As you may know, this week's element prize fight is "A Shining Example". The relics are time limited (totally fine and expected behavior). Due to time constraints I had not played the prize fight and had no Shining Relics; however, I did hit Level 70 (yay me!) and was issued one relic of each element. The Shining Relic is the only one issued from the level up that is time limited. I believe this is an unexpected behavior since it was not issued from this weeks prize fight but from a level reward. Please review this behavior. Thanks! (as a side note, normally I would probably just use it and move on but with Umbrella's release imminent, I would like to have saved it).
While device data may not be needed:
Android 12, Google Pixel 4 XL
While device data may not be needed:
Android 12, Google Pixel 4 XL