Well, I saved up all of my theonite from the story mode and was able to roll x10 twice. The first attempt landed me my first Last Hope, and when i was willing to roll again to get silent kill valentine and another last hope popped out for me again. Valentine really loved me this time
Silent kill valentine is honestly not that bad, though I can agree that her numbers may he tweaked a little bit. Her signature ability is to remove buffs from the enemy and debuffs from you for a 15% chance per hit. I honestly think the number should be changed to a 20% to make it more consistant, but its a good ability nonetheless.
You remember yesterdays big bass where in expert level he had invincibility and stackable defence almost all the time when you hit him? Well, valentine's niche usefullness makes her OP when it comes to situations where the stipulations give way too many buffs to the enemy, and overtuned buffs at that.
Early game, and regular matches where there arent many buffs and debuffs against you, yes, shes going to feel meh. But when you put silent kill in niche situations like the big band event, her usefulness will shine. Thats why I was willing to roll another x10 again because she'll be able to strip invulerability drom armed forces cerebelle, invincibility from peacock, etc.