• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: May Skullgirls Progress Update & Check In


Hidden Variable Dev
May 17, 2017
Reaction score
Hey everyone!

Just like last time, we're here to give you another "between updates" update on Skullgirls while we work on our 3.3 update.

So let's dive in!



In 3.2, we introduced some substantial matchmaking changes that were designed to make sure that players weren't matched up against players with a collection that is significantly stronger than their own. This has been pretty successful in the low to mid-high Rift Ratings! (1000 ~ 1750 RR)

However, we're aware of some problems with collection based matchmaking at the top of the ladder around 2000 Rift Rating and higher. We've noticed that some players have been able to sneak into Diamond tier despite never facing off against other Diamond tier players because their collection strengths are too far apart. This also prevents extremely skilled players from climbing far into Diamond tier if their collection is too weak.

Rest assured, we’ll be taking steps to address these issues as soon as possible. Much like Prize Fights, Rift Battles will continue to evolve until they’re in a good spot. Thanks in advance for everyone’s feedback - it’s essential to making the mode as compelling as it can be!

We're also keeping an eye on how much time Rift Battles demand out of a player each week. As such, we plan to reduce the number of matches required to qualify for season rewards.



We've gotten a pretty good chunk of feedback about Catalysts so far, but we could always use more! Just a reminder, it would be great if players could chime in with their thoughts in THIS THREAD if they would like their feedback to be read and considered for future updates. New threads will be read, too!

Feedback from Discord, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Channel 0, YouTube, MySpace, Pictochat (especially room C), Skype, Steam, Snapchat, etc, is usually not logged, and it is not read by the entire team, unlike our forum. If you want us to see your feedback, please make sure it's somewhere on this site!

In 3.3, we are planning on making some tuning changes based on the feedback and behavior we’ve seen thus far. We'll have more details about any Catalyst balance changes in our 3.3 update notes.

Thanks again to everyone who's shared their feedback so far!



As mentioned on our social media, one of the highlights of 3.3 is MASTER difficulty arriving to story mode. This is going to be some of the trickiest content we've produced yet!

We’ve designed these modifiers to be challenging even for those of you with extremely late game collections. In pursuit of that, many of these nodes will enforce Fighter restrictions that will take you out of your comfort zone and really test the breadth and depth of your Collection. We want this content to be challenging, so hopefully it takes longer than an afternoon to beat (although I’m sure some of you will somehow find a way to do that anyway).

Even if you can't power through every node with your favorite maxed out Diamond, we hope you all have a lot of fun with it! We'll be looking at doing MASTER difficulty for Origin Stories in the future.



We know how much everyone is looking forward to our next Origin Story, and we're doing everything we can to complete in a timely manner without sacrificing quality. This is a juicy one!

Full transparency - in light of all of the dependencies required to get an Origin Story in, there's a very real chance that Filia's Origin Story may be pushed back to 3.4. That said, we’re doing our darndest to get everything sorted out ASAP. We'll have a better sense of where things stand once we're closer to our release and our update notes go up.



After the 3.2 update released, our servers took a pretty noticeable performance hit! We immediately started working with our backend partners to scale up our server resources to meet the demand of the extra traffic we were seeing. Although this (mostly) addressed the major issues most users were facing, we know there are still intermittent server errors and connection issues that continue to bother a number of our players (especially those outside of North America).

Unfortunately, those remaining issues aren't as simple as "add more servers". If it were that simple, we would have taken care of it already!

As such, we’ve made a significant investment in upgrading our backend infrastructure to help ensure tip top server performance moving forward (starting with the release of 3.3) but this will likely be an ongoing effort over the course of the next couple of releases.


That's all she wrote for today, but let us know if you have any questions about any of the above, or something we may have missed.

As a reminder, we'll be at Combo Breaker on May 24th demoing our work in progress Sync PvP game mode! Hope to see you there!

~ Hidden Variable ~
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As always, thanks for keeping us in the know, it's really appreciated. While the updates to matchmaking and the addition of catalysts have not landed super smoothly, to me it shows that the dev team is willing to make pretty significant changes to the mode, which has me confident in the eventual success of Rift Battles.

Looking forward to the next update as always! Especially bashing my head against the new story mode.
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Thanks for the good work and it seems like you guys got the most urgent issues on sight. I am very pleased with this news and wish the results are satisfactory as i expect. Meanwhile i have two lesser important things that might be worth looking into.
First is nerfing armor in general. The issue with armor is that it is very strong even in stack one, very easy to get it, and ,as a result of being too frequent and easy to get armor, armor break is not doing good job for being a counter. This not only makes dealing with defense with on hit armor very unpleasant but also makes it very difficult to make a well balanced defense character or catalyst that uses armor. Nerfing armor in either directly or indirectly can make not only the game more balanced but also can act as a tool to tone down some strong catalyst.
Second is nerfing on hit x% chance that x happens effect. The main issue with this is that situations like getting stunned after hitting RE twice or untouchable dodging every hit of diamond drop+diamond is forever happens very common. To make sure players can have more control in dealing with such mechanism, these effects should either have their algorithm changed so that unpleasant situation does not happen consistently or put additional conditional requirements like can occurs after five hits or occurs at non-crit attacks to make player choices actually matter more in dealing with them.

Not sure if these idea are being heard by devs but i hope it somehow reaches to them helps in making this game more fun and exciting. There were some mistakes and issues but overall i believe in HV team as they are willing to hear other opinions and try their best. I hope you guys keep the good work as you always do.
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As always you guys deliver us nothing but the absolute best. It's a shame that Filia's origin is going to be pushed back, but that's OK, as they say "Quality is better than Quantity". To be fair, you guys balance both of these perfectly.

I only have one question; In this update, are we finally going to get the Robo-Fortune relics?
Speaking of Robo-Fortune, will her Prize Fight be added to the cycle in 3.3?

FiliaParasoulBeowulfPeacockPainwheelDoubleSquigly ValentineElizaBig BandCerebellaMs. FortuneFilia

Where will Robo-Fortune fit in? I wonder which gold will be in the 10% prize: Terror Byte, Blue Screen, Head Hunter
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Well, I just got my second Dark Might. Is there anything you can say about the change that allows you to get rid of duplicate diamonds?
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Reactions: evilgordo
Well, I just got my second Dark Might. Is there anything you can say about the change that allows you to get rid of duplicate diamonds?
Just came here to post a similar question. Dupe Diamond Protection is a concern since there is nothing to do with them (other than raise them or use for XP, which we all know is a bad usage for any card).

*Dupes after having a full set of single Diamonds is fine, knowing my luck, I'll have 3-4 StandOuts before getting more than half of the others.
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Oof let’s do this guys I’m happy to hear this from the dev’s and mostly happy for the. PvP action lol like I said in My last post I’m Beowulf hear me awwwwooooooooooooo!!!
OOOOOHHHH FILIA'S ORIGIN STORY IM SO HYPED, although I would like you guys to take your time to make sure it comes out like you wanted. And master mode seems like its gonnna be fun!! I'm glad I kept all my bronze and silver characters that I use for the PFs.
I had a very very strange bug.
I was at Rift battles.
Had a win and I changed from Painwheel to Big Band.
When I chose Big Band the game started with Painwheel.
When I won the fight it was registered as I had Big Band.

Speaking of Robo-Fortune, will her Prize Fight be added to the cycle in 3.3?

FiliaParasoulBeowulfPeacockPainwheelDoubleSquigly ValentineElizaBig BandCerebellaMs. FortuneFilia

Where will Robo-Fortune fit in? I wonder which gold will be in the 10% prize: Terror Byte, Blue Screen, Head Hunter
Like our previous character releases, the new character Prize Fight will start as soon as the currently active character Prize Fight ends when 3.3 releases.

So, if Filia's Prize Fight is active on the day 3.3 releases, Robo-Fortune's will begin afterwards. That will be the new order for the rotation ongoing, as well. That's just an example! I don't know who's Prize Fight will be active on release day.

Well, I just got my second Dark Might. Is there anything you can say about the change that allows you to get rid of duplicate diamonds?
It's something we're actively discussing right now.
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Reactions: BallotBoxer
Do you think in the new update you could free the elemental exclusive fighters from their specific elemental relic prisons? I feel like the percentage of getting them isn’t high enough to reflect the amount of theonite you have to pay to get them. Just a suggestion
(My apology’s if they already are freed and I just haven’t noticed)
Like our previous character releases, the new character Prize Fight will start as soon as the currently active character Prize Fight ends when 3.3 releases.

So, if Filia's Prize Fight is active on the day 3.3 releases, Robo-Fortune's will begin afterwards. That will be the new order for the rotation ongoing, as well. That's just an example! I don't know who's Prize Fight will be active on release day.

Well, I'll have to hope 3.3 comes out ASAP then, so her fight will be slotted nicely between Robo and Fortune.
I'm really appreciated for the hard work, can't wait for 3.3 coming :D... However, I have some issue with the battlefield.
Not sure if anyone have the same feeling. For me, Robo.Fortune battlefield is really annoying since it contain a tons of animation and effect, especially when the train starts running. They are cool, but I suffer lagging quite often with that battlefield.
Will there be anyway to fix that in the future?
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Nice changes. I think priorities are spot on going into 3.3, specially the matchmaking bit about players sneaking around Diamond all the way up to Diamond 2 and even 1 lol

And tho I already think I know the answer, which catalysts are you guys lookin' at for nerfs? What do you think about some sort of catalyst penalty for dupes on a same map and such?
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And tho I already think I know the answer, which catalysts are you guys lookin' at for nerfs? What do you think about some sort of catalyst penalty for dupes on a same map and such?
I think that a limit for armor catalyst would be a nice choice, like no more than a generic and one elemental.