• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: 6.3.1 Update Notes - Big Band Rework and Replays

Windswept nerf was needed. Excited to play my shiny materia gworl now. I do have most buffed bbands at dia so will be trying them as well.

Exchanging 5 dupe dias for a guaranteed new dia is cool but it will make rift sweatier at top ranks. I barely play now and the exchange is only viable for late game players now so maybe in future the prices can be adjusted.

Hub seems cool. The real question is will we get guilds before gta 6?
Agree with the Rift comment, I hope it doesn't become like Dia PF after the theo cost dropped to 25. It's nice not to have to spend so much for a second try, but grinding it has become a lot more tedious.
Appreciate such a great update SGM :) I love the rework of so many characters, especially BB, Raw Nerve, Tomb & Hellcat. Been using my Tomb since update and it's noticable how much better she plays. Being able to trigger her SA with a special is a game changer imo.

The ability to trade Dia relics for a guaranteed fighter is a great idea! I hope over time though you lower the cost and expand it to other or all fighters. With how long it takes to gain dia shards even if you're a active player and rank high in Dia PF/Rift, 5000 Dia shards feels excessive and only a very small fraction of players will be able to utilize it in the time frame. Unless we're getting a bump on shard rewards or more availability soon..... 🤔

Also, by chance will we get more stories at some point? I know many of us have been waiting patiently for years for it. "Coming Soon" feels more like "I think they forgot about it" lol. Just joking but I do hope we see more stories soon :)

Thanks a ton for the constant improvements and listening to the players :)
Of course, you will excuse me for this stupid question again, when will 6.3 be released in AppGalellery? We can't wait too long. And one more question in this update, now you can buy characters from past passes, so... When you make it so that you can buy inexpensive icons of past seasons (except for premium passes and for money), it's just that some people may want some other icon, but didn't have time to get it due to lack of time in the game and all that
The replay feature will be great for bug reports and combo videos, but so far it is not what I want from it. I don't care to see what I did. I already know, I was there! I want to see how my defenses were beat in the Rift or PFs.

It's a trap!
The richest player in SGM is right about it being an expensive snare for players with low resources, but I think the gold fighter deal is not that bad.

Essentially the SES is asking:
"Will you trade 5 chance relics for 1 certain-result relic?"

There are like 80 gold fighters in the pool. Every time one opens a gold relic, you have a 1 in 80 chance of getting the fighter you want (and the SES fighters aren't even in there yet). Odds are you will get a duplicate gold.
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The richest player in SGM is right about it being an expensive snare for players with low resources, but I think the gold fighter deal is not that bad.

Essentially the SES is asking:
"Will you trade 5 chance relics for 1 certain-result relic?"

There are like 80 gold fighters in the pool. Every time one opens a gold relic, you have a 1 in 80 chance of getting the fighter you want (and the SES fighters aren't even in there yet). Odds are you will get a duplicate gold.
First, I'm flattered, but no, I am not the richest player, I'm just the most...frugal player; my 'hoard' is what the game has (potentially) given to all players that reach a minimum of 10% on all events and completed all tasks daily for 5 years (I've been playing longer, but hey, you don't start getting 10% in the first month, especially back then).

That aside, yes my post was a bit dramatic, but as you said the take away is that SES is a resource-sink and that for players with low reserves should not use without knowing what they are truly spending.

I agree, the SES for gold exclusives is not a trap. I mean, players sac 5 golds to evolve a gold to a diamond, so that is a cost players can already afford.

(My point still stands about Dupe-protection, if that was in place, there really wouldn't be as great a need for targeted acquisition options).

However, I think that much of the ire/backlash comes from not just the cost of the Diamond SES, but what the SES really is. I'm sure that many players voiced issue with the difficulty acquiring BP variants in the surveys. The 'problem' with timed exclusive-ness is the a balance of how long something stays exclusive; too short and you upset early adopters and it doesn't feel to special any more, too long and the 'have-not's get impatient and/or vocal about AOMO (Anger Of Missing Out). And I think the initial release schedule for BP variants in the general pool fell into the AOMO side when RNG is factored in. So, the SES drops to bridge the gap between when BPs end and when variants are added to the general population.

The Devs really need to be a bit more transparent in regards as to their reasoning and intentions when implementing a new way to acquire variants (outside of relics)...especially Diamonds. SGM is not the first or only gatcha game out there, and SGM users that have played other mobile games have developed different expectations when it comes to 'pity systems' and/or 'purchase-able' variants. Though, almost all mobile games start with RNG blind-box system and over time as rosters grow (cuz there is always an influx of new characters/variants) the players need a bit more agency in getting what they need/want. But I think, at least for SGM, is that when they rollout some new targeted system, they reveal it with their 'Dev goggles' on, meaning they already know the reasoning and intention of the new system and that the new targeted acquisition system is a supplement not a replacement for the Relic acquisition system. Players OTOH, see it through a slightly different prism (they want to replace the Relic system due to the frustrations of RNG).

I think that if the Devs put the info they share in Discord/socials/etc., after an update, regarding the reasoning and intentions of new features in the Update Notes (when published) it would save everyone a lot of heartache understanding and evaluating new features.
I loved this new update, they gave the big band the attention it needed for a long time. But there is one thing that didn't please not only me but also the majority of players, which is the windswept's nerf. I kind of recommend giving her a little buff so she doesn't go back to the trash like before
Removed Daily and Take a Break Relics from the Relic Store. Daily Relics can now be claimed as part of the Daily Gift. Any existing Daily or Take a Break Relics that you may have been hoarding will still be openable.
Really like not having to wait 24 hours since last claiming daily relic.

But how do we claim new take a break relics now? I loved those for the battlepass mission to open relics.
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Megalomaniac’s buff seems a little too strong, imo.

Also has the invite to the mobile hub been sent out yet? I don’t recall seeing it.
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Also has the invite to the mobile hub been sent out yet? I don’t recall seeing it.
That's understandable, there's been a ton of in-game emails since the update (I got my invite the 2 days after the update).
Check your Read folder for "Skullgirls Mobile Hub - Free Gift" or just go:
and you can login with your SGM User ID (the in-game link just passes all that info for you).
Ok after playing the game after the update for a while, I finally have some thoughts to share:

Overall, the update brings some good QOL changes, and changes to fighters are always welcome, even if they're not agreed upon.


I like that Big Band has finally gotten some changes to his kit, although I have mixed thoughts on how his ENTIRE kit wasn't changed. It's strange how Giant Step was the special move that was given the biggest glow-up, when IMO Brass Knuckles is a much more iconic move of his (which not only doesn't match how it works in 2e but also WASN'T TOUCHED AT ALL). Also, I understand the point of giving it a ground bounce for the sake of increased combos, but it's weird to further differentiate moves from 2e even more.

Tuba-Tuba and Strike Up The Band changes seem very good, differentiating between the offensive and defensive BB3. Take the 'A' Train rework also seems cool, although the wall bounce seems to be almost non-existent in the corner. Super Sonic-Jazz and Tympani overdrive doing something other than stun is great, although the RNG factor of their effects is still weird.

Overall, these are good changes, but still, I would like to see his gameplay change to be more similar to 2e (returning his Beat Extend blockbuster back into a special move, being able to cancel moves like Take the 'A' Train into blockbusters, having his taunt be able to power up his supers.) Also, I would still like to see the damage of some special moves/blockbusters increased, given how Big Band variants have some of the lowest ATK stats in the game.


Reworks to fighters such as Rage Appropriate, UltraViolent, Raw Nerv, Materia Girl, and Tidal Traveler were really good. Kinda sad that only 3 Big Band variants were changed, with the SA changes being kinda forgettable. Same for most of the Diamond variant buffs; the variants reworked did indeed need changes, but the reworks themselves were kinda meh IMO (star-spangled just got barrier, HoD can't transfer Hex to other fighters anymore, Star Shine gets perma precision faster but still has to wait for for EVERY fighter.) Especially with Megalomaniac. Don't get me wrong, the rework is great for a defensive unit, but it's really sad to see such a great skin be relegated to being only good on defense. I would have love to see her be viable on both defensive and offensive role. This isn't impossible to do, seeing as many diamond variants are good at doing both (Neuromancer, Unholy Host, Death Wish.)

Speaking of Death Wish, it's sad to see that she was nerfed TWICE. I'm a big proponent of buffing characters rather than nerfing them, so it was a little disheartening to see that she was nerfed instead of buffing more fighters to be on her power level. On that note, I feel that her nerf was a little redundant. Both nerfs were both aimed at her hp, one directly and the other after revival. I understand that she was good on defense, but like SA nerf just seemed unoriginal. Her SA2 just becomes Killjoy's. I think only one nerf was necessary.

Windswept nerf is something I'm pretty okay with. She was super versatile, so I can see how she had to be retouched a little. The only thing that bothered me about her rework is that now it's almost impossible to stack enrages. It used to be possible before the nerf, but now it seems you're just stuck with one enrage and unable to build it back up.

Also, it's weird how the only thing that changed to Deal Breaker was her HP. IMO, her SAs leave a lot to be desired, especially with the unreliable RNG, but a buff is a buff.


Very cool concept. The only small thing I have to say about this is that it's incredibly unfair how little time players have to build enough diamond shards to get the past PF diamonds. Since this was only announced at the time of the update, the only feasible way of having 5k diamond shards by the end of July was to either be saving up already or buying a lot of packs. It's really unfair to F2P players.

Again, these were my criticisms of the update, but overall, it's nice to see any changes rather than none. I just wish that the changes were more substantial, but overall, it's a nice update.
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His ability continues to keep him like a mediocre diamond, It is also unfair that they eliminated their instakill mechanic instead of improving it

Now they release a new character with improved instakill and Dark Might is still in the trash
Why nerf GI Jazz?
I actually decided to check up the forums because I was confused when I saw "1 stack(s) of permament ARMOR" in-game, as I was pretty sure there was 2 stacks in the patch notes.

But yea, i guess we have the fastest nerf in the SGM history.

But overall this makes sense - 2 stacks of armor + 50% defence + Futile Resistance and this guy was basically unbeatable.
This update made me finally invest in him.
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Replays are a feature that internally we have wanted to include for a LONG time and we are delighted for them to finally make their debut! Be sure to share some of your coolest replays with us on our socials!

Replays is the only feature that left a lot of questions.

First question is the one that bothers me the most:

In the 2024 preview the VERY FIRST point of why we even need replays was "See how your opponent beat your Prize Fight or Rift Node Defense Team" - and this thing would be HUGE. It would help to improve your rift base, to get some knowdlege from you opponents, and to easily spot cheaters.

And now replays are finally here, and you only can save and watch your own gameplay.
So, the feature to watch others games against you was abandoned, or it's only beginning and testing and the neat stuff will be added later? And if it will be, would be good to mention it in the patch notes - because now the message feels like "we wanted to add replays for a long time, now we finally added them, good luck have fun"! Please, make it clear

And the second question (or more of a suggestion)- why would not you add a feature to hide HUD when watching replay? In best case scenario - make it customisible, and let players remove some parts of it.

HUDless videos would help creators make great montages, character showcases, etc.
And customizeble HUD, for example, would let creators remove that big replay speed button so the video would feel like actual gameplay. Guys our there on youtube will thank you a lot.

And if we're going this path - would also be neat to make integrater tap recorder, and also make it apper or not appear like the rest of the HUD. Such thing would help creating tutorial, for example.

But overall, thank you so much for another great update! xoxo
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Replays is the only feature that left a lot of questions.

First question is the one that bothers me the most:

In the 2024 preview the VERY FIRST point of why we even need replays was "See how your opponent beat your Prize Fight or Rift Node Defense Team" - and this thing would be HUGE. It would help to improve your rift base, to get some knowdlege from you opponents, and to easily spot cheaters.

And now replays are finally here, and you only can save and watch your own gameplay.
So, the feature to watch others games against you was abandoned, or it's only beginning and testing and the neat stuff will be added later? And if it will be, would be good to mention it in the patch notes - because now the message feels like "we wanted to add replays for a long time, now we finally added them, good luck have fun"! Please, make it clear

And the second question (or more of a suggestion)- why would not you add a feature to hide HUD when watching replay? In best case scenario - make it customisible, and let players remove some parts of it.

HUDless videos would help creators make great montages, character showcases, etc.
And customizeble HUD, for example, would let creators remove that big replay speed button so the video would feel like actual gameplay. Guys our there on youtube will thank you a lot.

And if we're going this path - would also be neat to make integrater tap recorder, and also make it apper or not appear like the rest of the HUD. Such thing would help creating tutorial, for example.

But overall, thank you so much for another great update! xoxo
I think Fast Forward and Rewind buttons would be a very welcomed addition to replays, and would make understand some "special" interactions some fighters tend to happen from time to time (looking at you Valentine's down sweep)
I was expecting the Shard Exchange shop to only allow you to purchase one copy of the exclusives but it turns out there is no limit!

On one hand it’s good to be able to purchase dupes to level up PA (critical for some like Val); on the other hand, this would probably be a more economical route for whales to invest in the game rather than dealing with RNG.