• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: 6.3.1 Update Notes - Big Band Rework and Replays

Megalomaniac’s buff was too much. Having an inherent meter drain ability plus having her BB usage not diminish her perma-armor count makes her ridiculous to deal with. Either the native drain should be removed or her BB usage should be reverted to lower her perma-Armor stack. Having both of those of those features together gives her too much defense utility, especially in conjunction with certain PF modifiers and Catalysts.
Megalomaniac’s buff was too much. Having an inherent meter drain ability plus having her BB usage not diminish her perma-armor count makes her ridiculous to deal with. Either the native drain should be removed or her BB usage should be reverted to lower her perma-Armor stack. Having both of those of those features together gives her too much defense utility, especially in conjunction with certain PF modifiers and Catalysts.
And a stack of Evasion as the cherry on top...
And a stack of Evasion as the cherry on top...
She’s much stronger and more inline with other strong defenders, but not oppressive and unreasonable in my opinion. You just have to plan and be strategic with counters rather than steamrolling through her with anyone.

- Bring an outtake to tag her in first.
- Use characters with easy access to immunity.
- Use characters that do good damage with special moves (double, filia, beo, Marie, etc)
- curse or hex her
She’s much stronger and more inline with other strong defenders, but not oppressive and unreasonable in my opinion. You just have to plan and be strategic with counters rather than steamrolling through her with anyone.

- Bring an outtake to tag her in first.
- Use characters with easy access to immunity.
- Use characters that do good damage with special moves (double, filia, beo, Marie, etc)
- curse or hex her
That's general game plan vs any annoying defender tbh. If the counter is only Hex and Immunity, then it's a design flaw. I'm alright with her other changes to a degree, and I am able to deal with her. But, the Evasion, even if not that powerful, is just another layer of glazing to an already finished cake. And I'm saying this, because the only downside from her previous iteration, was that her own BBs removed armor, greatly limiting her game plan. They resolved that, and added a lot of additional fluff to make up for how long she was out and barely usable