• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL - 5.1.3 Updates Notes


AKA Cellsai
Hidden Variable Dev
Apr 24, 2019
Reaction score
UPDATE - 5.1.3 - October 25th 2022

  • Added the new upcoming Thanksgiving Event Prize Fight: COMBOCOPIA! Keep an eye out in November for its debut!
  • Fixed an issue where viewing the character details of a Versus (PvP) Fighter could cause the app to crash.
  • Fixed an issue where a sudden internet connection loss during Story Mode could cause the app to crash.
  • Fixed an issue where nodes on Skill Trees for Bronze Fighters that have been evolved to Diamond could appear as if they had not been unlocked if the Skill Tree was fully maxed out.
  • Fixed an issue where placeholder images could appear when opening Deployments for the first time.
  • Adjusted some of the language when reporting a player.

UPDATE - 5.1.2 - October 4th 2022
  • Fixed an issue where objects would not be layered correctly in combat. (Bodies of fallen Fighters appear in front of active Fighters, Beowulf's chair appears behind his hands, etc)
  • Fixed an issue where a glowing line would appear on Big Band during some animations.
  • Fixed an issue where some Skill Tree Nodes on Shiny Bronze Fighters would appear locked, even after unlocking them.
  • Updated some Korean and Japanese text strings for Umbrella - Death Wish related Offers.
Also please be aware that the First Time Theonite Purchase Bonuses will not be available until a future update. They were supposed to be in a Coming Soon section of the update notes. Apologies for the confusion!

Hey everyone,

We’re still working on Black Dahlia and plan to release her in our next major release, but for now a small but important update is available. Read on for all the juicy details!
As this update involves a lot of server stability upgrades, there will be an extended downtime for about 6 hours starting at 1PM PDT.
Check here to see what time that is for your region.



Since 5.0 we’ve been steadily rolling out improvements to increase server stability. You should already feel the game running better in recent weeks with much fewer downtimes for maintenance. However, we’re not finished, and 5.1.1 includes some MAJOR backend updates. Servers should be smoother than ever, and we’ll continue monitoring and upgrading them as time goes on.



You may have noticed our totally intentional and not accidental teaser of Umbrella ??? in your Catalogs in 5.1. This “teaser” included temporary Signature Abilities and art assets, and we’re excited to finally add this fully completed and terrifying new Umbrella variant to the Halloween event Spooky Relics.

This Diamond Fighter represents an alternate timeline where Umbrella gives in to the Skullgirl blood running through her veins and embraces her darker impulses. Those Skullgirl powers have also unlocked some special features including special visual effects and the ominous presence of the Skull Heart itself!





As part of our 5th Anniversary celebrations we temporarily had free daily gifts available in the Store. Those were great! Now they’re permanent!

You’ll find these free goodies in the Daily Deals section of the Store every day after 5.1.1 releases! <3




Umbrella Prize Fight text strings mistakenly had temporary translations. These have now been updated with correct localizations.

Fixed an issue where spending Theoinite to Refresh Prize Fight opponents wasn't working correctly.

Fixed an issue where the Catalog would not accurately show the Fighters you own.




We’re making the Theonite Bank Vault Offers considerably juicier. The first time you buy each Theonite Bank Vault Offer in the Store you will now get TRIPLE the normal amount of Theonite!


That's all for today! Be sure to let us know on our social media pages if you're able to pull a Death Wish!
Thanks so much as always for all your support!

- Hidden Variable <3
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Thanks for your really hard work!!!
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Reactions: bbp
when are we getting the move upgrade rework?
I've hit a wall where I have to upgrade my moves and I dont wanna gamble with the current system. I remember a better upgrading model was being mentioned in previous patch notes so I'm waiting for them.

Also, will we ever see flat atk and hp stats removed or converted into percentage versions?
I'm hoarding moves for these updates! please dont keep us waiting
Thanks Cellsai, you work hard, good night to you <3
This is great. But my luck won't allow me to get her.

Also it'll be great if there's a palette for alternate voice for Parasoul, Painwheel, Peacock. I especially want the Salty voice for Parasoul. She's crazy af.
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Reactions: Freedom
It will be nice if you finished the story mode. The permanent daily log-in is great.
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Reactions: Kitsune
Cool, hope to get her from Halloween relics. Interesting palette as well (including the floating skull heart). Really luv the creativity behind her.

I really look forward to the update, thx sgm team 🙌
  • Like
Reactions: Kitsune
This is great. But my luck won't allow me to get her.

Also it'll be great if there's a palette for alternate voice for Parasoul, Painwheel, Peacock. I especially want the Salty voice for Parasoul. She's crazy af.
Wish u luck!
Lets go skullbrella is here!!!

I like the 1st time theonite purchase bonus as thats what many gacha games do.

Daily gifts means I can send atleast 1 more gold gift to my friends now. I wish we can discard gifts without sending so i can try to farm more gold gifts for my friends. With 50/50 friends its hard to maintain even a 1:2 gold gift ratio when I get only like 6/7 gold gifts a day.

GL to all of us who try to pull for skullbrella :)
Death Wish Umbrella will be temporary exclusive of halloween pf and be eventually released like dream Demon? Or she Will be like necrobreaker Squigly?
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Reactions: Erick Draves
una ami no me sale nada ,me dice que en mi region es la actualisacion alas 3pm pero nada no se actualisa que ago :'(
Dream demon style roll out
I'd say a high probability that's how it will happen, since, when new fighters were seeded in Event Relics in the past, they were eventually added to all appropriate relics.

BUT, seeing as this palette is a special 'dark timeline', it could very well be a 'Halloween Event Relic Exclusive', similar to the Elemental Relic exclusives. This option falls in line with Event Relic Survey, about 'why and how desirable' Event Relics are.

Who knows? The Devs do. Regardless, Halloween Event Relics will most likely be the best in terms of RNG to acquire this variant. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for the next 'major' update and that means a larger pool of Diamonds...GL
I'm still waiting for the variants of Filia and Eliza :((((. But the next changes seem great, I appreciate the great work and effort, thanks!
This is great. But my luck won't allow me to get her.

Also it'll be great if there's a palette for alternate voice for Parasoul, Painwheel, Peacock. I especially want the Salty voice for Parasoul. She's crazy af.
Preeeetty sure that might raise the rating of the game on the app store, lol. But Republican Double on the other hand...

I'm so glad daily gifts are coming back! Every little bit of Theonite helps. :)