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OFFICIAL: Issues with Rift Battle Season Rewards (July 6th - 12th)


AKA Cellsai
Hidden Variable Dev
Apr 24, 2019
Reaction score
Hi everyone!

You may have noticed a bit of a hiccup with today’s Rift Season Rewards. This post should hopefully clear up any confusion about what happened.

I’m sure most of you are aware, but after a Rift Battle season completes, all players who completed a minimum of 5 Rift Battles will receive rewards equal to the Rank they achieved in that season.

This week, due to a database error, Rift Battle rewards for this Season were not correctly calculated for all users.

This manifested in a few ways:
  1. Some players were sent the correct rewards.
  2. Some players were sent Legend Tier rewards, regardless of where they actually placed.
We have since identified and corrected the error that led to this, but unfortunately the results from last week’s Rift Season are gone for good. As such, there was no way to send out the correct prizes to everyone. We also did not want to take back rewards from players if we’d already sent them out.

The team discussed this at length and we decided on the following solution to be as fair and clean as possible:
  1. Players that were sent the correct rewards will not have their rewards adjusted.
  2. Players that were sent Legend Tier rewards will not have their rewards adjusted.
  3. All players have been reset to the Rookie Rank.
The end result of this is that some players will receive higher rewards than expected, but no player will receive less than what they earned this season. Sorry for any confusion!

Setting aside this specific Rift Season error, we know the release of 4.3 has had several issues like choppy frame rate, and matches not completing properly. We’ll be releasing an update very soon that should fix a lot of the major issues that were introduced in 4.3. Keep an eye out on our social media pages for news on that.

Although we are very proud of 4.3 in general (this is one of the biggest updates we’ve ever released), we also acknowledge that this release has not been up to the standards we expect from Skullgirls Mobile. As such, all players can expect a compensation mail in the near future once the new update is live.

Thanks for all of your patience while we deal with these errors. As always, we are incredibly grateful for your ongoing support.
I'm glad that this is fixed. But still, thank you for a wonderful game. Just take your time in squishing those bugs xD
Yep I got nothing what about me
I still got no rewards. I tried to restart the game as you said in a different thread but no luck. Any suggestions?
Did you complete your 5 matches for the week? I also didn't receive rewards but I believe that was because I didn't play 5 different matches. I also didn't get the usual "you didn't do 5 matches so you don't get rewards" mail, so I think this may be the case
Did you complete your 5 matches for the week? I also didn't receive rewards but I believe that was because I didn't play 5 different matches. I also didn't get the usual "you didn't do 5 matches so you don't get rewards" mail, so I think this may be the case
I did exactly 27 matches last week. I hope they're still investigating the problem.
[QUOTE = "Sairus, publicación: 45328, miembro: 5308"] ¡Hola a todos!

Es posible que haya notado un poco de hipo con las recompensas de la temporada de grietas de hoy. Con suerte, esta publicación debería aclarar cualquier confusión sobre lo que sucedió.

Estoy seguro de que la mayoría de ustedes lo saben, pero después de que se complete una temporada de Rift Battle, todos los jugadores que completaron un mínimo de 5 Rift Battles recibirán recompensas iguales al Rango que lograron en esa temporada.

Esta semana, debido a un error en la base de datos, las recompensas de Rift Battle para esta temporada no se calcularon correctamente para todos los usuarios.

Esto se manifestó de varias maneras:
  1. Algunos jugadores recibieron las recompensas correctas.
  2. A algunos jugadores se les enviaron recompensas de nivel de leyenda, independientemente de dónde se ubicaron.
Desde entonces hemos identificado y corregido el error que condujo a esto, pero desafortunadamente los resultados de la temporada de grietas de la semana pasada se han ido para siempre. Como tal, no había forma de enviar los premios correctos a todos. Tampoco queríamos recuperar las recompensas de los jugadores si ya las habíamos enviado.

El equipo discutió esto detenidamente y decidimos que la siguiente solución sería lo más justa y limpia posible:
  1. Los jugadores que recibieron las recompensas correctas no tendrán sus recompensas ajustadas.
  2. Los jugadores que recibieron recompensas de nivel de leyenda no tendrán sus recompensas ajustadas.
  3. Todos los jugadores han sido reiniciados al rango de novato.
El resultado final de esto es que algunos jugadores recibirán recompensas más altas de lo esperado, pero ningún jugador recibirá menos de lo que ganó esta temporada . Perdón por cualquier confusión!

Dejando a un lado este error específico de la temporada de fallas, sabemos que el lanzamiento de 4.3 ha tenido varios problemas, como la velocidad de fotogramas entrecortada, y las coincidencias no se completaron correctamente. Lanzaremos una actualización muy pronto que debería solucionar muchos de los principales problemas que se introdujeron en 4.3. Esté atento a nuestras páginas de redes sociales para obtener noticias al respecto.

Aunque estamos muy orgullosos de 4.3 en general (esta es una de las actualizaciones más grandes que hemos lanzado), también reconocemos que esta versión no ha estado a la altura de los estándares que esperamos de Skullgirls Mobile. Como tal, todos los jugadores pueden esperar un correo de compensación en el futuro cercano una vez que la nueva actualización esté activa.

Gracias por toda su paciencia mientras tratamos con estos errores. Como siempre, estamos increíblemente agradecidos por su continuo apoyo. [/ QUOTE]
Actualicé a la versión 4.3.1, y recibí nada más que insultos. "Jajaja" son hijos de puta.


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This how it worked for me:

Monday morning
  • Unread inbox has a rift reward delay apology
  • Unknown to me at the time and later pointed out on the forums, a message declaring me a Legend and stripped of attachments was in the Read inbox. Message titled "RIFT SEASON END REWARDS (7/6 - 7/13)"
Monday afternoon
  • message titled "RIFT SEASON END REWARDS (7/6 - 7/13)" shifts from Read to Unread inbox
  • Legend awards attached gratefully claimed!
So for those having trouble, check both mailboxes. Either you were granted a false Legend rank or you were given your appropriate rank (if you completed the minimum 5 Rift battles). Like if you were given GOLD 3 rewards, that's it. Don't expect to get Legend piled onto it.
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message titled "RIFT SEASON END REWARDS (7/6 - 7/13)" shifts from Read to Unread inbox
I deleted this mail while it's in the read inbox, maybe that's why I can't claim my rewards now.
I just want to say I think this was handled beautifully.
Mistakes can happen to anyone. We're just lucky we have a dev team who cares about us and takes responsibility when something goes wrong.

Thank you devs for taking such good care of your player base <3
@eray94 Hmm.. That's interesting. We've had a few reports of not all players receiving the mail. We're still investigating, but this is a good lead to follow up on.
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I deleted this mail while it's in the read inbox, maybe that's why I can't claim my rewards now.
Sorry mate!
Hope you get those rewards.
I was almost in the same boat! I was very close to deleting my Rift Reward message too, out of habit, since you can only view about 100 messages between your Read/Unread mailboxes combined, so I always keep my Read box empty (I have 289 unread PF emails - if only you could sort by date and read oldest -> newest, that would help me clear out some of those early Bronze/Silver rewards...)
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I just got one question, I got 1238 points in Rift, compare to last week it would place me in between diamond 4 and diamond 3 rank, and this week, according to the reward received, I'm at Gold 1, which is the same rank I got last week with 1165 points. I don't think the range and gap would be that much, so it led me to think this way:

If the ranking system calculated by the top % of players, does this mean all the false "Legend" rank just have a decent percentage at the top, which in turn mean all players that at the edge of higher rank got push down (like gold 1 -> diamond 4, silver 1 -> gold 4, etc). I don't know if I'm correct or not, just want to estimate how much effort should I put in in order to get to Diamond.
I just got one question, I got 1238 points in Rift, compare to last week it would place me in between diamond 4 and diamond 3 rank, and this week, according to the reward received, I'm at Gold 1, which is the same rank I got last week with 1165 points. I don't think the range and gap would be that much, so it led me to think this way:

If the ranking system calculated by the top % of players, does this mean all the false "Legend" rank just have a decent percentage at the top, which in turn mean all players that at the edge of higher rank got push down (like gold 1 -> diamond 4, silver 1 -> gold 4, etc). I don't know if I'm correct or not, just want to estimate how much effort should I put in in order to get to Diamond.
I'm trying to parse your question:

Are you asking that 'true' Ranking Results were off by 1-2 levels (lower) due to the % of players incorrectly placed @ #1 Rank?
Probably? Dunno the nature of the bug, but that could be the case, hate to think that's true, cuz that would mean that players that got non-legend-bug Rankings got less Rewards than was earned...oof.
@Cellsai some players, including myself, are legend again. This was actually my first week of rift so I thought maybe that had something to do with it, but I've seen other players with legend status as well and reporting similar issues to last week. Some players got their rightful rewards, others are legend, and some are legend but didn't get the legend rewards? You're probably already aware but I thought you should know if you are not.
My current rank says Legend (instead of resetting to Rookie with the new season) but I got Gold 4 rewards.
@Cellsai some players, including myself, are legend again. This was actually my first week of rift so I thought maybe that had something to do with it, but I've seen other players with legend status as well and reporting similar issues to last week. Some players got their rightful rewards, others are legend, and some are legend but didn't get the legend rewards? You're probably already aware but I thought you should know if you are not.
I got the Legend rewards, AGAIN.
I'm kinda happy and sad at the same time.
I left my rift score at 1045 and 1060 (to get silver 1 or 2) for two continuous, consecutive weeks, respectively.
But got legend rewards from both weeks.
I don't know where else to post this, but I'm really upset by all of this.

I'm going to write it out in here at the risk of no one seeing it. Rift 2.0 has been extremely stressful for me, I had initially seen it as a huge improvement over 1.0 but for many reasons stated more eloquently by @Mornedil it has become a point of massive stress and is making me generally unhappier than I ever have been with the game.

Devs, I love you guys and I love this game, but for the second time in a row now I worked my absolute $#% off to grind for Diamond 4 (which I managed to achieve) only to find out that it doesn't matter because the majority of people who sat and did just 5 matches got better rewards than I did. For TWO WEEKS RUNNING. It's not so much that I begrudge everyone else their bug rewards, but it absolutely disincentivizes me playing and working as hard as I have been only to earn something lesser, and not even be able to even show off the work I did. (And this is on top of how horrible the Sunday grind has become.)

I'm assuming you guys are working hard on fixing this on a more permanent basis, and maybe I'm just venting, but this whole thing has just left a horrible taste in my mouth with everyone in the discord showing off their free keys and shards that a select few of us aren't blessed enough to receive.
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