• [2018/06/22]
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  1. SvenZ

    Characters Peacock - Marquee [Rework]

    This thread will be formatted and elaborated on on the Weekend. Creating the placeholder so I don't forget. When going underground, 3 new buttons will be presented Far Left - Reappear only Same Position - Reappear only Far Right - Reappear only We Retain clicking anywhere on the field (except...
  2. ZeoW

    Characters So, who's rework is next after Big Band?

    From what I've seen, the community have been very positive to Big Band's overall character rework changes. His gameplay is more smooth, his combo potential is better (that's what he does best!) and his ability effects have been updated to modern standards. The fact that the devs have decided to...
  3. C

    Brainstorming changes to some PAs!

    Hey, I've been thinking for some time that some PAs have some flaws or could be improved somehow. I don't mean to buff every PA to be about the same strength, SAs and MAs are not designed that way and I'm ok with that; this post is just a proposal to make some PAs more consistent or fix some...
  4. S


    so I just got a Diamond Peacock, but I already have a shiny silver peacock that I’m almost done getting to Gold, and I almost have enough golds to get it to Diamond. Do I use the Diamond peacock or wait for the shiny one
  5. Cellsai

    SG Custom Fighters

    2019 Edit: A lot of the initial post in this thread is wildly out of date, and there's newer better tools for making custom cards. I've moved most of the the original post into Spoilers. Here's where you can make custom palettes for any of the cast: https://sgmpalette.netlify.com/ Here's...
  6. F

    Bug - Normal Fix peacock’s hitbox please

    Peacock hitbox is very buggy. When i try to kill thats all folks peacock every second hit dont do any damage and she uses her own combo. I was trying to kill her on almost every character but it don't works. Fix her hitboxes please
  7. M

    Bug - Normal Peacock's revolver special bug

    When you use the revolver against parasoul, sometimes the ai will counter it with the motor brigade bb in wich case you will avoid the damage but get immediately stunned even though you were not hit at all.
  8. Splashmouse

    Who's funnier, Peacock or Ms Fortune?

    I've come to realize they're both quite the jokesters, personally I can't decide who I'd go see do stand up if I had to choose one. On one hand, Peacock has the old timey slapstick, on the other, Ms Fortunes got the witty cat puns. I can't decide, heLP.
  9. Art3mes

    Pea Shooter VS Inkling

    As both have 'almost' the same SA's, I am wondering who is better as pure offensive character and even worth evolving into diamond? Or both are good? What is your opinion?
  10. DefGear

    Bug - Normal Peacock's Good Fellows (lv3 BB) can fail if the opponent tags out at the same time

    This happened to me when fighting the boss node in peacock's master story mode, I used good fellows against a low health Eliza when she suddenly tagged out for Parasoul, but instead of Parasoul being affected by the attack, the animation stopped when Peacock got close to her, canceling the...
  11. Yomady

    Peacock Move Tips: Unblockable Attack Usages & Brigade Counter

    A few tips for Peacock's general attacks which can bring joy to one's eyes (1HP moments) "Bang, Bang, Bang!" which can actually destroy Motor Brigade: Parasoul's Blockbuster, or even just generally stop the incoming attacks in general when Parasoul get's tagged in. Remember always to carry...
  12. M

    Master peacock help

    Heyo, I’ve managed to grind out every node in Peacock’s master story mode except one: 1xPeacock vs Dread Locks Filia and Djinn Frizz Filia My strongest Peacock is a maxed gold Ultraviolent with Special Feature, and while she’s got the damage output to win, Dread Lock’s SA’s really messes me up...
  13. M

    Pea Shooter Peacock Stack Signature Moves

    Does peacocks signature ability stack. She grants 30% bonus damage for all teamates so if u have 2 on your team will it give 60% bonus???
  14. Smuggerino

    Bug - Normal Peacock and Parasoul

    When Peacock uses her George at the air show right before Parasoul uses her motor brigade and destroys one of the Motor bikes the game crashes.
  15. B

    Boxcar combo extend

  16. Am_Suitcase

    An idea for buffing That's All Folks!

    That's All Folks is an interesting character. Formerly one of the exclusives back then. And sporting one of the most fitting palettes for a character I think some people do want her buffed, i'm not sure if these ideas came out already, but it's something I also thought and hope could make her...
  17. B

    Freeze Frame SA name change

    So I think Freeze frame SA should be named Perfect Freeze in honot of her pallete reference. Opinions?
  18. Yomady

    Peacock - The Hole Idea - Avoid Damage

    As you maybe doing or know, the best way in-game is to do as much damage as possible, without getting hit. When Peacock is using her special ability, the best way to open up for a attack (mind you have to be very quick, almost pixel perfect quick) is to sidestep left, or right to the screen...
  19. S

    Bug - Normal I interrupted my Good Fellows with my ownImpeding Doom

    I’m not sure how exactly that happened, I’ve spent around 5 to 10 minutes in Training trying to replicate this. I was playing Rerun Peacock against Understudy Cerebella in Show Me Your Moves. I used Impeding Doom and almost immediately after that I used Good Fellows. Before I managed to run up...
  20. S

    Need advice for investing into a super defensive Untouchable

    I got 3 water essences from AE. Right off the bat I knew that no water fighter is nearly as appealing for me as Untouchable. I’ve been toying around with this idea of unsurpassable wall that would have as much hp% as I can find, max def%, bleed resist for anti-high streaks. What other stats...