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"RAINBOW BLIGHT" - Strategy and Discussion


Hidden Variable Dev
May 17, 2017
Reaction score

This thread is for discussing the gold Double variant: "RAINBOW BLIGHT"
Have something to say about this variant?

This is the place!

* Please note that the fighter score shown in this image may not reflect the actual fighter score of the variant in game.
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Holy shizznizz a new element???

Praise the Trinity!

For SA I'd shoot:

Color Blind: Double is not affected by the elemental wheel at all, however, she cannot actually do super effective damage to any element either.

But considering this also may be redundant as we have yet to learn about this new element,

Arts and Crass: With the blessing of her palette colors, Double receives one (permanent?) stack of regen for every 15 seconds and enrage every 30 seconds

It’s cool that the card itself changes color. I expected it to be battle only.
I want one so bad :3. Might use 3k for 2 10k pulls
I'm already doing that. Probably going to keep pulling like a maniac every week until I get one.

Moist mentioned he only got 2 gold Elizas from a 77 pull, so luck seems to favor those who pay
Moist mentioned he only got 2 gold Elizas from a 77 pull, so luck seems to favor those who pay
It's like around a 1/3 total chance to pull a gold from a 10+1, so that sounds close enough to right.
I feel like her ability will be related to element bonuses and element penalties. Something like
Increase element bonus for all team members by 20%
Lessen element penalty for all team members by 20%
I'm already doing that. Probably going to keep pulling like a maniac every week until I get one.

Moist mentioned he only got 2 gold Elizas from a 77 pull, so luck seems to favor those who pay
I've gone over 80 pulls without a single gold so i'm not getting my hopes up :3 :3 :3
I've gone over 80 pulls without a single gold so i'm not getting my hopes up :3 :3 :3
You'll get one eventually, it's about 36% per 10+1 pull, so hopefully you get one soon. I've been screwed over like that in other mobile games and it sucks, I know.
You'll get one eventually, it's about 36% per 10+1 pull, so hopefully you get one soon. I've been screwed over like that in other mobile games and it sucks, I know.
waiiit, does probability work like that? why do i remember math different? the probability of getting gold dont stack, or do they? do they?
waiiit, does probability work like that? why do i remember math different? the probability of getting gold dont stack, or do they? do they?
Ehhh you're probably right. I'm unsure but it seemed logical to me to do it that way. It's probably a close guess if it's not right, I presume.
Ehhh you're probably right. I'm unsure but it seemed logical to me to do it that way. It's probably a close guess if it's not right, I presume.
the way i remember is 3.5% gold for a 10+1 relic. this is going to bother me for days. >_>
the way i remember is 3.5% gold for a 10+1 relic. this is going to bother me for days. >_>
It's definitely not 3.5% to get a gold from all 11 though, I'm pretty sure it at least increases with each roll... I'll have to do some more maths to figure out more.
the way i remember is 3.5% gold for a 10+1 relic. this is going to bother me for days. >_>
I think this proves my maths was right the first time.


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    Screen Shot 2017-10-30 at 11.46.24 AM.png
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Hot damn she looks great.
...what's her SA doing though?
Looks like everytime Double transmutates, she gets a random positive status effect, while also giving the opponent a random negative effect.

On another note, I find the SA's name "Pentaglam" to be really funny for some reason.
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This thread is for discussing the upcoming gold Double variant: "RAINBOW BLIGHT"
Have something to say about this variant? Think you've figured out its SA?

This is the place!

This is like getting a rare "shiny" in pokemon, and feels like it's almost too-rare and too-good. Fingers crossed a lot of us have luck in getting it!

Only a few days to try for rainbow double <3 <3!