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Opinions about Characters before and after knowing their Stories


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2020
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Not everybody get to Skullgirls' mobile after playing The Skullgirls'. So most of us(including me) became mid-late game players without even knowing the official storyline of the game.
People generally view characters differently before and after they know their stories.
In short: Does your opinion about certain characters changed after watching the full story? Or not?

I'll go first.
All of the characters seems almost the same but I got two major changes in my opinion.
1. I thought Filia was just a useless, side-character but man, she was one of the nicest, warm-hearted character. She even used her wish to help Painwheel! What a girl! She became from my most hated to most loved girl!

2. At first look, Cerebella looks like some happy, kind-hearted character who plays fair. But when she crushed Misfortune for the life gem, who was just protecting her family. It broke my heart.
But the next scene, made her my most hated character.
She did it only to raise her reputation in someone's eyes. gross!

That's all. And one thing more Eliza got nice taste.
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It's been a while since I played 2nd Encore, but I think Filia's appearances made me find her and Samson's relationship less cute. This was before their story mode came out.

Their relationship is kinda a fun goof in Mobile (ha-ha, he does a dramatic pose and SHE'S the hair) but in 2nd Encore it feels a lot more dark to me, there's a lot of him dragging her around, getting her into fights, and it feels like not necessarily looking out for her best interests.

Which isn't totally different from the little blurbs in front of fights in Mobile, but it's a little different I guess seeing it as a coherent story.

I love Eliza's arc, dark though it is. I thought she was just neat to start with, but it's interesting watching her go completely over the edge.
People generally view characters differently before and after they know their stories.
Does your opinion about certain characters changed after watching the full story? Or not?
Hell Yeah!

I thought Beowulf was so badass, but he is so naive. He was tricked a few times and he doesn't look like that strong

I liked Eliza more before I knew she was one of the bad guys

I Thought Double was bullied by the humans
I've been with Skullgirls since the beginning so I can't relate. Seeing these first impressions are interesting though. And it is nice to see newbs learning the lore in the chat (stumbled upon a discussion in channel 0 about the distinctions between parasites and living weapons where one chatter thought Eliza was just "throwing her entire skeleton at people")

That Cerebella sitting on Vitale's lap reminded me of the fun thread back in the Skullheart forum days. We joked about what would happen if Skullgirls was censored by 4Kids. The whole thread is gold, but for Cerebella specifically...
where one chatter thought Eliza was just "throwing her entire skeleton at people
I can't stop laughing.
That Cerebella sitting on Vitale's lap reminded me of the fun thread back in the Skullheart forum days. We joked about what would happen if Skullgirls was censored by 4Kids. The whole thread is gold, but for Cerebella specifically...
The whole thread is lit. And it looks like you are a veteran player. Nice.
I Thought Double was bullied by the humans
She looks adorable to me before but now if I'll see her somewhere, I'll run like hell.
There seems to be a general trend in Mobile to make the characters more sympathetic or less grim. Valentine in 2nd Encore is a villain on par with Brain Drain, if not worse just for always being there and letting you know that she apparently thinks nothing of harming folks. In Mobile she got a whole big arc showing how she valiantly fought against the Skullgirl and Double and lost all her friends.

As an aside, I really actually like this version of her from that tread @BallotBoxer posted. Artist was named Stuff. No criticism of her current design, I just find this an intriguing alternative.

She is looking like of Peacock's age
Not everybody get to Skullgirls' mobile after playing The Skullgirls'. So most of us(including me) became mid-late game players without even knowing the official storyline of the game.
People generally view characters differently before and after they know their stories.
In short: Does your opinion about certain characters changed after watching the full story? Or not?
Ok, when I first saw Painwheel I was thinking she was super edgy and terrifying because she screamed a lot, yelled stuff like "DIE!" and she had spikes coming out of her and stuff... Then when I was looking at her story mode, I started to feel bad for her and I could understand why she acts the way she does. I've respected Carol more after that.

That Cerebella sitting on Vitale's lap reminded me of the fun thread back in the Skullheart forum days. We joked about what would happen if Skullgirls was censored by 4Kids. The whole thread is gold, but for Cerebella specifically...
Man, I love that thread lol :D
1. I originally thought squigly was still alive because the first squigly fighter I got was scared still.

2. I thought Cerebella was from the stone age
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1 and 2 are similar situations - I watched a lot of video reviews and was ready for their abilities, so I'm not surprised, but satisfied
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Peacock: I initially disliked her because I wasn't too fond of her old-fashioned cartoon artstyle, but after I saw her personality and horrific backstory, she became one of my favorite characters

Eliza: "Her design is really cool! ...Wait, she's evil? That sucks... no actually that's kinda hot"