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Peacock's commented Tier List


Active Member
Oct 21, 2017
Reaction score
Introducing Peacock:

Peacock is like a marksman. Most of yours Special Moves and Blockbusters incentive you to play from a range poking down your opponent. For that reason, she has a really poor defense and great attack stats. Try using all the tricks you have to shot down the health bar of your opponent!

Character Ability: THE HOLE IDEIA

"Swiping down twice will cause Peacock to drop into a HOLE, DODGING some attacks. After 2 seconds, she emerges with a bang!"

I would say that ability is really useful against almost every match-up. If you are skilled enough, you can dodge a crap ton of attacks, Special Moves and Blockbusters. The only risk is a small cast time where you are vulnerable. Also, if you time your attack incorrectly, be sure that you will be getting punished.

Ultraviolent - Rank S
Rarity: Gold
  • Projectiles have a 50% chance to ignore the opponent's DEFENCE and ARMOR
  • Projectiles inflict 50% more damage against opponents with UNFLINCHING or ARMOR
Recommend stats: Attack, Crit rate, Crit damage, Meter gain

Ultraviolent is one of the best offensive characters in the game. Her base attack stat is one of highest in the game and ignoring defense means that even if the opponent invested a lot in Defence through moves and skill tree for his defense team (which is pretty common in High Streaks) you will still transform then in Swiss cheese. The second part of her SA is good, but it doesn't affect every single fight, since not every time you will be facing someone who gains defense and/or unflinching. It's still pretty good, since a lot of fighters in High Streaks have those stats

Pea Shooter - Rank A
Rarity: Silver
  • Projectiles inflict 35% more damage for all teammates
  • All projectiles have a 15% chance to inflict ARMOR BREAK for 6 seconds.
Recommend stats: Attack, Crit rate, Crit damage, Meter gain

Pea Shooter has a great ability. I would dare to say the best one from all Peacock's variations. It synergies well with Peacock's kit and can also boost the damage of projectile-reliant teammates like Parasoul, Squigly and even Peacock itself. Although she's a silver, after evolving her to gold she still has some pretty good stats with a really high attack value. Just know that if you ever get caught, you will be completely destroyed.

Untouchable - Rank A
Rarity: Gold
  • 15% chance on getting HIT to avoid all damage (also applies while blocking)
  • Also gain UNFLINCHING for 6 seconds
Recommend stats: HP, defense, Attack, Meter gain

Untouchable is one of the most annoying fighters in the game. The amount os times her SA will save you from a BB3, a command grab, or something like that is too much. Also, it can serve as a safety net. If you ever get caught in a combo, you may just receive unflinching and simply turn on the aggressor, giving them no time to react. The big downside is the lack of pure damage, although you still have a decent amount with her for simply being a Peacock. You can't really go wrong with her!

Inkling - Rank A
Rarity: Silver
  • Inflict 25% bonus damage for each living teammate
  • All teammates TAG IN with ENRAGE for 10 seconds
Recommend stats: Attack, Meter gain, HP, Defense

Inkling is nice. Dealing a lot more damage at the beginning of the match is really good. Also giving tagging-in teammates a damage boost helps, but not enough to be praised. Overall, if you want a solo carry, go with her. Her damage boost makes her viable to shred through enemy teams. She doesn't have as much as a support for your team as Pea Shooter, but her solo damage can really make her shine more than her!

That's all folks! - Rank B
Rarity: Gold
  • Getting hit has a 15% chance to gain Enrage and inflict Armor Break on the opponent for 10 seconds
  • While Peacock is alive, enemies have 75% reduced crit rate
Recommend stats: HP, Defense, Attack, Meter gain

Hmm. That's all folks! has an interesting ability. It would be freaking amazing if it proc when you hit the enemy, but it only applies if you get hit, and as a Peacock, you don't really want to be getting hit. At least reducing crit rate makes sense with the other part of her SA. She can be "ok" if you want to reduce the damage for other teammates, while she's at the back row of your team. She has good stats, but her SA is actually pretty crap overall for me to give a higher ranking. This pallet looks soooo good, though, so you have that going for her.

Sketchy - Rank C
Rarity: Bronze
  • All teammates TAG IN with HASTE for 15 seconds
  • All opponents TAG IN with SLOW for 15 seconds
Recommend stats: Meter gain, Attack, HP, Defense

Well, while buffing and debuffing from a passive ability is nice, giving Haste or Slow isn't all that impactfull. Also, it only happens in Tag Ins, which does not happens often. She can be at max okay as a supportive character but even at that she isn't that good. Also, her stats are pretty bad.

Rerun - Rank C
Rarity: Bronze
  • TAG IN with ENRAGE for 15 seconds
  • COOLDOWN for TAG INS reduced by 50% for all teammates
Recommend stats: Attack, Meter gain, HP, Defense

I will be direct: Rerun doesn't do much. Reducing TAG IN cooldown isn't that impactfull, also the enrage only works for her (which is basically a downgrade from Inkled, and that wasn't all that good part of her kit). Ok, the duration is bigger, but that isn't enough to give her any priorit over almost any fighter. Also, as a bronze, she has terrible stats.

Defining tiers:
S - Really good fighter, invest in it. You can't go wrong, few to no bad match ups, good stats
A - Good fighter, still worth investing. Has some bad match ups but still really good
B - Ok fighter, you can invest if you want. Wouldn't recommend, but is more of a niche pick
C - Bad fighter, don't invest in it. Weak stats, weak SA. Just don't waste gold with it

Remember, this is my tier list and it's entirely my opinion. Feel free to discuss, agree and disagree! Thanks for reading
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Ultraviolent can potentially deal 200% damage when she fights an opponent with 50% defense! I think you might be confusing defense with block, defense is the stat that reduces the damage you take (stacks up to 50% and you can get 15% through skill trees). She also has one of the highest base attack stats in the game, second only to Buzzkill. I think that warrants a boost up to S tier. Definutely best peacock in my eyes.

Untouchable is much more potent on defense than offense. I wouldnt say she belongs in S tier, offensively she still has trouble as 15% isnt very reliable when everything can one shot you. Unflinching also becomes much less useful when a couple hits deal most of your health.

Inkling with two teammates actually has similar, if not more damage potential than Peashooter! Useful as a mid streak carry in PFs as you generally want to grind experience for two weaker fighters. I'd personally put her at A with Peashooter.
Ultraviolent can potentially deal 200% damage when she fights an opponent with 50% defense! I think you might be confusing defense with block, defense is the stat that reduces the damage you take (stacks up to 50% and you can get 15% through skill trees). She also has one of the highest base attack stats in the game, second only to Buzzkill. I think that warrants a boost up to S tier. Definutely best peacock in my eyes.

Untouchable is much more potent on defense than offense. I wouldnt say she belongs in S tier, offensively she still has trouble as 15% isnt very reliable when everything can one shot you. Unflinching also becomes much less useful when a couple hits deal most of your health.

Inkling with two teammates actually has similar, if not more damage potential than Peashooter! Useful as a mid streak carry in PFs as you generally want to grind experience for two weaker fighters. I'd personally put her at A with Peashooter.

Oooooh I actually didn't know that! I thought it ignored block! I'll be immediately changing the list! Well, at least I'm learning something new with those tier lists haha

I imagined that it worked that way because it always showed up the effect "Death throw" when I was blocking and she used the shot from her ground combo. But it makes a lot more sense, and it seens to be much better now!
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Also, thank you @Fel to be so supportive with those Tier Lists. I am really trying my best (since I'm not a native speaker) to do a good job for the community and you are being really helpful with those comments correcting me! Really hope you are still enjoying the lists one way or another :3
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Also, thank you @Fel to be so supportive with those Tier Lists. I am really trying my best (since I'm not a native speaker) to do a good job for the community and you are being really helpful with those comments correcting me! Really hope you are still enjoying the lists one way or another :3
I enjoy them a lot! Ive heard lots of good things about Firefly since your Painwheel list so Im learning stuff too and Im definitely biased in some ways so its great to listen to another persons opinion :)
Good list! I think I agree with it pretty much entirely. Glad Fel cleared up any confusion with those stats. I think one quite important thing to remember when playing as Peacock, though, is that you have to be very careful with when you choose to unleash your projectiles as using a special move outside of a combo, even at maximum range, can come back to bite you hard when the AI sees it as an opening for a blockbuster attack. It also might be worth mentioning that all projectiles, no matter their size or damage, neutralise each other completely upon collision, so it's possible to use attacks like George's Day Out and Bang! Bang! Bang! as impromptu projectile shields. My favourite example is using the triple shot from the revolver at the same time as Cerebella uses Diamonds are Forever (arguably the most spited move amongst veterans at high streaks or even in the game as whole) and having the first shot totally gobble up the whole diamond to let the other two fly through like normal and instantly punish the circus clown.
But these are specific examples and pointers that you didn't really need to go into and I'm just being picky. Overall I find it to be a terrific general list for Peacock and it should be a great reference for anyone with any doubts!
Good list! I think I agree with it pretty much entirely. Glad Fel cleared up any confusion with those stats. I think one quite important thing to remember when playing as Peacock, though, is that you have to be very careful with when you choose to unleash your projectiles as using a special move outside of a combo, even at maximum range, can come back to bite you hard when the AI sees it as an opening for a blockbuster attack. It also might be worth mentioning that all projectiles, no matter their size or damage, neutralise each other completely upon collision, so it's possible to use attacks like George's Day Out and Bang! Bang! Bang! as impromptu projectile shields. My favourite example is using the triple shot from the revolver at the same time as Cerebella uses Diamonds are Forever (arguably the most spited move amongst veterans at high streaks or even in the game as whole) and having the first shot totally gobble up the whole diamond to let the other two fly through like normal and instantly punish the circus clown.
But these are specific examples and pointers that you didn't really need to go into and I'm just being picky. Overall I find it to be a terrific general list for Peacock and it should be a great reference for anyone with any doubts!

Another thing I didn't know! Ok, I'll love to shoot some diamonds when I have the opportunity hehe
(I think I never have 2 projectiles collide. It's a great thing to know)
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A silly thing about peacock: Painwheel is supposed to have the lowest HP out of all the characters, but I have rerun and twisted mettle both at level 30 with maxed out skill trees, but twisted mettle has higher HP than rerun. By the way, twisted mettle is generally considered the worst Painwheel. Now I regret spending coins on rerun.
A silly thing about peacock: Painwheel is supposed to have the lowest HP out of all the characters, but I have rerun and twisted mettle both at level 30 with maxed out skill trees, but twisted mettle has higher HP than rerun. By the way, twisted mettle is generally considered the worst Painwheel. Now I regret spending coins on rerun.
Twisted Mettle and Rerun aren’t really the best comparison. It would be better to compare Rerun to Rusty and Sketchy to Twisted Mettle as that is a closer stat alignment relative to paradigms. If you level up a lot of bronzes you will eventually notice that the default, original palettes of characters always end up having a lower statistical power than the alternative colour skins at bronze. Also I’d disagree with TM being the worst Painwheel, as she at the very least has her niche in weekend Medici Shakedown where she can utterly exploit Hemofilia whereas Rage Appropriate’s signature ability is counter-intuitive beyond understanding. But that’s a whole other story. Sorry for the tangent; it is quite useful to compare and contrast with other characters though.
yeah, pretty much... there's no updated peacock tier list
Try this

Try this

These are all very good and very much upto my expectations.
These should be in forums but posting these without the Author's consent also doesn't feels right.

Thanks for the links. 😊