• [2018/06/22]
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Serious question: Can the dev really do something about the cheaters?


Dec 16, 2019
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I know that there's a sticky post to report cheaters, but that post has reach to 143 pages without any actions from the dev even though that post was made by Liam. The name of the cheaters repeat many times post after post but they still can do it without punishment.

Honestly, if they cheated in prize fights, then that's fine cause that don't affect me, but when they got to Rift it's a problems. Most of the time they stay low at Silver and it's really discouraging new players that want to play Rift. But now I encounter a cheater that got ballsier and climb all the way from Silver 1 to Gold 2, 200 points in the span of 2 weeks, if that's not enough to raise the red flag, he got every match 24k each time. And if the dev won't do anything about the cheaters, might as well climb all the way to diamonds, right?

The problems here is there are so little players from Gold or above that have the same collection power as me so I got match with him regularly (I'm Gold 3), 4 times last week, and 2 times this weeks already, and 2 or 3 times when I was still Silver, it's make me lose all motivation to play Rift. It's wasting my time and my effort to the point I don't want to touch the game anymore.

This guy in particular got reported in early February by a credible player: Crazy Cat Lady so I don't think I need to explain anymore, and it cost her Gold 3 rewards which she deserved and most serious of all, make her delete the game until the cheaters problem resolve. And he got all the way to level 70 with a collection of both natural Diamonds and evolved Diamonds (which don't have their moves invested in) meaning that he spend a lot of time cheating in the game.

And I'm pretty sure he lurk the reddit regularly because the post I made about him got downvoted and he change his name and his avatar today when I got match with him, AGAIN. If you want to look him up, feel free to do so, his name now is Aaquand jepensé àtoi (before that was a Chinese name without meaning) and you can look him up in the add friends section. Make sure to look him up next week when he got his shiny Diamond badge under his name, he got 1658 points by now.
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We need to make a twitter hashtag campain or somethng so players can get an statement from developers over this problem...

Is NOT we vs devs, is all of us vs Hackers. So much time and money spended so we just get a "thanks for playing but you were defeated beause hacks, so plz sorry"?? NO, it´s not good...
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Honestly, I just want them to take some action, banning those "popular cheaters" just to show they acknowledge this problem. Just by combing the report thread for a few minitues I can pick out 10 cheaters from repeated reports. And I'm sure the dev with their server side data will be much easier.
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We need to make a twitter hashtag campain or somethng so players can get an statement from developers over this problem...

Is NOT we vs devs, is all of us vs Hackers. So much time and money spended so we just get a "thanks for playing but you were defeated beause hacks, so plz sorry"?? NO, it´s not good...
Short on moderators, even right now I can swear!

Yeah it is a little loose with this effort right now. Could apply to work for them if desired? (link:https://www.hiddenvariable.com/open-position-web-admin-contract/)

@Tsukiakari Also too this thread isn't proof of cheating - sorry dude.

Went from Silver 2 to Gold 4 in a weeka.PNG
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The developers have been banning cheaters regularly since they started being a thing.
The hacker reporting thread is less efficient as it involves a member of the dev team reviewing each report and taking action from there.
Its much more efficient for the devs to work on preventing the hacks in the first place, or to make a way to catch large batches of them at once. This is most likely what's been happening with the "ban waves" that happened a few times.
In the 2020 plans they mentioned preventing hackers so its definitely on their minds.
Moderators at this point have nothing to do with finding/punishing hackers, and moderators on the forums are not moderators on the chats in game.
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The developers have been banning cheaters regularly since they started being a thing.
The hacker reporting thread is less efficient as it involves a member of the dev team reviewing each report and taking action from there.
Its much more efficient for the devs to work on preventing the hacks in the first place, or to make a way to catch large batches of them at once. This is most likely what's been happening with the "ban waves" that happened a few times.
In the 2020 plans they mentioned preventing hackers so its definitely on their minds.
Moderators at this point have nothing to do with finding/punishing hackers, and moderators on the forums are not moderators on the chats in game.
Would you look at that, the cheater finally got to Diamond 4!
Do you know any cheaters with this kind of collection?
I don't know the "regular" you talking here is how often but when a cheater make this big then it's obviously not enough.
View attachment 8575
Would you look at that, the cheater finally got to Diamond 4!
Do you know any cheaters with this kind of collection?
I don't know the "regular" you talking here is how often but when a cheater make this big then it's obviously not enough.
There have been people claiming they were banned recently so we at least know there's some amount of banning going on currently.
My point was that the devs acknowledged the problem in the 2020 plan thread, and while it would be nice for them to directly respond to each report on the thread, it isn't very efficient.
Yes it sucks that some repeat offenders haven't been banned yet. Yes it would be nicer to have more information about what they're doing to prevent hackers. However, claiming that the devs aren't doing anything to address the situation or that there hasn't been any actions taken is flat out wrong.