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OFFICIAL: Character Design Paradigms


Guy with a Door Problem
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
Los Angeles

This post details the combat roles of each of the base character types. It summarizes stat distributions that can be expected for each character, general ability trends that help to distinguish that character, and the Character Ability specific to each character type.

Character Stats Comparison
The image below helps to show where each character shakes out relative to one another in terms of their base statistics:


Character Role
Big Band is the prototypical “tank” character. With lots of base Health, and plenty of Armor-granting abilities, players can expect Big Bands to be highly survivable.

Stats Paradigm
Big Band fighter have the highest base Health among all characters. His very high base Health values, however, are balanced by typically lower-than-average base Attack values.
  • Base Health: VERY HIGH
  • Base Attack: LOW
Signature Ability and Blockbuster Effects Paradigm
Big Band fighters tend to have STUN effects that help to control the pace of battle, ARMOR effects to further increase survivability, or some combination of the two. Here are some examples:
  • SA - MASTER OF UNBLOCKING: Getting HIT has a 10% to grant ARMOR for 5 seconds
  • BB - TUBA TUBA: 15% chance on HIT to STUN opponent for 6 seconds
Character Ability
CAN’T STOP THE BEAT: While dashing, Big Band cannot be interrupted (but will take damage normally)

Character Role
Cerebella is a “bruiser” type character. She has base Health stats that are second only to Big Band, but she is also capable of dealing damage in big chunks. She may not be quite as survivable as Big Band, but she makes up for it with her ability to pack a seriously powerful punch.

Stats Paradigm
Cerebella fighters have the second highest base Health among all characters. Her base Attack is likewise very high, which makes her a great choice for many scenarios.
  • Base Health: HIGH
  • Base Attack: HIGH
Signature Ability and Blockbuster Effects Paradigm
Cerebella relies primarily on her high base stats, and therefore has fewer abilities than other characters that leverage Combat Effects. However, she does have a number of abilities that celebrate her aptitude for chunk damage. Here are some examples:
  • SA - HAT TRICK: Start every match with 10% BLOCKBUSTER METER
  • BB - DIAMOND DYNAMO: Deals 2% bonus damage per COMBO HIT
Character Ability
BALANCING ACT: Successfully breaking a throw will make Cerebella’s attacker STAGGER! Use this opportunity to counter attack

Character Role
Double is a character that relies almost purely on modifiers and tactical advantages. Her low base Health means that she won’t last long in a punch-for-punch fight. However, if the player is able to take full advantage of her abilities, she can be among the deadliest characters.

Stats Paradigm
As a high risk / high reward character, Double fighters can reliably deal high amounts of damage, but players must be careful! With her low Health pool, mistakes can be costly.
  • Base Health: VERY LOW
  • Base Attack: HIGH
Signature Ability and Blockbuster Effects Paradigm
Double’s abilities are among the most powerful in the game, but are also largely reliant on RNG. This makes bringing Double into a fight is even more more high-risk, high-reward. Here are some examples:
  • SA - COUNTERFEIT: When at an ELEMENTAL ADVANTAGE, gain a random BUFF for 10 seconds any time the opponent gains a beneficial effect
  • BB - NIGHTMARE LEGION: If used to defeat an opponent, gain 1 random beneficial COMBAT EFFECT for 7 seconds
Character Ability
TRANSMUTATION: During combat, players can activate TRANSMUTATION by BLOCKING without being hit for 1 seconds. Doing so will immediately change Double’s element to another random element (excludes her current element).

Character Role
Eliza is a “techy” character who relies heavily on getting into specific combat scenarios and using atypical strategies. She is capable of dealing lots of damage if the player is able to master her more technical move-sets.

Stats Paradigm
Eliza has higher than average base Health, which helps to reinforce her role as a rare, boss-type character. Although she has a middle-of-the-road Attack value, this can be overcome if the player maximizes her more technical abilities.
  • Base Health: HIGH
  • Base Attack: NORMAL
Signature Ability and Blockbuster Effects Paradigm
Eliza leverages a number of “risky” abilities that have significant upside if used correctly, but can backfire if the player fails to use them thoughtfully. She induces a multitude of combat effects on herself and on her enemies, requiring a strategic approach to every fight. Here are some examples:
  • SA - PYRAMID SCHEME: Regain 5% HEALTH when either fighter uses a SPECIAL MOVE
  • BB - LADY OF SLAUGHTER: 50% chance to set opponent's SPECIAL MOVES and TAG INS on COOLDOWN
Character Ability
WARRIOR GODDESS: BLOCKBUSTERS involving Sekhmet now leave Eliza in Sekhmet Mode for a short duration. All damage taken by Sekhmet is recoverable.

Character Role
Filia’s game is speed, speed, speed. She is most akin to a “rogue” or “fragile speedster” type. Her attacks are fast, smooth, and difficult to punish. She is a great character for players who want to out-maneuver their opponents.

Stats Paradigm
Although Filia’s base stats are unspectacular, she more than makes up for it with her speed and maneuverability. Also, an assortment of multi-hit moves help her to land variety of damage-over-time and disabling effects. Because of this, smart Filia players can expect to deal plenty of damage, despite her average base Attack values.
  • Base Health: LOW
  • Base Attack: NORMAL
Signature Ability and Blockbuster Effects Paradigm
Filia Fighters have the ability to inflict a lot of BLEED effects, which help her to deal massive amounts of damage while still using her speed to avoid punishment. Filia fighters also have a number of disabling effects, which help to exploit an enemy’s vulnerability. Here are some examples:
  • SA - ICE TO SEE YOU: 50% chance on CRITICAL HIT to DISABLE opponent's TAG INS and SPECIAL MOVES for 4 seconds
  • BB - GREGOR SAMSON: 15% chance to on HIT to inflict BLEED for 5 seconds
Character Ability
ESCAPE ARTIST: Back-dashing just before being HIT will allow Filia to EVADE an opponent’s attack, avoiding all damage.
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Character Role

Painwheel is the prototypical “glass cannon” character. She is capable of dealing massive amounts of damage very, very quickly. However, because she has such a low HP pool, Painwheel players have to be careful to keep her out of harm’s way.

Stats Paradigm
From a pure base stats standpoint, Painwheel is our most lopsided character. She has the highest base Attack value, but very low base Health. This encourages Painwheel players to be constant aggressors, dealing out as much damage as possible and avoiding counter-attacks at all costs. But, her low Health pool makes her very vulnerable if the player isn’t careful. As far as Painwheel is concerned, the best defense is a great offense.
  • Base Health: VERY LOW
  • Base Attack: VERY HIGH
Signature Ability and Blockbuster Effects Paradigm
Painwheel’s abilities help push her even further into an offensive role. She uses lots of BLEED and ARMOR BREAK effects against the opponent, and ENRAGE effects on herself. These effects grant Painwheel openings to deal devastating amounts of damage. However, these effects often last for only a short period of time, giving the player small windows to maximize the impact of their attacks. Here are some examples:
  • SA - DEATH’S DOOR: Gain permanent ENRAGE when your HEALTH drops below 15%
  • BB - BUER THRESHER: 15% chance on HIT to inflict ARMOR BREAK for 5 seconds
Character Ability
FLIGHT RISK: Swipe up twice and Painwheel will take flight! While flying, Painwheel EVADES some attacks and can rain death from above.

Character Role

Parasoul relies heavily on landing Critical Hits, making her most akin to an “assassin”. Her attacks may not inflict exceptional damage, but she can be especially deadly if she can reliably crit. She is all about using her abilities to ensure that she and her teammates always have the advantage.

Stats Paradigm
Parasoul’s stats are as balanced as they can be. A Parasoul player can count on solid Health and Attack values, but will need to use her abilities wisely to maximize her potential.
  • Base Health: NORMAL
  • Base Attack: NORMAL
Signature Ability and Blockbuster Effects Paradigm
Parasoul has a number of moves that have an increased chance to Crit, encouraging players to think tactically and search for openings. She also uses sustained abilities that benefit herself and her teammates, keeping the Parasoul player at a constant advantage. Finally, she has a multitude of ranged attacks that give the player safe opportunities to take shots at their opponents. Here are some examples:
  • SA - OVERLY-CRITICAL: Increases teammate CRIT RATE by 5%
  • BB - SILENT SCOPE: Has a 25% increased chance to land a CRITICAL HIT
Character Ability
TEARFUL: Certain attacks will now spawn a TEAR. Using a CHARGE ATTACK will detonate all active TEARS, inflicting damage from afar.

Character Role

Peacock is the ultimate team player. She uses a number of abilities that increase the effectiveness of her allies and increase overall team synergy. Peacock has no concern for “fighting fair”, and would rather use ranged attacks than to trade blows punch for punch. Her ranged attacks and team buffs put her into a “bard” or “ranger” type role.

Stats Paradigm
With low Health but high Attack, it’s important for Peacock to harass enemies and exploit their weak points while staying out of harm’s way. Her ranged attacks and high mobility help her achieve this, and staying alive means that she can continue to power-up her teammates.
  • Base Health: LOW
  • Base Attack: HIGH
Signature Ability and Blockbuster Effects Paradigm
Many of Peacock’s abilities grant persistent bonuses for herself and her teammates. She also has a number of abilities that cause ARMOR BREAK, which helps her deal lots of damage while still attacking from afar. Here are some examples:
  • SA - VINTAGE PROJECTOR: All projectiles have a 10% chance to inflict ARMOR BREAK for 3 seconds
  • BB - ARGUS AGONY: 5% chance on HIT to inflict ARMOR BREAK for 3 seconds
Character Ability
THE HOLE IDEA: Swiping down twice will cause Peacock to drop into a hole! Swipe up to teleport and attack at the enemy’s position or stay down to avoid damage (up to 2 seconds.)

Character Role
Playing Squigly is all about finding openings. Rather than relying on her base stats, players will have to take advantage of these openings and be precise with their timing to make Squigly maximally effective. Her Character Ability and Signature Abilities will encourage players to carefully choose moments to strike, and if those moments are squandered her effectiveness is greatly diminished.

Stats Paradigm
Squigly has high base Health, making her one of the harder characters to finish off. However, her lower base attack means that players will have to pay attention to her Character Ability and Signature Abilities if they want to deal lots of damage with Squigly.
  • Base Health: HIGH
  • Base Attack: LOW
Signature Ability and Blockbuster Effects Paradigm
Squigly’s Signature Abilities and Move Modifiers further reinforce Squigly’s role as a timing-dependent character. Her SAs will rely on effects that are very potent if activated in the right moments. Lastly, the majority of these moments of opportunity will be cued by the state of certain HUD elements, so players will have to remain attentive to details they might otherwise take for granted (e.g. Combo Meter, Red Life, meter state, modifier expiration, etc.). Here are some examples:
  • SA - ABRACADAVER: When using a BLOCKBUSTER with an ODD COMBO COUNT, gain INVINCIBILITY for 5 seconds
  • SM - DRAUGEN PUNCH: On HIT, inflict CURSE for 10 seconds if used while CHARGED
Character Ability
WYRM'S TAIL: Holding down the WYRM'S TAIL button will store up to 2 DRAGON CHARGES. DRAGON CHARGES are consumed to make certain attacks more powerful!

Character Role

Valentine is both a healer and a disabler. She relies heavily on Combat Effects to control the flow of battle, keeping herself and her teammates healthy while applying numerous harmful effects to her enemies.

Stats Paradigm
Valentine has a respectable Health pool, but with a low Attack, players shouldn’t expect to deal tons of damage through sheer brute force. A Valentine player with have to use all of the tricks she has up her sleeve to maximize her potential.
  • Base Health: NORMAL
  • Base Attack: LOW
Signature Ability and Blockbuster Effects Paradigm
Valentine must rely heavily on her abilities to have success in battle. Luckily, she has an arsenal of them. She uses REGEN effects to keep herself and her teammates alive, and a number of abilities that debilitate her enemies. Here are some examples:
  • SA - URGENT CARE: While Valentine is alive, teammates gain HEAVY REGEN for 5 seconds when dropping below 25% health
  • BB - COUNTER VENOM BETA: 25% chance on HIT to remove all beneficial COMBAT EFFECTS
Character Ability
TARGET VITALS: All of Valentine’s attacks inflict damage that cannot be recovered when tagged out.
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Can't wait for the release of one of my most cherished video game characters, the one and only BEOWULF!
I'm happy he is keeping his high raw damage output and "bruiser" characteristics.
Can't wait for the release of one of my most cherished video game characters, the one and only BEOWULF!
I'm happy he is keeping his high raw damage output and "bruiser" characteristics.
I feel ya, dude! I'm so excited for everyone to show up, I can't wait to max Beowulf out though, I really wanna see how Mobile ought to do with his grappling techs!
I quite like how, though abiding by these designated roles is logical, highly recommended and outright essential at higher level play, simply going for good 'ol combos and just throwing in a SM or BB in every now and then is perfectly viable in the early stages like 'basic' chapters and low streak Prize Fights. Makes it quite welcoming and allows you to be eased in to the particulars of each character.
Hello! New to the forum, played the game for a few weeks already and i can say this is a really good summary! Guess it really gives a role-play game experience. I recommend every new player to get aquainted with this.
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Reactions: Peacockis2cool4u
Big Band fighter have the highest base Health among all characters. His very high base Health values, however, are balanced by typically lower-than-average base Attack values.

Big Band has lower than average base ATK stats but his combo limit is way above average. This results in him having higher than average damage per second than most characters because the amount of consistent "true" combos he can do is one of the highest, if not currently the highest in game.

This absurdly high combo potential for a character designed to be tanky is not well balanced due to the fact that he can easily survive a high amount of damage from all sources, as well as being able to ride out most tier 3 blockbusters. Afterwards he can counter-attack with a BB3 or a combo and inflict a significant amount of damage (if not killed them from 100 to 0 already) on any fighter who isn't Big Band or any fighter who is not designed to be tanky.

For comparison, the only other 2 characters with a similarly high combo potential are Painwheel and Peacock, but they're balanced because they have some of the lowest HP out of all the fighters. Painwheel is an exemplary "high risk, high reward" character, she's capable of doing the most damage and having a high combo potential but she has the worst survivability. While Big Band right now is low risk and high reward, especially so with his Epic Sax variant because he has the highest damage output in game and one of the highest HP stats.
ESCAPE ARTIST: Back-dashing just before being HIT will allow Filia to EVADE an opponent’s attack, avoiding all damage.

Sorry for the double post but why does it say Filia’s character ability is called “Escape Artist” when it was named “Flash Back” since soft launch? Escape Artist sounds like something that belongs to a certain cat thief who could dismember herself without ill effects to get out of hairy situations.
Big Band has lower than average base ATK stats but his combo limit is way above average. This results in him having higher than average damage per second than most characters because the amount of consistent "true" combos he can do is one of the highest, if not currently the highest in game.

This absurdly high combo potential for a character designed to be tanky is not well balanced due to the fact that he can easily survive a high amount of damage from all sources, as well as being able to ride out most tier 3 blockbusters. Afterwards he can counter-attack with a BB3 or a combo and inflict a significant amount of damage (if not killed them from 100 to 0 already) on any fighter who isn't Big Band or any fighter who is not designed to be tanky.

For comparison, the only other 2 characters with a similarly high combo potential are Painwheel and Peacock, but they're balanced because they have some of the lowest HP out of all the fighters. Painwheel is an exemplary "high risk, high reward" character, she's capable of doing the most damage and having a high combo potential but she has the worst survivability. While Big Band right now is low risk and high reward, especially so with his Epic Sax variant because he has the highest damage output in game and one of the highest HP stats.

Have you played Double? :3 She is easily high risk, low reward and feels more like a 2, 1 character.

i.e. attack: 2
Health: 1

The attack being 2 is because most of her abilities can and do whiff.

I would almost say Eliza is almost a 5, 5 character because of how enemies block and how her sekhmet can pretty much defeat any AI without any problems due to AI turtling lul :3

This graph is nice in theory. But in practice, it's so much more complicated :3
So all these comments is changing the base of the game at all?
Have you played Double? :3 She is easily high risk, low reward and feels more like a 2, 1 character.

i.e. attack: 2
Health: 1
I feel the same, only it's not that abilities whiff, but more like they don't really do any meaningful damage. There's not much point in anything besides normal combo and maybe Beast of Gehenna because everything else goes instead of the juggle and does not do more damage than the juggle itself.
I feel the same, only it's not that abilities whiff, but more like they don't really do any meaningful damage. There's not much point in anything besides normal combo and maybe Beast of Gehenna because everything else goes instead of the juggle and does not do more damage than the juggle itself.
Big Band, according to the graph, is classed as a "2" with Valentine.

If we use the supposed scale on the graph, and if Big Band is actually a 2, I would say Double should be a 1 at best, a 0 most likely, and a -1 if we are being real :3 :3

It's a shame because I thought she was a real keeper but I believe she is, at least right now, balanced around her signature abilities, which are I admit quite good.
Moisterrific are you talking about the story mode for squidly? It would be nice if it was that