• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL - 5.2.1 Update Notes - Retake and XP Treats Adjustments


AKA Cellsai
Hidden Variable Dev
Apr 24, 2019
Reaction score
Hey everyone,

5.2 released just at the start of December and even setting aside the release of a brand new character (welcome Black Dahlia!), it brought with it some pretty huge changes to how players interact with long established modes. We’ve been monitoring the addition of Character Retakes and XP Treats closely and have decided to make some adjustments to their pricing and availability.

There’s a lot to take in here, but in brief:
    • Retakes will be 50% more rare in the CoC, but there will be twice as many per slot
    • Retakes will now all be priced to match Black Dahlia’s Retakes (50 SP per Retake)
    • Retake Relics will be 50% more rare in the CoC, and will cost twice as much
    • A new 1000 Theonite Retake Offer will be available weekly through the end of January
    • Show Me Your Moves PF will be available weekly through the end of January

    • XP Treats will be 50% more rare in the CoC, but there will be twice as many per slot

  • MISC
    • Premiere and Veiled Premiere Relics will appear 33% more often
We always strive for transparency with our updates, so we’ve tried to explain our reasoning behind these changes as best we can and to provide a bit more context about how the CoC works overall. Read on for all the details!



Retakes represent a massive change to the design landscape of Skullgirls Mobile and we’ve been extremely pleased with their reception. Seeing players flex their new sets of perfect 3/3 stat Moves is exactly what we were hoping for from the new system!

However, monitoring the state of Skullgirls Mobile after the launch of 5.2, we discovered that there are more Retakes entering the economy than we originally anticipated.

While we are always excited to provide players with new resources, it can also be a bit risky especially when it is directly involved with one of the most critical methods for late game progression. We intend the hunt for perfect moves to remain one of the most enduring (and rewarding) quests for late-game players once their fighter rosters are well-developed, and current Retake availability competes with that goal.

Here’s a full breakdown of the adjustments being made to Retake Relics in the Cabinet of Curiosities (CoC):
    • Decreased display odds (5% > 3%) in Trinkets Tab
    • Increased price (50k → 100k Canopy Coins)

    • Decreased Display Odds (18% > 9%) in Tributes Tab
    • Increased Retake Count per instance (2 > 4)
    • Increased Skill Point price per instance (50 > 200)
    • NOTE: This sets all Retakes to the same price as Black Dahlia’s retakes in 5.2. Now all Retakes cost the same amount of Skill Points regardless of character.

    • Increased price for the Retake Offers currently in the store

    • Added a new 1000 Theonite Offer that grants 2x 10+1 Retake Relic Vouchers
    • This offer will refresh weekly until the end of January (after which it’s availability will be reassessed).


Of course, the CoC and Offers are not the only place to earn Retakes and Retake Relics! This weekend was the debut of the entirely reworked Show Me Your Moves Prize Fight, where you can earn plenty of Retakes and Retake Relics (in addition to a hearty helping of Canopy Coins and Gold Move Relics).


Normally this event only occurs every two weeks, but as a special holiday event, Show Me Your Moves will be available every weekend through the end of January so everyone can earn lots of extra Retakes and Retake Relics.

Now that it’s easier than ever to compete in Show Me Your Moves, and the rewards have been vastly improved over what was available before, we’re excited to see how you enjoy the reworked Prize Fight!



XP Treats are another long requested addition to the Skullgirls Mobile economy, however a recurring piece of feedback we’ve seen is that in 5.2 they have taken over the CoC, at the expense of other coveted items (like Gold Moves, Relics, or Diamond Keys).

To clarify, a few notes regarding how the CoC is populated:
  • Each slot “rolls” for its contents independently.
  • When we added XP Treats, we needed to adjust the weighting for other potential items to ensure they had suitable visibility.
  • To “make room” for XP treats, we reduced the odds of some of the more common items, like Bronze and Silver Moves and Catalysts, so those are the only items that are more scarce than they were before.
To sum all that up, this means XP Treats are not actually taking up the slots of coveted items. Because of a quirk in what they are replacing (mostly Bronze and Silver Moves), it just appears that way.

However, we have made some adjustments to make the Cabinet of Curiosities experience feel better overall:
    • Decreased Display Odds of Medium and Large Treats (10% > 4.5%)
    • Increased Display Odds of Bronze and Silver Moves (5% > 10%)
    • Increased Display Odds of Premiere Relics and Veiled Premiere Relics (1.5% > 2%)

    • Decreased Display Odds of Medium and Large Treats (9% > 4%)
    • Increased Display Odds of Gold Moves (12% > 20%)

    • Increased Display Odds of Bronze and Silver Moves (16% > 19%)
    • Increased Display Odds of Gold Moves (25% > 28%)

    • Removed Small Treats
The end result of this is you should see more varied results in the CoC, and you should see more Premiere Relics and Veiled Premiere Relics specifically.


Aside from Economy Changes there were also many adjustments and fixes included in this update:

  • Fixed an issue where the description text on Special Moves and Blockbusters was not aligned correctly for some languages.
  • Fixed an issue where numbers were displaying with incorrect comma or other punctuation placement in some languages.
  • Fixed an issue where long Move descriptions could be cut off on the Reroll Stats screen.
  • Fixed an issue where Turkish language strings were not displaying correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the game could not progress past the opening splash screen if the player’s device was set to certain languages.
  • Fixed an issue where the circular borders of Fighters were not displaying correctly in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘NEW’ badge could appear on XP Treats, even if you had 0 of them.
  • Adjusted the colors on the Social Gift Conversion Offer so it’s easier to read.
  • Fixed an issue where some character sigils could display reversed on the betting board in The Bunny Burrow.
  • Fixed an issue where knocking down an opponent using Umbrella - Wild Child could cause the opponent to get stuck jumping backwards.
  • Fixed an issue where several unusual interactions could occur with the oil from Black Dahlia’s Stage Hazard BB. (Ms. Fortune - Time Thief could do massive damage, Black Dahlia - Lethal Weapon could instantly inflict 5 stacks of BLEED, etc)
  • Fixed an issue where Umbrella’s Tongue Twister BB ignored Throw Invincibility in Versus mode.
  • Fixed an issue where some of the globs in Double’s idle animation would appear incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where Filia - Wind Swept had an incorrect Signature Ability description in Spanish.
  • When opening Loose Cannon Relics using Shards, you can now Open Another immediately if you have enough Shards available without going all the way back to the Relic Store.
  • Fixed an issue where Cerebella Moves could appear in Black Dahlia’s Daily Event.
  • Adjusted the display order of Daily Events so Black Dahlia’s Daily is at the front of the list (where it belongs).
  • Fixed an issue where Black Dahlia was lying about her height in her bio. She’s actually 5’9”, not 5’8”.
  • Updated the skin tones for some of Black Dahlia’s bunnies to their correct values. (Currently these are only seen on Offers and Mail Banners)
  • Fixed an issue where Black Dahlia’s BB3 Last Call could inflict the ‘Can’t Revive’ status.
  • Fixed an issue where Buckshot ammo did not trigger Black Dahlia’s Marquee Ability on Tag in and during her BB3.
  • Fixed an issue where opponents would stop auto-walking when Dahlia enters an airborne state, like during her backdash.
  • Fixed an issue where Black Dahlia’s reload button could appear when Black Dahlia is not the point character.
  • Fixed an issue where it’s not possible to choose your third character to tag in after Black Dahlia is defeated.
  • Fixed an issue where some of Dahlia’s VFX animations displayed unintended sketch outlines.
  • Fixed an issue where firing a Buckshot special shot in the air on an opponent with UNFLINCHING or EVASION could cause that opponent to get stuck in their sliding animation.
  • Fixed an issue where using an outtake on an opponent while the outtaker had a Parting Gift BB attached (the sticky bomb), would cause multiple bombs to appear.

That’s all for today! Thanks as always for your support. <3

This will be our last update for the year, but keep an eye out for the 12 Days of Gifting, which starts on the 14th of December! So many free prezzies to collect every day!


- All of us at Hidden Variable <3
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Oh ok so not only are retake relics a 1/17 chance to get the one you want and then 1 in god knows what to get the right stat, but now you made them rarer. Amazing

About the skill point retakes though, while i do agree 2 for 50 was ridiculously cheap, i feel like 4 for 200 is a bit too much
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I appreciate the transparency and I like the increased gold move rate (I'll miss the rerolls frankly but I'll give the change a shot before judging), but I'd like to add one thing:
I think a single 2k EXP treat from a single gold gift is the most painful thing to exist in this game. I get you don't wanna break the early game, but 2k EXP is virtually nothing. Gold gifts are more common now thanks to the conversion I'll admit, but it really sucks that a gold gift can now officially have the worst thing a pink gift can have (even if it's less likely). I wouldn't like it at 2 either, but I could at least say "well, at least it wasn't 1".

Hitting CoC treats was the right call and I'm fine with treats in gifts in general (makes passing level caps miles easier), but dang those single 2k exp gold gifts hurt q.q
I agree with what Scoria said above. Xp treats fix in CoC is welcome, this whole update in general is more than reasonable. But it feels like there's a little detail left behind, like something is still missing. Seeing 2k xp treats popping from golden gifts while you're getting 50k treats from pink ones is a little painful. Maybe there's a way to fix this issue too...

Damn I should've listened Angel's advice to whale retakes earlier, now they'll cost a ton q_q
Well, I was absolutely sure the pricing on retakes was gonna take a hit. I'm glad it was a x2 and not a x4 or so hit but, even if I knew it was coming it's still kinda bad having prices increased and I think it was really easy to foresee how common binge buying retakes would be. Don't get me wrong, I loved it while it lasted, but my point is I'm surprised you didn't foresee how cheap the price was gonna be. If some time in the near future we get another addition like this, maybe you could have the new item priced cheap for 2 weeks or so to get the hype going and then give it the original price, so the communiy doesn't have to go "oh damn what a sad update would you look at those prices".
All that being said, I think the changes are actually good ! I think you make a perfectly fair point with 3/3 moves being an important aspect of the endgame. Also I'm happy you left the new bi-weekly pf rewards as they are, and even if it's for a limited time, letting people play it weekly to compensate for the new pricing is fair.
Speaking of endgame, just as a side note, I think the endgame state is quite stale and that new variants, and even new characters are not enough to change that dramatically. I think at this point some kind of new game mode would be the healthiest for the game. Nevertheless, I think this is something you know and probably have been working on already, and Black Dahlia's addition looks quite more impactful compared to other characters which is really nice. I can't wait to get my hands on her bronze variants (I'm so glad this is not a joke, acutally) and hopefully some silvers and golds as soon as the variety pack sale comes out.
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Reactions: Cursed_Blanket
Still no chance of getting unholy hosts character card tweaked? Its really unfortunate
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Reactions: palti
Me, reading Dahlia’s bio after release:

me, reading patch notes:
Oh, they made a mista- SHES HOW TALL!?!?

also sad to see how *steep* the reroll skill cost is, but I get it.
I think a single 2k EXP treat from a single gold gift is the most painful thing to exist in this game. I get you don't wanna break the early game, but 2k EXP is virtually nothing.
Oh woops! I forgot to include in the notes that 2k XP Treats are gone from the Gold Gifts!

I'll update the notes now.
can you make the treats give more experience when boosted? I poured 30 pieces each of 50 thousand experience into a bright character and got only + 3-4 levels. honestly, I thought I could pump it using new buns, but it turned out that the boost didn't work and got only 1.5kk instead of the expected 3kk.
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Reactions: Erick Draves
So, are Retakes only available in the CoC as a '4 pack'? Why not offer them as 1/2/4 quantities? I'd be more inclined to 'gamble' on 50sp here and there than 200sp...

And I know this might just be my 'confirmation bias', but I have a feeling that more items had their Display Odds adjusted than what was disclosed in these notes...
Stat retake rerolls is a fun new minigame. Is it random or are some favored stats (ATK %, Meter Gain, etc.) weighted to be more rare? Got a series of Element Penalty and Element Bonus alternating five in a row and made me wonder if they would be considered "common."

Yes, Death Wish Umbrella will appear in the general relic pool after 5.3. From the 5.2 thread:

Diamond - Umbrella - Death Wish WILL NOT be available in regular Relics in 5.2, she'll be added to all standard Relic pools in 5.3.
Me, reading Dahlia’s bio after release:

me, reading patch notes:
Oh, they made a mista- SHES HOW TALL!?!?
You might've forgot the fact that Eliza is 5'11 and Valentine is 6. Dahlia was actually slightly shorter than I expected.