• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: 3.4.2 Update Notes (LIVE!)


Hidden Variable Dev
May 17, 2017
Reaction score
UPDATE (8/22/2019)

ANDROID USERS! We've just released another hotfix update (3.4.2) which can be found on the Google Play Store right now. Note that this update is ONLY for Android devices.

This update is intended to address some performance issues that some Android players were seeing in version 3.4.1. There are no gameplay changes in this update.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!


UPDATE (8/13/2019)

We've just released a new hotfix update (3.4.1) which can be found on the App Store and Google Play Store right now!

  • Fixed an issue where some characters would display graphical glitches and errors on some devices.
  • Fixed an issue where the "blocking" input was less reliable.
  • Fixed a bug where the Fighter Score values in Rift Battles were inaccurate, and didn't reflect their boosted amounts.
On Friday (August 9th), we pushed a remote fix to address another issue.
  • Fixed a bug where characters could never tag in correctly, soft locking the game.

Hey everyone!

The 3.4 update is currently being reviewed by Apple at the time of this post. That means our update is JUST around the corner. It may even be releasing as early as TODAY! (August 7th, PT)

Let's not waste any time - here are the changes in our next update!



Three new Fighters will be available in all standard Relics the moment 3.4 releases! That includes Premiere Relics, Character Relics, Elemental Relics, Jackpot Relics, etc...


SHADOW OPS fights near her tears to give herself the powerful new THORNS buff, which reflects damage. She also wants to keep her opponents close to her own tears to apply the powerful CURSE debuff on them.

PERSONA ASSISTANT will periodically gains access to a short window of UNBLOCKABLE, ENRAGED, DASH ATTACKS. (!!!) While she's great at attacking, she can also protect her allies with stacks of BARRIER and a brand new buff, BLESSING.

DREAM BAND will copy the opponent's BUFFS when performing combos, but he'll ALSO refresh their DURATION whenever they are copied! He'll also refresh all of his BUFF DURATIONS and gain IMMUNITY whenever he's knocked down. Adjust your combos and strategy accordingly to make sure that he isn't buffed for the entire match!

In addition to the above, the July 4th Prize Fight exclusive variants (Star Spangled, Freedom Fighter, and Blue Bomber) have been added to the standard Relic pool as well! You can find these Fighters in their respective Relics.

Also coming soon...



As alluded to above, 3.4 will be featuring two brand new modifiers!


When the affected character takes lethal damage, they will REVIVE with 10% HEALTH per STACK of BLESSING. At 5 STACKS, that's a 50% HEALTH REVIVE!


When the affected character is HIT, THORNS reflects 20% of the ATTACKER'S physical damage back to them, per STACK. At 5 STACKS of THORNS, you'll reflect 100% damage back to the ATTACKER!

Unlike PRECISION and EVASION, both of these BUFFS CAN be applied through "random BUFF" abilities.



Squigly's Origin Story has arrived! Learn more about the events surrounding the death of everyone's favorite undead singer, and get ready for some juicy details and some surprising guest appearances...


As always, Origin Stories requires Player Level 20 to unlock and require a Squigly to be used on every EVERY node. These fights are not easy, so make sure your Squigly Fighters are up for the challenge!

It's that time again! Read on to see which Fighters received some much needed attention.

These changes should help Dark Might have more chances to activate his Signature Ability without also needing to sacrifice most of his team. This was especially troubling in game modes like Rift Battles where every hit point matters!

  • LEVEL 3 BLOCKBUSTERS have a 15/25/35% chance to instantly defeat enemies if Beowulf has no remaining teammates.
  • LEVEL 3 BLOCKBUSTERS have a 15/25/35% chance to instantly defeat enemies if Beowulf has less than 50% HEALTH.

By combining his old SA1 and SA2, we've given Weekend Warrior a new SA1 that will allow him to immediately receive max HYPE when he's on his last legs. This should always give him a chance to use SA2 to save himself from death (even mid combo). These changes also allow the AI to more reliably activate HYPE MODE to use his SA2 effectively.

  • Gain IMMUNITY and HASTE for 5/7/10 seconds, and remove all DEBUFFS when activating HYPE
  • Achieve max HYPE and gain HASTE for 10 seconds when Beowulf first drops below 25/35/50% HEALTH.
  • When activating HYPE MODE, gain FINAL STAND for 10/12/15 seconds, preventing death for the duration of the effect.
  • When activating HYPE MODE, remove all DEBUFFS and gain IMMUNITY, FINAL STAND, and HEAVY REGEN for 10/12/15 seconds.

Tomb & Gloom's new SA2 should still capture the feeling of evading important hits, but she'll have much more control over when this happens instead of relying purely on luck. Using the new EVASION modifier with a generous duration at max level gives her unique tools that no other Eliza has. This is helpful on attack AND defense, and it gives her more windows to get in hits to make up for her lack in raw firepower.


  • 15% chance to EVADE BLOCKBUSTER HITS while the opponent is suffering a DEBUFF.
  • Also gain 1 stack of EVASION [when using a Blockbuster] for 5/7/10 seconds.

We've increased the reward for landing a well timed block on her SA1 by giving her up to 5 stacks of PRECISION to nuke the opponent or disable SAs. While her SA2 will now require CRIPPLE instead of any ol' DEBUFF to activate the MAX HEALTH removal, it won't consume them anymore. A high crit rate build after a well timed block will shred tanky opponents if you can use her head effectively!


  • A well-timed BLOCK against standard attacks inflicts CRIPPLE and ARMOR BREAK for 10/12/15 seconds.
  • A well-timed BLOCK against standard attacks grants 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION and inflicts CRIPPLE and ARMOR BREAK for 10 seconds.
  • Landing CRITICAL HITS with Ms. Fortune's HEAD will remove 1 opponent DEBUFF, dealing an additional 1/2/3% of the opponent's MAX HEALTH for each DEBUFF removed
  • Landing CRITICAL HITS with Ms. Fortune's HEAD deal an additional 1/2/3% of the opponent's MAX HEALTH if they are inflicted with CRIPPLE.

BUFF removal and PRECISION is great, but Ms. Trial's activation condition for SA1 was tricky to pull off reliably in a match. Intercepting the opponent's dash should come up more often, and the increase in PRECISION stacks helps her nuke opponents while disabling their Signature Abilities.


  • CHARGE ATTACKS remove 1 opponent BUFF and grant 1 stack(s) of PRECISION.
  • When HITTING a DASHING opponent, remove 1 of the opponent's BUFFS and gain 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION.

As an easily accessible Bronze support Fighter, Sketchy's SA requires minimal investment to max out, and her effectiveness at level 1 without even needing to enter combat is unmatched. These changes should keep Sketchy's role the same while still taking her down a notch. With the opponent spending less time locked down by constant CURSE, fights with Sketchy will require a little more thought and planning. The final opponent of every team will be immune to Sketchy's SA, since the previous character will be dead, which prevents the SA from activating.

  • All teammates TAG IN with HASTE and IMMUNITY for 10/12/15 seconds
  • All teammates TAG IN with HASTE and IMMUNITY for 5/7/10 seconds (except after teammate death).
  • All opponents TAG IN with SLOW and CURSE for 10/12/15 seconds
  • All opponents TAG IN with SLOW and CURSE for 5/7/10 seconds (except after teammate death).

That's All Folks is intended to be a dangerous defensive Fighter that can launch powerful counter attacks once she's been attacked. Unfortunately she's been having a hard time finding a window to do so! This simple change will make That's All Folks a slippery defender who can fall out of some combos, allowing her to strike back with a quick jab or Blockbuster.


  • Getting HIT has a 15% chance to inflict ARMOR BREAK for 10 seconds and grant 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION.
  • Getting HIT has a 15% chance to inflict ARMOR BREAK for 10 seconds and grant 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION and 1 stack of EVADE.

This change is intended to make playing against Just Kitten a little more fair while keeping her Signature Ability mostly the same. With this change, she can never evade the first hit of an intercept (launcher, throw, jab, etc), and she gives her attacker more time to react to when the EVASION modifier triggers. This change also allows CURSE to be used as an effective counter to her kit.


  • 5/10/15% chance to EVADE any non-projectile HIT and gain HASTE for 10 seconds.
  • 5/10/15% chance on any non-projectile HIT to gain 1 stack of EVASION and HASTE for 10 seconds.

The distance to activate Ping Check is appropriately far, but it's difficult to keep the AI from dashing into close range and cancelling the activation JUST before her MA2 fires. This change allows Robo-Fortune to activate her MA2 more frequently - even during Blockbusters that keep the opponent a little further as they do damage (like her Catastrophe Cannon BBs).


  • Gain ENRAGE for 5 - 15 seconds after every 3 seconds while far away from the opponent.
  • Gain ENRAGE for 5 - 15 seconds after every 2 seconds while far away from the opponent.


Class is in session, settle down back there! Mrs. Victoria is a strict instructor, so you better be paying attention...


You can now find this stage in in the "random stage" rotation throughout the game.




You'll now be able to collect and activate XP Boosts! These boosts will last 12 HOURS from the time that they are activated. When they are active, they will DOUBLE the amount of experience that you receive.

The time remaining on your booster will persist across game sessions and can be seen on the Main Menu while the boost is active.

XP Boosts can be purchased from specific STORE OFFERS using THEONITE, and can also be earned through rewards on special events. To use an XP BOOST, you need to go to the STASH and manually activate it.

Those who login soon after 3.4 launches may also find one waiting for them in their INBOX...


You'll now be able to purchase a number of new and familiar Offers using THEONITE instead of just real world currency.

To start, this will apply to our Daily and Weekly Elemental Offers, Move Offers, and XP Boost Offers. We'll be experimenting with this more in the future - let us know what you think!


A new rare Relic will be available in certain offers after 3.4. This Relic will guarantee a GOLD Fighter with a 10% (!) chance for a Diamond Fighter.


has been added to the Cabinet of Curiosities at a premium rate!

Note that Parasoul - Shadow Ops, as a new Fighter, can not be found in the Cabinet of Curiosities.

Robo-Fortune - Blue Bomber is also not in the Cabinet of Curiosities. Event Relic exclusive Fighters will remain exclusive to Relics, and will not be added to the Cabinet.


Cerebella - Star Spangled, Beowulf - Freedom Fighter, and Robo-Fortune - Blue Bomber have been added to the standard Relic pool. You can now find these Fighters in their respective Relics!

As mentioned way above, Parasoul - Shadow Ops, Robo-Fortune - Persona Assistant, and Big Band - Dream Band have also been added to the standard Relic pool.


Per player feedback, the BONUS Relic from a 10 + 1 Event Relic opening (Shamrock Relic, Revolutionary Relic, etc) will now guarantee a GOLD Fighter with an increased chance for a DIAMOND.



To prepare for SYNC PVP, we've adjusted all gameplay to be deterministic.
Some gigantic nerd said:
A deterministic system is a system in which no randomness is involved in the development of future states of the system. A deterministic model will thus always produce the same output from a given starting condition or initial state.

TL;DR, no game logic is effected by the SPEED that your device runs the game, the ASPECT RATIO and RESOLUTION of your device, or how your device interprets FLOATING POINT MATH.

For example... 4:3 devices (iPads) would previously have some moves spawn too high since their screens are taller, making Eliza's and Cerebella's tag hit slower, because they fall from higher up. In this update, all moves will behave as if the device is at a 16:9 aspect ratio.



  • Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes use a BB3 if the player used SM - BURST, even if they hadn't blocked or gotten hit recently.
  • Fixed an issue where there was a small window to hit an opponent OTG (Off The Ground) when they revived immediately after dying. Ex: LAST HOPE, BIG TOP...
  • Fixed an issue where you could pass behind the opponent during their Knee Fall or Death animation when they revived immediately after dying. Reviving characters will now be pushed by the opposing point character. EX: LAST HOPE, BIG TOP...
  • Fixed an issue where Character Ability buttons (Eliza, Beowulf, Squigly, etc) could sometimes linger at half transparency on the VICTORY or DEFEAT screen.
  • Characters will stop walking during a BB3, if they were already walking forward.
  • Fixed an issue where a "hold" input on a Character Ability button could be temporarily ignored as an opponent tagged in.
  • Fixed an issue where LOVE CRAFTED's SA, TEN TICKLES, was activating every 11 hits, instead of 10 hits.
  • Fixed an issue where WINDSWEPT was not gaining buffs from her Signature Ability when evading a physical attack.
  • Fixed an oversight where BLOODBATH could convert REGEN into BLEED even when HEXED.
  • Fixed an issue where the game became unstable and would eventually crash if MYST-MATCH was mirroring the BUFFS of another MYST-MATCH.
  • Fixed a bug where Double could become invisible if she was STUNNED while off screen in the middle of her TAG-IN.
  • Fixed an issue where swiping up twice after SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT BREAKER or BLUE SCREEN's detonation could soft lock the game if she was launched before exploding.
  • Improved AI usage of BB2 - MAGNETIC TRAP so that the they won't use it if the opponent isn't airborne and in hitstun.
  • Fixed an issue where activating MS. TRIAL's SA2 just once would permanently disable the enemies DEFENSE for the rest of the match, which even ignored 5 stacks of ARMOR... yep... secret top tier! :x
  • Adjusted the pushback on Ms.Fortune's L2 (head on and off) and L3 (head off) to make her ground combo more consistent. This will make sure the opponent doesn't slide away mid combo.
  • ASSASSIN'S GREED will no longer regain health during the cinematic "Super Flash" section of Blockbusters. She can only heal when time is not stopped.
  • Fixed an issue where Valentine couldn't block an attack which forced her to BLOCK while CROUCHING, if she was already BLOCKING while CROUCHING. The most common example of this would be Cerebella or Double's L2 (low attacks), cancelled into their TRIPS, for two LOW attacks back to back. Our deepest apologies to anyone who ran into this! We've verified this issue doesn't exist for any other characters.
  • Fixed a bug where CORROSIVE ELEMENT would sometimes not fire correctly using the described conditions.
  • DISABLE BLOCKBUSTERS will now prevent ALL Blockbuster meter gain. Previously, other abilities and modifiers could still grant Blockbuster meter, even if that character had their Blockbusters Disabled. Ex: TOAD WARRIOR's TURBO TUNNEL SA.
  • PRECISION no longer disables enemy Signature Abilities on BLOCKED hits. (!)
  • BLEED will now damage a BARRIER even if the character's natural lifebar is at 1 health.
  • SLOW now slows the meter gain from sources that are not physical hits. EX: DEAD HEAT will now gain BB meter more slowly if she is inflicted with SLOW.
  • HOUSE ADVANTAGE (Rift Battle BOSS NODE) no longer activates before the "SHOWTIME" phase. Enemies should start with 0% Blockbuster meter when control is handed over to both parties.
  • UNCANNY DODGE (WHO'S THE BOSS - MASTER) now grants one stack of EVASION every 10 hits, instead of evading the 10th hit.
  • Fixed an issue where the PUNCH THROUGH modifier (GOING ALL IN - MASTER) would make Big Band's L2 UNBLOCKABLE.
  • Fixed an oversight where the player could bypass the AEGIS modifier (ASCENT OF A WOMAN - MASTER) and deal normal amounts of damage to an enemy MS. FORTUNE by attacking her HEAD.
  • You'll now receive a notification or "toast" that appears on the right side of the screen to notify you if you've found a Rift Battle opponent while the app is open.
  • High ranking players will now stop matching with other players using collection strength at an earlier point than before. This should encompass the majority of Diamond tier.
  • Scoring adjustments have been made to increase the odds of players recovering from a single mistake.
    • The "NO FIGHTERS LOST" bonus have been reduced from 250 to 200 points.
    • The "DEFENSE WINS" points awarded to the opponent have been reduced from 500 to 400 points.
  • Fixed an issue where point totals for fights could not present themselves correctly when switching between Prize Fight defense history and Rift Battles defense history.
  • Fighters will no longer perform moves and attacks in the background as you navigate and tap on the UI on the right of the screen. This should also prevent scenarios where the UI would sometimes ignore your taps on Moves. No more distracting noises while building your load out!
  • Fixed an issue where dragging and rearranging already equipped Moves would be unresponsive.
  • Updated the chat filter to stop censoring specific words and phrases that weren't problematic. Keep in mind that just because you can speak the name of powerful beings (Scooby), it doesn't mean you should...
  • The chat will now broadcast Prize Fight win streaks every 10 wins (40, 50, etc), instead of just 30. Time to flex in chat!
  • You can now sell, upgrade, and favorite MOVES and CATALYSTS on any rewards screen! Sell undesired Moves the moment you receive them to keep your collection lean and organized. (video)
  • Fixed an issue where Molly could sometimes vanish from the main menu MISSIONS button under some circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where some NPC portraits (Talking Heads) would fail to appear on various screens.
  • Selected FILTERS will now persist between Fights, even outside of Rift Battles.
  • Fighters, Moves, and Catalyst will now be tagged as NEW when they are earned. This can also be used to find your new items in the event you have your Relic opening interrupted by poor connection, or a crash. You can also FILTER by NEW as well!
  • Hopefully resolved the issue where Fighters would float above the pedestal during Relic opening.
  • Fixed a bug where the number listed in the notification diamond for Relics and Collection on the main menu was frequently incorrect.
  • Updated one of the Fights in SQUIGLY's MASTER DAILY EVENT to include a Squigly Fighter, instead of XENOMORPH.
  • Shuffled around some match modifiers in Squigly's DAILY EVENT to avoid having modifiers that rely on teammate death on nodes where you can only bring one Fighter.
  • Fixed a possible soft lock when dismissing the COLLECTION FULL pop up when opening previously owned Relics one by one.
  • Updated POWER UP loading tip to emphasize that it's a better idea to use it for clearing extremely full collections, instead of your every day Fighter upgrading.
  • Clarified that Valentine's TRAUMA CENTER Marquee Ability grants FINAL STAND AFTER suffering a HIT from a successful attack... not during, or before.
  • Fixed an issue where Robo-Fortune's JP VO was errantly listed as Kimlinh Tran instead of Kana Hanazawa.
  • Tons of miscellaneous localization improvements and bug fixes across all languages.
  • Per feedback from our Brazilian players, some Fighter names have been updated in Brazilian Portuguese!
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes players would run into Error 5309 even though they had a working internet connection.
  • The LONGSHOT mission can now be completed from a Rift Battle fight.
  • MISSION progress UI can now appear during the results screen for Rift Battles.
  • Fixed an issue where the LONGSHOT mission would always erroneously indicate that a player had to win versus an opponent 5x their FS in Chinese, instead of the standard 2x ~ 4x.

That's all for today! Thanks so much for your patience while we took a little longer than usual to get this update prepared. =)

We're super excited to share more information about Sync PvP, Guilds, and Rift Battles updates with you later this year - keep an ear our for more information on these features soon!

If you have any questions about this update, feel free to tag @Liam down below and I'll answer you as soon as I'm able.

~ Hidden Variable ~
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Ohh this looks like a nice update. It's nice to know sketchies won't be as impactful as they used to be and just be a instant solution in rifts. I can't wait for that new filia palette!!!!!
That's All Folks probably went from D tier in both Offense and Defense to S tier in Defense. Basically a tankier and more reliable Just Kitten lol
Also RIP Sketch. I think it was pretty annoying fighting people who used 3/4 of them on attack, but now she's kinda of really bad all around. Possibly still usable, since Curse is so needed in high-level Rift.
While I'm really in love with all the change, the new Big Band just makes me feel so sad lol He is not really OP, but thinking about dealing with him is such pain in the as.. lol
I'm really glad that Ms. Trial got the tuning she desperately required, she went from a slow and sloppy variant to a faster, somewhat practical variant (I mean imagine pulling that off with the Fiber Gato Slide combo, that'd be fairly strong).
All these Changes but decrypted still can’t have her old SA1, ah well maybe next time. Still looks like a really terrific update and I can’t wait for Squiglys origin story!
I’m starting to like this update already.... but hey where’s fukua or are you guys going to put a character from the next game ? Or maybe a character from the past ? @.@
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No longer a player, but glad to see Ping Check going down to 2s and Sketchy being toned down a bit, among other things.

To quote what forum just told me:

Another excellent update! Looking forward to it.

One question if I may, will XP Boost impact player level progress? And a side-question; is the XP earned from Maxed Out fighters totally lost? I get that the fighters will not 'earn' the XP and level up, but does the player lose that XP gain as well for their level progress?
Lots of updates! I’m always impressed at the detailed notes, especially with the fighting mechanics. The whole section on PvP floating Math stuff was like reading a foreign language...

@Liam are you guys sure that buff for Weekend Warrior Beowulf isn’t too much? He’s getting four of the best buffs for 15 seconds just on activating hype mode? He can pretty much ignore ALL modifiers and just rip all Rift setups alone. Final stand will allow him to burst down Dreadlock and Futile Resistance. I kept thinking maybe it’s a typo - not AND but OR with the buffs. It might be more balanced for him to gain immunity and one more from the three randomly. If not, he’s going to be SSS tier on both offense and defense...

Also, RIP all those who spent $$$ on revolutionary relics and didn’t get anything except double. Your financial contribution to the game is much appreciated.

Can’t wait to open up all the relics I saved after maintenance is over. Thank you HvS for yet another substantial update.
He’s getting four of the best buffs for 15 seconds just on activating hype mode? He can pretty much ignore ALL modifiers and just rip all Rift setups alone.
I'm not too worried about it because Parasoul, Squigly, and Peacock have universal access to IMMUNE from round start for little investment, and they have Fighters which have much better ATK than Weekend Warrior.

Weekend Warrior also has lower attack than the other offensive type Beowulfs, outclassed by even a Cold Stones when they're at the same tier.

There's downtime between HYPE activations that force him to play without the IMMUNE, unlike constant IMMUNE characters through TAUNT. This makes him vulnerable to characters like Resonant Evil.

To get the free HYPE, you have to take damage, losing time and and health which impacts your Rift Battle score. (Although he can heal some of that with his HEAVY REGEN.)

That said, I don't disagree that he's really good now! He should be able to do what he does well, instead of poorly. :p
Another excellent update! Looking forward to it.

One question if I may, will XP Boost impact player level progress? And a side-question; is the XP earned from Maxed Out fighters totally lost? I get that the fighters will not 'earn' the XP and level up, but does the player lose that XP gain as well for their level progress?
I believe that the XP Boost will apply to player level progress. I also believe that experience that goes towards a Fighter at max level is still given to player level.

I'll have to double check on both of those!
Hey everyone!

The 3.4 update is currently being reviewed by Apple at the time of this post. That means our update is JUST around the corner. It may even be releasing as early as TODAY! (August 7th, PT)

Let's not waste any time - here are the changes in our next update!



Three new Fighters will be available in all standard Relics the moment 3.4 releases! That includes Premiere Relics, Character Relics, Elemental Relics, Jackpot Relics, etc...


SHADOW OPS fights near her tears to give herself the powerful new THORNS buff, which reflects damage. She also wants to keep her opponents close to her own tears to apply the powerful CURSE debuff on them.

PERSONA ASSISTANT will periodically gains access to a short window of UNBLOCKABLE, ENRAGED, DASH ATTACKS. (!!!) While she's great at attacking, she can also protect her allies with stacks of BARRIER and a brand new buff, BLESSING.

DREAM BAND will copy the opponent's BUFFS when performing combos, but he'll ALSO refresh their DURATION whenever they are copied! He'll also refresh all of his BUFF DURATIONS and gain IMMUNITY whenever he's knocked down. Adjust your combos and strategy accordingly to make sure that he isn't buffed for the entire match!

In addition to the above, the July 4th Prize Fight exclusive variants (Star Spangled, Freedom Fighter, and Blue Bomber) have been added to the standard Relic pool as well! You can find these Fighters in their respective Relics.

Also coming soon...



As alluded to above, 3.4 will be featuring two brand new modifiers!


When the affected character takes lethal damage, they will REVIVE with 10% HEALTH per STACK of BLESSING. At 5 STACKS, that's a 50% HEALTH REVIVE!


When the affected character is HIT, THORNS reflects 20% of the ATTACKER'S physical damage back to them, per STACK. At 5 STACKS of THORNS, you'll reflect 100% damage back to the ATTACKER!

Unlike PRECISION and EVASION, both of these BUFFS CAN be applied through "random BUFF" abilities.



Squigly's Origin Story has arrived! Learn more about the events surrounding the death of everyone's favorite undead singer, and get ready for some juicy details and some surprising guest appearances...


As always, Origin Stories requires Player Level 20 to unlock and require a Squigly to be used on every EVERY node. These fights are not easy, so make sure your Squigly Fighters are up for the challenge!

It's that time again! Read on to see which Fighters received some much needed attention.

These changes should help Dark Might have more chances to activate his Signature Ability without also needing to sacrifice most of his team. This was especially troubling in game modes like Rift Battles where every hit point matters!

  • LEVEL 3 BLOCKBUSTERS have a 15/25/35% chance to instantly defeat enemies if Beowulf has no remaining teammates.
  • LEVEL 3 BLOCKBUSTERS have a 15/25/35% chance to instantly defeat enemies if Beowulf has less than 50% HEALTH.

By combining his old SA1 and SA2, we've given Weekend Warrior a new SA1 that will allow him to immediately receive max HYPE when he's on his last legs. This should always give him a chance to use SA2 to save himself from death (even mid combo). These changes also allow the AI to more reliably activate HYPE MODE to use his SA2 effectively.

  • Gain IMMUNITY and HASTE for 5/7/10 seconds, and remove all DEBUFFS when activating HYPE
  • Achieve max HYPE and gain HASTE for 10 seconds when Beowulf first drops below 25/35/50% HEALTH.
  • When activating HYPE MODE, gain FINAL STAND for 10/12/15 seconds, preventing death for the duration of the effect.
  • When activating HYPE MODE, remove all DEBUFFS and gain IMMUNITY, FINAL STAND, and HEAVY REGEN for 10/12/15 seconds.

Tomb & Gloom's new SA2 should still capture the feeling of evading important hits, but she'll have much more control over when this happens instead of relying purely on luck. Using the new EVASION modifier with a generous duration at max level gives her unique tools that no other Eliza has. This is helpful on attack AND defense, and it gives her more windows to get in hits to make up for her lack in raw firepower.


  • 15% chance to EVADE BLOCKBUSTER HITS while the opponent is suffering a DEBUFF.
  • Also gain 1 stack of EVASION [when using a Blockbuster] for 5/7/10 seconds.

We've increased the reward for landing a well timed block on her SA1 by giving her up to 5 stacks of PRECISION to nuke the opponent or disable SAs. While her SA2 will now require CRIPPLE instead of any ol' DEBUFF to activate the MAX HEALTH removal, it won't consume them anymore. A high crit rate build after a well timed block will shred tanky opponents if you can use her head effectively!


  • A well-timed BLOCK against standard attacks inflicts CRIPPLE and ARMOR BREAK for 10/12/15 seconds.
  • A well-timed BLOCK against standard attacks grants 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION and inflicts CRIPPLE and ARMOR BREAK for 10 seconds.
  • Landing CRITICAL HITS with Ms. Fortune's HEAD will remove 1 opponent DEBUFF, dealing an additional 1/2/3% of the opponent's MAX HEALTH for each DEBUFF removed
  • Landing CRITICAL HITS with Ms. Fortune's HEAD deal an additional 1/2/3% of the opponent's MAX HEALTH if they are inflicted with CRIPPLE.

BUFF removal and PRECISION is great, but Ms. Trial's activation condition for SA1 was tricky to pull off reliably in a match. Intercepting the opponent's dash should come up more often, and the increase in PRECISION stacks helps her nuke opponents while disabling their Signature Abilities.


  • CHARGE ATTACKS remove 1 opponent BUFF and grant 1 stack(s) of PRECISION.
  • When HITTING a DASHING opponent, remove 1 of the opponent's BUFFS and gain 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION.

As an easily accessible Bronze support Fighter, Sketchy's SA requires minimal investment to max out, and her effectiveness at level 1 without even needing to enter combat is unmatched. These changes should keep Sketchy's role the same while still taking her down a notch. With the opponent spending less time locked down by constant CURSE, fights with Sketchy will require a little more thought and planning. The final opponent of every team will be immune to Sketchy's SA, since the previous character will be dead, which prevents the SA from activating.

  • All teammates TAG IN with HASTE and IMMUNITY for 10/12/15 seconds
  • All teammates TAG IN with HASTE and IMMUNITY for 5/7/10 seconds (except after teammate death).
  • All opponents TAG IN with SLOW and CURSE for 10/12/15 seconds
  • All opponents TAG IN with SLOW and CURSE for 5/7/10 seconds (except after teammate death).

That's All Folks is intended to be a dangerous defensive Fighter that can launch powerful counter attacks once she's been attacked. Unfortunately she's been having a hard time finding a window to do so! This simple change will make That's All Folks a slippery defender who can fall out of some combos, allowing her to strike back with a quick jab or Blockbuster.


  • Getting HIT has a 15% chance to inflict ARMOR BREAK for 10 seconds and grant 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION.
  • Getting HIT has a 15% chance to inflict ARMOR BREAK for 10 seconds and grant 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION and 1 stack of EVADE.

This change is intended to make playing against Just Kitten a little more fair while keeping her Signature Ability mostly the same. With this change, she can never evade the first hit of an intercept (launcher, throw, jab, etc), and she gives her attacker more time to react to when the EVASION modifier triggers. This change also allows CURSE to be used as an effective counter to her kit.


  • 5/10/15% chance to EVADE any non-projectile HIT and gain HASTE for 10 seconds.
  • 5/10/15% chance on any non-projectile HIT to gain 1 stack of EVASION and HASTE for 10 seconds.

The distance to activate Ping Check is appropriately far, but it's difficult to keep the AI from dashing into close range and cancelling the activation JUST before her MA2 fires. This change allows Robo-Fortune to activate her MA2 more frequently - even during Blockbusters that keep the opponent a little further as they do damage (like her Catastrophe Cannon BBs).


  • Gain ENRAGE for 5 - 15 seconds after every 3 seconds while far away from the opponent.
  • Gain ENRAGE for 5 - 15 seconds after every 2 seconds while far away from the opponent.


Class is in session, settle down back there! Mrs. Victoria is a strict instructor, so you better be paying attention...


You can now find this stage in in the "random stage" rotation throughout the game.




You'll now be able to collect and activate XP Boosts! These boosts will last 12 HOURS from the time that they are activated. When they are active, they will DOUBLE the amount of experience that you receive.

The time remaining on your booster will persist across game sessions and can be seen on the Main Menu while the boost is active.

XP Boosts can be purchased from specific STORE OFFERS using THEONITE, and can also be earned through rewards on special events. To use an XP BOOST, you need to go to the STASH and manually activate it.

Those who login soon after 3.4 launches may also find one waiting for them in their INBOX...


You'll now be able to purchase a number of new and familiar Offers using THEONITE instead of just real world currency.

To start, this will apply to our Daily and Weekly Elemental Offers, Move Offers, and XP Boost Offers. We'll be experimenting with this more in the future - let us know what you think!


A new rare Relic will be available in certain offers after 3.4. This Relic will guarantee a GOLD Fighter with a 10% (!) chance for a Diamond Fighter.


has been added to the Cabinet of Curiosities at a premium rate!

Note that Parasoul - Shadow Ops, as a new Fighter, can not be found in the Cabinet of Curiosities.

Robo-Fortune - Blue Bomber is also not in the Cabinet of Curiosities. Event Relic exclusive Fighters will remain exclusive to Relics, and will not be added to the Cabinet.


Cerebella - Star Spangled, Beowulf - Freedom Fighter, and Robo-Fortune - Blue Bomber have been added to the standard Relic pool. You can now find these Fighters in their respective Relics!

As mentioned way above, Parasoul - Shadow Ops, Robo-Fortune - Persona Assistant, and Big Band - Dream Band have also been added to the standard Relic pool.


Per player feedback, the BONUS Relic from a 10 + 1 Event Relic opening (Shamrock Relic, Revolutionary Relic, etc) will now guarantee a GOLD Fighter with an increased chance for a DIAMOND.



To prepare for SYNC PVP, we've adjusted all gameplay to be deterministic.

TL;DR, no game logic is effected by the SPEED that your device runs the game, the ASPECT RATIO and RESOLUTION of your device, or how your device interprets FLOATING POINT MATH.

For example... 4:3 devices (iPads) would previously have some moves spawn too high since their screens are taller, making Eliza's and Cerebella's tag hit slower, because they fall from higher up. In this update, all moves will behave as if the device is at a 16:9 aspect ratio.



  • Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes use a BB3 if the player used SM - BURST, even if they hadn't blocked or gotten hit recently.
  • Fixed an issue where there was a small window to hit an opponent OTG (Off The Ground) when they revived immediately after dying. Ex: LAST HOPE, BIG TOP...
  • Fixed an issue where you could pass behind the opponent during their Knee Fall or Death animation when they revived immediately after dying. Reviving characters will now be pushed by the opposing point character. EX: LAST HOPE, BIG TOP...
  • Fixed an issue where Character Ability buttons (Eliza, Beowulf, Squigly, etc) could sometimes linger at half transparency on the VICTORY or DEFEAT screen.
  • Characters will stop walking during a BB3, if they were already walking forward.
  • Fixed an issue where a "hold" input on a Character Ability button could be temporarily ignored as an opponent tagged in.
  • Fixed an issue where LOVE CRAFTED's SA, TEN TICKLES, was activating every 11 hits, instead of 10 hits.
  • Fixed an issue where WINDSWEPT was not gaining buffs from her Signature Ability when evading a physical attack.
  • Fixed an oversight where BLOODBATH could convert REGEN into BLEED even when HEXED.
  • Fixed an issue where the game became unstable and would eventually crash if MYST-MATCH was mirroring the BUFFS of another MYST-MATCH.
  • Fixed a bug where Double could become invisible if she was STUNNED while off screen in the middle of her TAG-IN.
  • Fixed an issue where swiping up twice after SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT BREAKER or BLUE SCREEN's detonation could soft lock the game if she was launched before exploding.
  • Improved AI usage of BB2 - MAGNETIC TRAP so that the they won't use it if the opponent isn't airborne and in hitstun.
  • Fixed an issue where activating MS. TRIAL's SA2 just once would permanently disable the enemies DEFENSE for the rest of the match, which even ignored 5 stacks of ARMOR... yep... secret top tier! :x
  • Adjusted the pushback on Ms.Fortune's L2 (head on and off) and L3 (head off) to make her ground combo more consistent. This will make sure the opponent doesn't slide away mid combo.
  • ASSASSIN'S GREED will no longer regain health during the cinematic "Super Flash" section of Blockbusters. She can only heal when time is not stopped.
  • Fixed an issue where Valentine couldn't block an attack which forced her to BLOCK while CROUCHING, if she was already BLOCKING while CROUCHING. The most common example of this would be Cerebella or Double's L2 (low attacks), cancelled into their TRIPS, for two LOW attacks back to back. Our deepest apologies to anyone who ran into this! We've verified this issue doesn't exist for any other characters.
  • Fixed a bug where CORROSIVE ELEMENT would sometimes not fire correctly using the described conditions.
  • DISABLE BLOCKBUSTERS will now prevent ALL Blockbuster meter gain. Previously, other abilities and modifiers could still grant Blockbuster meter, even if that character had their Blockbusters Disabled. Ex: TOAD WARRIOR's TURBO TUNNEL SA.
  • PRECISION no longer disables enemy Signature Abilities on BLOCKED hits. (!)
  • BLEED will now damage a BARRIER even if the character's natural lifebar is at 1 health.
  • SLOW now slows the meter gain from sources that are not physical hits. EX: DEAD HEAT will now gain BB meter more slowly if she is inflicted with SLOW.
  • HOUSE ADVANTAGE (Rift Battle BOSS NODE) no longer activates before the "SHOWTIME" phase. Enemies should start with 0% Blockbuster meter when control is handed over to both parties.
  • UNCANNY DODGE (WHO'S THE BOSS - MASTER) now grants one stack of EVASION every 10 hits, instead of evading the 10th hit.
  • Fixed an issue where the PUNCH THROUGH modifier (GOING ALL IN - MASTER) would make Big Band's L2 UNBLOCKABLE.
  • Fixed an oversight where the player could bypass the AEGIS modifier (ASCENT OF A WOMAN - MASTER) and deal normal amounts of damage to an enemy MS. FORTUNE by attacking her HEAD.
  • You'll now receive a notification or "toast" that appears on the right side of the screen to notify you if you've found a Rift Battle opponent while the app is open.
  • High ranking players will now stop matching with other players using collection strength at an earlier point than before. This should encompass the majority of Diamond tier.
  • Scoring adjustments have been made to increase the odds of players recovering from a single mistake.
    • The "NO FIGHTERS LOST" bonus have been reduced from 250 to 200 points.
    • The "DEFENSE WINS" points awarded to the opponent have been reduced from 500 to 400 points.
  • Fixed an issue where point totals for fights could not present themselves correctly when switching between Prize Fight defense history and Rift Battles defense history.
  • Fighters will no longer perform moves and attacks in the background as you navigate and tap on the UI on the right of the screen. This should also prevent scenarios where the UI would sometimes ignore your taps on Moves. No more distracting noises while building your load out!
  • Fixed an issue where dragging and rearranging already equipped Moves would be unresponsive.
  • Updated the chat filter to stop censoring specific words and phrases that weren't problematic. Keep in mind that just because you can speak the name of powerful beings (Scooby), it doesn't mean you should...
  • The chat will now broadcast Prize Fight win streaks every 10 wins (40, 50, etc), instead of just 30. Time to flex in chat!
  • You can now sell, upgrade, and favorite MOVES and CATALYSTS on any rewards screen! Sell undesired Moves the moment you receive them to keep your collection lean and organized. (video)
  • Fixed an issue where Molly could sometimes vanish from the main menu MISSIONS button under some circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where some NPC portraits (Talking Heads) would fail to appear on various screens.
  • Selected FILTERS will now persist between Fights, even outside of Rift Battles.
  • Fighters, Moves, and Catalyst will now be tagged as NEW when they are earned. This can also be used to find your new items in the event you have your Relic opening interrupted by poor connection, or a crash. You can also FILTER by NEW as well!
  • Hopefully resolved the issue where Fighters would float above the pedestal during Relic opening.
  • Fixed a bug where the number listed in the notification diamond for Relics and Collection on the main menu was frequently incorrect.
  • Updated one of the Fights in SQUIGLY's MASTER DAILY EVENT to include a Squigly Fighter, instead of XENOMORPH.
  • Shuffled around some match modifiers in Squigly's DAILY EVENT to avoid having modifiers that rely on teammate death on nodes where you can only bring one Fighter.
  • Fixed a possible soft lock when dismissing the COLLECTION FULL pop up when opening previously owned Relics one by one.
  • Updated POWER UP loading tip to emphasize that it's a better idea to use it for clearing extremely full collections, instead of your every day Fighter upgrading.
  • Clarified that Valentine's TRAUMA CENTER Marquee Ability grants FINAL STAND AFTER suffering a HIT from a successful attack... not during, or before.
  • Fixed an issue where Robo-Fortune's JP VO was errantly listed as Kimlinh Tran instead of Kana Hanazawa.
  • Tons of miscellaneous localization improvements and bug fixes across all languages.
  • Per feedback from our Brazilian players, some Fighter names have been updated in Brazilian Portuguese!
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes players would run into Error 5309 even though they had a working internet connection.
  • The LONGSHOT mission can now be completed from a Rift Battle fight.
  • MISSION progress UI can now appear during the results screen for Rift Battles.
  • Fixed an issue where the LONGSHOT mission would always erroneously indicate that a player had to win versus an opponent 5x their FS in Chinese, instead of the standard 2x ~ 4x.

That's all for today! Thanks so much for your patience while we took a little longer than usual to get this update prepared. =)

We're super excited to share more information about Sync PvP, Guilds, and Rift Battles updates with you later this year - keep an ear our for more information on these features soon!

If you have any questions about this update, feel free to tag @Liam down below and I'll answer you as soon as I'm able.

~ Hidden Variable ~
I am SO excited ! Thank you for always putting so much work into this game ! And for having this thread that shows us what’s going on ! And that we can even talk to you guys ! All the developers are so cool !