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Fights Posibble solution for Rage quit


Sep 30, 2019
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Hey, so this will be a simple thread. As a possible solution for the rage quit, I propose the inclusion of a timer. Like, if you want to quit, sure, the button will be available in 10 seconds.

If you are rage quitting, you'll have to wait unless you want to close the app and restart it. If you really want to get out because some other reason, 10 seconds it's not the end of the world.

How do you guys think this would work?
Ten seconds might not be discouraging enough. How about penalizing them afterwards too? like not being able to play versus for a couple of minutes after using the button. or something like that.

Alternatively, why not just give the one player not rage-quitting the victory when the opponent uses the button? Should be technically possible, but if the opponent really wanted to waste your time, they could still close the app.

Not real solutions, but maybe something like that would help a little. I'm sure many players wouldn't be satisfied with such measures though. Maybe that is why the devs haven't implemented anything like this yet, not to mention that players are already arranging fights (or "trading" wins) to get the reward, precisely to avoid this and save time.

Can't say I blame the devs if they haven't been very motivated to do anything about this issue yet. Makes sense to give other things priority, for sure.
Ooor replace the quit button to a surrender button? But there's still the issue of them quitting the app and forcing a disconnection, but that's where the penalizing comes in on them...

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I meant penalizing them after they hit the button, specifically, not when they disconnect, because I'm pretty sure it is technically impossible to know for sure the reason a player disconnected. So, if players were always penalized for disconnecting during a fight, innocent players that have unstable connections would get wrongly penalized sometimes too. Same if the app just crashed. That wouldn't be nice. That's why I say those aren't real solutions, only ways to discourage this behavior to a certain extent.
I'm not a fan of penalizing. Honestly, what you guys say is not rage quitting. That's trolling. And if someone wants to troll you, a dumb penalizing will do more harm than good.

What I want to tackle is rage quit. This is when a fair match spirals in favour of one side and the other decides to surrender. In most cases, just a moment before the match would be over normally. That's why I say a 10 second waiting button would suffice. 10 seconds is what would take the match to be over either way, so why go to the bother of forceably closing the app? At least that's my point of view.
How about if for some reason one player disconnects the match is awarded to the player with the highest health. The same way the win is awarded when there is a time out. Players who choose to Rage quit wouldn’t be able to win since they most likely have the lower health anyway. But to prevent abuse it would only be active in the last minute. I’m not sure how we could prevent players from only playing the beginning of a match and then quitting when they have higher health

Maybe the win should be awarded to the player who didn’t disconnect instead?
I'm not a fan of penalizing. Honestly, what you guys say is not rage quitting. That's trolling. And if someone wants to troll you, a dumb penalizing will do more harm than good.

What I want to tackle is rage quit. This is when a fair match spirals in favour of one side and the other decides to surrender. In most cases, just a moment before the match would be over normally. That's why I say a 10 second waiting button would suffice. 10 seconds is what would take the match to be over either way, so why go to the bother of forceably closing the app? At least that's my point of view.

I don't see the difference. If the match would be over in 10 seconds anyway, why hurry to "surrender" instead of letting the other player win the fight properly? Quitting shortly after the fight starts can even be reasonable if, for example, the latency is too high or unstable, but quitting when the fight is just about to end is bad sportsmanship in my opinion: you are effectively preventing your opponent from finishing the King of the Ring daily mission just to save yourself 10 seconds of your time. How is that better?

A penalty is not the kind of measure I would like to see anyway, because it would be negative reinforcement all around. Rewarding players that don't quit would be a better way to go about it, in any case, but I still think the closest thing to a solution would be to just give the win to the player that doesn't quit when the other one quits.
That's exactly my point. If there's no difference, maybe it will stop happening. And the person that wanted to get the win and the subsequent completion of the daily will achieve its objective.
I don't think there should be a penalty for quitting because it is hard to tell with mobile internet connections who wanted to quit and who just got unlucky or something.
Imo there should be a better reward for playing pvp. I barely do it and if then I only go for 1 win a day and I'm done.
Maybe give both players of the match... idk some C-Coins or rift coins. Winner would get more but if the looser stays in and collects his smaller amout.. would make it alot better than the 'winner takes all' kind of situation we got going on right now.

The players quitting, no leveling my characters and the fact there's barely any reward for playing more than 1 pvp match are the biggest factors why I don't play more of it. And I think two of those reasons can cancel each other out to a degree if done correctly.

...or maybe the quit button gets disabled after a minute or smth...

You guys are playing versus?
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I think some people disconnect on purpose when losing to deny the opponent their victory (and potentially 10 theonite). I think a disconnect should be viewed like a time-out and the player with the most remaining health when the disconnect happens is treated as the victor. This way, rage quitters would have less of a negative impact on the Versus experience.

Other matchmaking games penalize quitting with temp bans, and in most cases it works, but since the mobile Versus experience is quite unstable, as someone said earlier, differentiating between rage quitters and legit internet trouble could be an issue.
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