Devs and the RNG Gods shine on you.
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Wow! So much going on in my head after first read so here are some main reactions.

Glad to hear HVS is still growing and that the transition to also develop 2e went well. Gonna miss Liam’s presence here but good luck to you all!

QoL is finally here! Move loadout can’t come sooner. Also, just knowing that there is a vision to reshape the core of the game with renewing old content is just so exciting. Can’t wait to learn more details to what daily and PF will be like. Will I finally be able to have a life without a phone glued to my hand running fight assist 24/7?

RNG - I know this was a core philosophy of the game at launch and respect that perspective from a business point of view. Really glad that it won’t be 100% RNG anymore with getting a specific variant, as well as move rerolls. Even if it will be a slow process, having a long term goal to counter RNG is an extremely healthy decision to keep us long time OG players engaged with the game. Thank you!

Guild - You said it very well Zug. It makes more sense to implement guild when there is content to support it. We have a vibrant discord community (and I know other language groups have their own communities as well on other platforms) that have been functioning as guilds for us all along, at least for the communications aspect. I have noticed a lot of new players joining the game since Fukua release so congrats to you guys for a successful marketing and outreach efforts. With a solid younger player base secured, fortifying the core of the game next will give us that foundation to then embrace guild in much more meaningful way next year.

All in all this is without a doubt the most exciting roadmap since game launch for me. I’m so proud to be a part of this community and can’t wait to experience all the upcoming updates!
Being able to more specifically pursue specific fighters would be awesome. Ideally I'd like a way to craft them out of spare fighters of the same type and rarity, but even just controlling the RNG to some degree would be great. As an end game player, I often let my premiere relics just sit until new fighters get added to them because the odds of getting one of the half dozen golds I'm missing is to slim to bother with.
We know it’s common practice for players to level up “food” Fighters that will eventually be used for Evolution so you can wring as many Skill Points out of them as possible. We are exploring revisions to the Evolution process that will render this process obsolete.
Ayy, hope this gets implemented. So excited! Thank you devs!
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Please please please... do SOMETHING about the hackers! At least ban the ones that are obvious!!! I've seen hackers been reported for months and still not get banned. I even asked one of the Devs in game about this matter, and the answer is : let's not talk about it. Like... what? I'm actually curious do the devs even bother to look at the Hacker report forum at all.
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Reactions: Hikalgo
I stopped playing skullgirls Mobile intensely a few years ago but they seem to want to give the game more seriousness, and that is something I will always appreciate and they will receive my support to make this game more respectable.
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Reactions: Codlugarthia
É aquela época de novo - nossa prévia do que esperar do Skullgirls Mobile em 2021!


Como muitos de vocês sem dúvida sabem, este post chegará um pouco mais tarde do que o normal. Embora haja uma série de fatores em jogo - o mais notável foi o fato de que a Hidden Variable assumiu recentemente o desenvolvimento de Skullgirls 2 ° Encore (SG2E), além de Skullgirls Mobile (SGM) como resultado dos eventos do ano passado , tudo isso nos manteve muito ocupados!

Embora tenhamos feito o nosso melhor para realocar os membros da equipe internamente para ajudar a dar a ambos os títulos o suporte de que precisam, no final do dia ainda somos uma equipe pequena (mas crescente ) que está se adaptando a muitos novos desenvolvimentos.

One of the key goals we had for the start of 2021 was to ensure that we had an established, sustainable strategy in place for new content for both SG2E and SGM, hence our announcement of the SG2E Season 1 Pass and our partnership with Future Club which promises (at least) 3 additional brand new characters in the months to come.

Now that Annie / Season 1 has launched successfully on Steam Early Access, we are in the process of finalizing tuning changes for her (and other characters), finishing her Story Mode, and prepping the DLC update for PS4, all within the next couple of months. While there’s still plenty to do, once these initial releases are out of the way, we expect to have more bandwidth and flexibility to recalibrate our development efforts across SGM and SG2E.

While this has all required a bit of extra up front attention to properly set up, we’re confident that this investment in our development pipeline and process will help us set the right foundation for both versions in 2021 and beyond.

Of course, we still have plenty in store for SGM that we can’t wait to share with you (more on that below!), but we just wanted to provide some context up front in light of the unique circumstances.

Thanks (as always) for your patience and support! <3

2020 RECAP

As a quick reminder of all of the fun stuff we accomplished over the course of the past year:
  • FUKUA emerged from our dreams to haunt our reality. We all now have nightmares of Splitting Image to show for it.
  • ANNIE OF THE STARS at long last made the leap from the silver screen, kicking off a whole new set of Characters still to come! (Sagan also stole the Loading Screen spotlight from George… for now).
  • Rift Battles got a HUGE update to make them completely asynchronous.
  • Molly setup Mission Control, introducing Accolades and Deployments.
  • Heaps of new BUFFS (Miasma, Auto-Block) and DEBUFFS (Fatigue, Guard Break, Immobilize) were added. You’re welcome / We’re sorry!
  • Adding up Annie, Fukua, and Holiday Fighters (Gang Green, Time Thief, and Beast King), 25 New Fighters joined the fray.
  • Shiny Fighters are Shiny! Good luck with that REDACTED% chance to get them!
  • Teeby and the Viewing Parlour burst onto the scene to provide the RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS content you all craved.
  • Event Prize Fight rewards were updated to be juicier.
  • We added the Fighter Catalog to make it easier to review the SAs for every Fighter and what you need to complete your Collection.
For a trip down memory lane, we recommend browsing through our Update Notes to see how far we’ve come. Now, on to 2021!


Just like our 2020, 2019, and 2018 Preview posts, the features below are going to be discussed in very broad terms. This is intentional. While we have clear goals, the route we take to achieve them often changes once we sink our teeth into the task at hand (and a little air of mystery is nice from time to time).

As such, what we describe below may not 100% match exactly what makes it into the game - it should at least give you an idea of where our priorities lie in the not too distant future.


While there’s a lot to talk about, the sets of features we have planned for 2021 fall into these two main categories:

1. New Content
All the traditional favorites! Characters/Fighters, Master Story Modes, Origin Stories, etc.

2. Quality of Life Updates to Old Modes & Systems
While many of the current gameplay modes have served us well over the years, we know many of them are a little long in the tooth and could benefit from updates to better serve their original intended purposes while minimizing tedium.

As noted earlier, we are hard at work with Future Club on our 2nd brand new character! Unlike Annie, who launched on mobile first and then made her way to SG2E months later, we are building this new character with the intention of both characters being made available at (more or less) the same time.

Expect all the standard goodies that come with a new character -- a slew of new Fighters, Prize Fights, Daily Events, Relics, plus a new stage and more. We’ll be announcing the new character in the near-ish future, so stay tuned to our social accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) and/or the official Discord for the latest news.

Leveling up your Fighters in Skullgirls requires a lot of time, energy, and resources. While some of this is by design (we are a F2P Fighting RPG, after all), there are definitely aspects of it that have proven to be more tedious than originally intended.

As such, to help improve this moving forward, we plan to explore a number of options, including those below:

XP Events
As many of you are already aware, we recently did a test run of a new XP Event called Holodeck Hazards that was very well received. We are in the process of taking all of that feedback into account to make the event more rewarding/viable for a wider variety of players and to determine a schedule of availability that is a little bit less demanding. Stay tuned!

XP Consumables
While it can be awesome to get a new Fighter that you’ve been coveting for ages, we know it can be disheartening to know - even with XP Boosts - how long it will be before that Fighter will be leveled up enough to be in a usable state. As such, we are exploring XP Consumables that you could collect and spend to immediately provide significant spikes of XP.

We know it’s common practice for players to level up “food” Fighters that will eventually be used for Evolution so you can wring as many Skill Points out of them as possible. We are exploring revisions to the Evolution process that will render this process obsolete.

Duplicate Fighters
Although we added ways for players to consume Diamond Fighters to beget resources, we are interested in exploring more methods by which Duplicate Fighters can provide more value to your Collection in the future.

For many players, the vast majority of their time is spent playing one of these two modes, each of which have known points of friction that we’re eager to improve upon.

Daily Events
While Dailies provide a reliable source of Skill Points, Gold Moves, and Canopy Coins, the process of “mining” the event for those rewards ceases to be compelling as players progress into the mid-late game. We are looking into ways in which players who have established mastery over that content will be able to glean those rewards with far less effort and overhead.

Prize Fights
When Skullgirls Mobile first launched, Gold Prize Fights were invaluable tools for burgeoning mid-game players to be able to secure Gold Fighters for each Character to help bolster their Collection, conquer new content, and facilitate Diamond Evolution. As time has gone on, the PF point thresholds required for players to achieve the top 10% reward has gotten so high that this is no longer a reliable source for those players.

As such, we are looking into ways in which we can provide more compelling and rewarding Prize Fight content for late game players so that Gold Prize Fights can cater to their original intended audience and more closely fill their original role.

While there is a certain purity to raw RNG, our current Relic logic leaves much to be desired, especially for players who covet certain Fighters. As such, we are planning to explore methods by which players will be able to exhibit more agency to get the Fighters that they want.

This really speaks to two different chunks of content - Master Origin Stories and Brand New Origin Stories:

Master Origin Stories
We are excited to provide (long overdue) Master versions to our existing Origin Stories! Specifics are TBD, but you can expect that they will roll out in the order that they were originally released.

Brand New Origin Stories
These are a little bit trickier to predict given the array of resources required to deliver them (and how some of that overlaps with the resources needed for new Character development), but we are itching to do more of these as soon as we can. While we can’t strictly promise a new Origin Story before the end of 2021, know that it’s something we’ll be pushing for!

While the ultimate priority of these features is still TBD, we wanted to briefly acknowledge them to reassure you that they are indeed on our radar, even if their fate for 2021 is still up in the air:
  • New “Everests” to provide challenging content for late game players (e.g. a "Tower of Trials")
  • Move Loadouts and other Move Organization improvements
  • Move Stat Rerolling/Augmentation
  • Voice Packs
  • Fight Replays
Prioritizing features inherently means deprioritizing others. Without going into all of them, we minimally wanted to acknowledge one key feature (or set of features) that we know are top of mind for many of you:


Quer dizer, quando você pensa sobre isso, “logo” é relativo, certo? 😅

Em resumo, embora estejamos incrivelmente entusiasmados com o potencial para guildas e conteúdo relacionado a guildas, fazer isso de maneira adequada requer uma boa quantidade de infraestrutura e recursos de suporte. Temos um plano, mas, realisticamente, sentimos que fortalecer o núcleo do jogo de acordo com as notas acima é, em última análise, mais importante para nosso sucesso a longo prazo.

Ansioso para compartilhar mais sobre nossos planos de Guilda à medida que nos aproximamos de 2022!


Na ausência de nossa capacidade de nos reunirmos fisicamente, temos procurado mais oportunidades de fazer brindes no estilo de eventos ao vivo. Em primeiro lugar, basta olhar para a recém-anunciada Skullgirls Championship Series! Lembre-se de assistir aos Qualificadores e Finais para desbloquear o acesso a prêmios in-game suculentos.

Além disso, dois dos membros da nossa equipe transmitem regularmente no Twitch e são conhecidos por dar guloseimas periodicamente - certifique-se de seguir TheAlmightyBones ( Twitch , Twitter ) e JujuBlu ( Twitch , Twitter ) para que você não perca!

É sobre isso!

Não é preciso dizer que não poderíamos estar mais animados com o que o futuro reserva e não estaríamos em posição de dar a Skullgirls a atenção que merece sem a sua dedicação e apoio.

Por último, se há algo em particular que você espera ver em 2021 (seja como parte dos itens mencionados acima ou como algo totalmente novo), não tenha vergonha de compartilhá-los abaixo - estamos sempre ouvindo!

Obrigado mais uma vez por todo o seu apoio!

<3 MightyZug (Charley) and all of us at Hidden Variable:

Pen Stroke Pony
Sam Handwich
O pessoal do Brasil ama Skullgirls, assim como também ama o SKM, estou muito empolgado com as grandes novidades que estão vindo, e como sempre apoiando vocês.
Só tenho uma dúvida, em relação ao Skullgirls Championship Series! Precisa fazer algum registro para receber os prêmios? Se sim, poderia me disponibilizar o link?
Thanks for keeping the new content rolling. You guys Rock! I am super stoked for the next new character (Minette anyone?) but I'm also really excited to hear about your plans for getting more from duplicates and turning the holes in your catalogue into your most wanted variant!! Woohoo!!!

What I'm hoping NOT to see (pretty please) is an autobattle feature that means you can complete your dailies with the push of a button - whether that's for free or at the cost of some theonite/canopy coins. I used to play Angry Birds Evo and that got to the stage where late game you needed to focus on farming way to much in order to continue to compete and there was just too much to do. Every single day. They tried to solve this with an auto-battle feature that just showed the result of a fight (level skipping) and all it did was take the fun out of the game.

What I would love to see is a mirror mode with the attacking orientation switched Right to Left. Simple as that. I used to love that feature in Xtreme G (yeah it's a racer and I know I'm showing my age). But it was one helluva lot of fun to play because your brain had gotten so used to processing movement in the original orientation.

Anyhow, whatever you end up implementing, I know you're going to do it exceptionally well because you're you. You Rock. You're the Skullgirls Mobile Devs and the RNG Gods shine on you.
Hahaha this is the comment that I can relate to the most, I really want a ""mirror mode"" it would add a much needed freshness to the game, and the automatic mode I don't disagree I think they should leave it available for high levels (40 or 50) because there are battles so easy that wasting your energy is stupid, otherwise I really hope a lot of skullgirls Mobile and its developers, this news has made me want to come back.