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Shinies Everywhere


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2019
Reaction score

Not my place to ask for new things for the game because it's fab and I know you guys work so hard to keep it that way. :) But it occured to me that everyone loves wholesome shiny goodies.

So...... How about adding those rare shinies to the roster for moves and catalysts following the same model as for characters (halving the cost of investment to level them)?

I'd chase them, and I figure others would too.
I am not sure that it would be a good idea.

Special Moves have a lot of RNG involved, considering both the stats they roll initially and the distribution of upgrades while leveling them up. Imagine your frustration when you get a Shiny BB3 with stats like Crit Resist, Element Penalty and plain HP bonus. The fact of getting a completely useless Shiny would make me a sad panda. And chances of getting a perfect Shiny one with, say, ATK%, DEF and METER GAIN would be so abysmal that 99.9% of the playerbase would never see them.

Then it would be another source of frustration like "It's not fair, TopPlayerName is so strong just because they got those Shiny moves, probably, they paid money for that, the game is so P2W..."
I am not sure that it would be a good idea.

Special Moves have a lot of RNG involved, considering both the stats they roll initially and the distribution of upgrades while leveling them up. Imagine your frustration when you get a Shiny BB3 with stats like Crit Resist, Element Penalty and plain HP bonus. The fact of getting a completely useless Shiny would make me a sad panda. And chances of getting a perfect Shiny one with, say, ATK%, DEF and METER GAIN would be so abysmal that 99.9% of the playerbase would never see them.

Then it would be another source of frustration like "It's not fair, TopPlayerName is so strong just because they got those Shiny moves, probably, they paid money for that, the game is so P2W..."

That's fair enough I respect your comment, thanks for replying.

We already have heavy RNG touches with each and every relic pull incl. shiny characters and, as you point out, especially move stats. Adding shinies would neither increase or dilute the existing RNG element of the game but should be a stimulus in the same way adding shiny characters was - everybody wants one, especially those shiny diamonds and golds.

I'd add that adding shiny catalysts in particular would be the same as adding shiny characters. There is no RNG stat element at all and they may even encourage further investment by players in Rift.

At the end of the day, its just an idea. The game is already superb without them.

Cheers and my best to you