• [2018/06/22]
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Show me your inventory!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
Reaction score

Like any nosy neighbor, I can't resist peeking my beak into your business. Shouting "Show me your inventory!" is normally impolite, but I wish to see if we share underlying trends and expose flaws in the economy (e.g. think of all the silvers people are hoarding or how many gold moves accrue because there is no space to open them).

I'll share mine (and also provide a handy template to quote and use)


12h XP = 13
4h XP = 26

Canopy coins = 1,532,869
Theonite = 2,519
Bronze keys = 84
Silver keys = 93
Gold keys = 109
Diamond keys = 16
Rift coins = 964
Energy refills = 111

Elemental Essences
Wind = 2 and 175 shards
Fire = 7 and 405 shards
Water = 6 and 450 shards
Light = 3 and 50 shards
Dark = 2 and 230 shards

Relic Shards
Silver = 990
Gold = 880
Diamond = 770

Fighter Capacity
Diamond = 19
Gold = 119
Silver = 304
Bronze = 9

Gold Fighter Total: 119
Gold invested characters 49
Gold evolution fodder 70

Silver Fighter Total: 304
Silver invested characters 43
Silver evolution fodder 261

Bronze Fighter Total: 9
Bronze invested characters 5
Bronze evolution fodder 4

Moves Capacity 796/800
Gold = 784
Silver = 12
Bronze = 0

Unopened Move Relics
Gold move relics = 172
Silver move relics = 0
Bronze move relics = 0

Catalysts Capacity 41/500
Gold = 17
Silver = 5
Bronze = 19

Usage Questionnaire
Q: What are you mostly spending your Canopy coins on?
A: Skill tree nodes.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Rift coins on?
A: Gold dust.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Theonite on?
A: When not saving for 10+1 relic bundles, buying the 1.84 million coins deal for 1,600 Theonite.

Q: Is there anything in the Cabinet of Curiosities you want added?
A: Gold gifts! ...and Rock Star Filia

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

I have too many silvers and I need to prune my gold moves (too many are deemed "that could be good" if they have two favorable traits).
Even with 451 fighters, I really have 97 characters, the rest are all fodder! Maybe I should start melting some silver since I have more than enough to evolve the ones that matter.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

So what do you got? Any spending habits you need to kick or some collection crafting tips to pass along? Fill out this census survey and get... a forum post like. Better than nothin' eh?
Just gonna use your post as a template so i don't forget anything, there's quite a bit to cover here.



12h XP = 7
4h XP = 8

Canopy coins = 807,572
Theonite = 1,464
Bronze keys = 80
Silver keys = 36
Gold keys = 76
Diamond keys = 0
Rift coins = 689
Energy refills = 66

Elemental Essences
Wind = 0.955 (i.e. 0 essences and 955 shards)
Fire = 1.295
Water = 4.115
Light = 2.125
Dark = 3.145

Relic Shards
Silver = 915
Gold = 770
Diamond = 720

Fighter Capacity
Diamond = 13 (5 evolved, 8 naturals)
Gold = 90
Silver = 75
Bronze = 32

Diamond Fighter Total: 13
Diamond partially / fully invested characters 8
Diamond favorited but uninvested characters 5

Gold Fighter Total: 90
Gold fully / mostly invested characters 19
Gold favorited but mostly uninvested characters 18
Gold evolution fodder 53

Silver Fighter Total: 75
Silver partially / fully invested characters 7
Silver favorited but mostly uninvested characters 40
Silver evolution fodder 35

Bronze Fighter Total: 32
Bronze invested characters 3
Bronze evolution fodder 29

Moves Capacity 310/500
Gold = 310
Silver = 0
Bronze = 0

Unopened Relics ( Saving for Fukua )
Gold move relics = 47
Premiere Relics = 97 + 1
Jackpot Relics = 2
Silver Relics = 11
Gold Relics = 7
Diamond Relics = 1

Catalysts Capacity 17/500
Gold = 4
Silver = 9
Bronze = 4

Usage Questionnaire
Q: What are you mostly spending your Canopy coins on?
A: Upgrading skill trees for characters once I diamond them, premieres / character relics, specific bronze fighters to use as evolution fodder to (eventually) build up gold fodder for diamond evolution

Q: What are you mostly spending your Rift coins on?
A: Mostly essence shards since I have a lot of golds that are close to evolution, and Robo points for my Overclocked's marquee, but I hunger for diamond keys. Also, I keep at least 400 on hand though, since I'm waiting for some ~perfect catalysts~ for my rift base that haven't shown up yet.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Theonite on?
A: I *was* saving them for Fukua along with the relics buuut I needed Robo fodder to evolve both my Purrm and Blue Screen, so I bought 2 robo 10+1s for that. Going to save the rest though, and I'll probably have built it back up decently by the time she's released.

Q: Is there anything in the Cabinet of Curiosities you want added?
A: Some way to convert currencies from one to the other could be nice, even if it's buying packs like buying shards. I think bronze/silver moves need to go though, since as soon as you can earn gold versions from the dailies the lower tier ones become nothing but selling fodder. Maybe there would be a way to leave them in just for new players, but for me they just feel like they take up slots that could've been filled by something I'd actually buy.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -


Saving relics for Fukua is my first priority right now. I feel like I have enough good characters to upgrade right now that i don't *need* any more, but at the same time I don't want to invest in anyone until I'm ready to use them (aka once they're diamonded). Also, I seriously need a better way to earn diamond keys. I have more nat dias than I know what to do with, but spending rift coins on dia keys for them makes less sense to me than just buying essence shards and evolving my already invested golds. Diamond investment is just so dang expensive if you have to buy the keys too. I'm psyched for Master Origins since those will provide enough to at least build up my faves, as well as a few character relics to satiate the urge to open my hoard, since I don't see any point in saving those for Fukua (along with elementals).

Really curious to see the roadmap for 2020, since that will determine what I focus on for the next while though. If Fukua is projected to be a this winter / early spring release then I'm going to focus on hoarding relics and resources for upgrading the skill trees of any potential pulls, otherwise I'm going to focus on upgrading my existing collection until her release gets closer.

As for tips? Don't hesitate to use exp boosters if you've got a decently sized and active friends list. I feel like I get at least one booster every other day from gifts, and they make a huge difference when it comes to leveling up fodder.

(Also, you can probably guess my favorite fighter based on the information in this post lol)
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This looks interesting. Below my situation.


12h XP = 11
4h XP = 20

Canopy coins = 1.000.050
Theonite = 2604
Bronze keys = 98
Silver keys = 95
Gold keys = 42
Diamond keys = 0
Rift coins = 350
Energy refills = 33

Elemental Essences
Wind = 1.655 (i.e. 0 essences and 955 shards)
Fire = 5.595
Water = 3.915
Light = 2.175
Dark = 0.100

Relic Shards
Silver = 980
Gold = 600
Diamond = 770

Fighter Capacity
Diamond = 18 (12 evolved, 6 naturals)
Gold = 66
Silver = 62
Bronze = 18

Diamond Fighter Total: 18
Diamond fully (or almost) invested characters: 14
Diamond poorly invested characters: 2
Diamond favorited but uninvested characters: 2

Gold Fighter Total: 62
Gold fully (or almost) invested characters: 13
Gold poorly invested characters: 9
Gold favorited but uninvested characters: 9
Gold fodder: 31

Silver Fighter Total: 75
Silver partially / fully invested characters 7
Silver favorited but mostly uninvested characters 22
Silver evolution fodder 46

Bronze Fighter Total: 18
Bronze invested characters 3
Bronze evolution fodder 15

Moves Capacity 451/525
Gold = 421
Silver = 0
Bronze = 0

Unopened Relics: None

Catalysts Capacity 27/500
Gold = 20
Silver = 5
Bronze = 2

Usage Questionnaire
Q: What are you mostly spending your Canopy coins on?
A: Lately mostly in leveling moves. I have some coins saved in case SG decides to appear.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Rift coins on?
A: I got bored of having diamond fighters and not been able to use them properly, so Diamond keys lately. I'm only missing two for Plot Twisted and will continue with Overclockedlater. Just need to decide if I want to marquee PT or if it's Ok without it (those last two keys for energy seems kind of wasteful. Might wait to Master Origin for that). Unless AG or Tress appear in the next Dia relic, I may start with essences at some point to evolve Bio.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Theonite on?
A: I've not been very smart lately and buyed like 3 times the "3 element relic + essences" pack. Wanted to spend theo for my essences. Won't do it again. Next time most likely coins or a full essence if I'm impatient.

Q: Is there anything in the Cabinet of Curiosities you want added?
A: Not, really. The CoC is ok to me.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Right now I'm low in fodder/essences to continue evolving. Light and Dark specially. The rest is more of a "I would like to have that" than anything else, but nothing to complicated. RNG has been pretty good to me. The only 2 characters I would REALLY like are SG and AG, as my only natural gold Val is SK.

Also, I can't understand the obsession with Fukua. So not particularly exited over that. There, I said it. XD

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Like any nosy neighbor, I can't resist peeking my beak into your business. Shouting "Show me your inventory!" is normally impolite, but I wish to see if we share underlying trends and expose flaws in the economy (e.g. think of all the silvers people are hoarding or how many gold moves accrue because there is no space to open them).

I'll share mine (and also provide a handy template to quote and use)


12h XP = 13
4h XP = 26

Canopy coins = 1,532,869
Theonite = 2,519
Bronze keys = 84
Silver keys = 93
Gold keys = 109
Diamond keys = 16
Rift coins = 964
Energy refills = 111

Elemental Essences
Wind = 2 and 175 shards
Fire = 7 and 405 shards
Water = 6 and 450 shards
Light = 3 and 50 shards
Dark = 2 and 230 shards

Relic Shards
Silver = 990
Gold = 880
Diamond = 770

Fighter Capacity
Diamond = 19
Gold = 119
Silver = 304
Bronze = 9

Gold Fighter Total: 119
Gold invested characters 49
Gold evolution fodder 70

Silver Fighter Total: 304
Silver invested characters 43
Silver evolution fodder 261

Bronze Fighter Total: 9
Bronze invested characters 5
Bronze evolution fodder 4

Moves Capacity 796/800
Gold = 784
Silver = 12
Bronze = 0

Unopened Move Relics
Gold move relics = 172
Silver move relics = 0
Bronze move relics = 0

Catalysts Capacity 41/500
Gold = 17
Silver = 5
Bronze = 19

Usage Questionnaire
Q: What are you mostly spending your Canopy coins on?
A: Skill tree nodes.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Rift coins on?
A: Gold dust.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Theonite on?
A: When not saving for 10+1 relic bundles, buying the 1.84 million coins deal for 1,600 Theonite.

Q: Is there anything in the Cabinet of Curiosities you want added?
A: Gold gifts! ...and Rock Star Filia

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

I have too many silvers and I need to prune my gold moves (too many are deemed "that could be good" if they have two favorable traits).
Even with 451 fighters, I really have 97 characters, the rest are all fodder! Maybe I should start melting some silver since I have more than enough to evolve the ones that matter.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

So what do you got? Any spending habits you need to kick or some collection crafting tips to pass along? Fill out this census survey and get... a forum post like. Better than nothin' eh?

Been on massive breaks (lie)-------
;;.PNG 55.PNG ll.PNG lll.PNG

12h XP = 8
4h XP = 19

Canopy coins = 1,261,609
Theonite = 104
Bronze keys = 274
Silver keys = 236
Gold keys = 92
Diamond keys = 16
Rift coins = 2558
Energy refills = 67

Elemental Essences
Wind = 1 and 145 shards
Fire = 2 and 730 shards
Water = 3 and 160 shards
Light = 3 and 425 shards
Dark = 3 and 965 shards

Relic Shards
Silver = 455 (1 unopened)
Gold = 260 (1 unopened)
Diamond = 430

Fighter Capacity
Diamond = 36 (6 are natural Dias that are uninvested)
Gold = 85
Silver = 47
Bronze = 30

Gold Fighter Total: 85
Gold favorited characters: 27 (not all are necessarily invested, but will at some point)
Gold evolution fodder: 58

Silver Fighter Total: 47
Silver favorited characters 13 (not all are necessarily invested, but will at some point)
Silver evolution fodder: 34

Bronze Fighter Total: 30
Bronze invested characters: 5
Bronze evolution fodder 25

Moves Capacity 502/650
Gold = 502
Silver = 0
Bronze = 0

Unopened Move Relics
Gold move relics = 0
Silver move relics = 0
Bronze move relics = 0

Catalysts Capacity 41/500
Gold = 34
Silver = 2
Bronze = 5

Usage Questionnaire
Q: What are you mostly spending your Canopy coins on?
A: Mostly leveling up moves. But occasionally skill tree for Gold fighters that will be evolved soon.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Rift coins on?
A: Elemental shards. And catalysts/moves if good ones come by.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Theonite on?
A: Coins. Coins. Coins.

Q: Is there anything in the Cabinet of Curiosities you want added?
A: I think what we have is good. I want some things to be removed though, like Silver shards.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

I am loaded with non-Diamond keys that I can't possibly use up. I'm getting them faster than I can spend them. Some option to remove them (by selling as previously suggested iirc) would be great!

I'm joining the Fukua bandwagon and starting to save up relics for her. Just started last week so only have 1 unopened Silver/Gold relic for now.

12h XP = 3
4h XP = 1

Canopy coins = 22,007
Theonite = 1,162
Bronze keys = 75
Silver keys = 23
Gold keys = 149
Diamond keys = 1
Rift coins = 157
Energy refills = 14

Elemental Essences
Wind = 2.400
Fire = 2.505
Water = 4.245
Light = 0.280
Dark = 1.590

Relic Shards
Silver = 895
Gold = 810
Diamond = 620

Fighter Capacity
Diamond = 14 (9 evolved, 5 naturals)
Gold = 75
Silver = 92
Bronze = 54

Moves Capacity 485/500
Gold = 485
Silver = 0
Bronze = 0

Unopened Relics :(
Gold move relics = 0
Premiere Relics = 0
Jackpot Relics = 0
Silver Relics = 0
Gold Relics = 0
Diamond Relics = 0

Catalysts Capacity 17/500
Gold = 3
Silver = 5
Bronze = 9

Usage Questionnaire
Q: What are you mostly spending your Canopy coins on?
A: improve moves and skill tree.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Rift coins on?
A: elemental essences

Q: What are you mostly spending your Theonite on?
A: I was buying relics ... but now I'm saving up to buy canopy coins.

Q: Is there anything in the Cabinet of Curiosities you want added?
A: it would not be something in itself ... it would be like a promotion on one of the products ... examples ... a bronze character that costs 30,000 being sold for 20,000 canopy coins ... 250 gold shards that costs 625 being sold for 600 rift coins ... it doesn't have to be an extraordinary discount .. just a treat for us LOL.

12h XP = 8
4h XP = 14

Canopy coins = 220,560
Theonite = 2,483
Bronze keys = 298
Silver keys = 241
Gold keys = 272
Diamond keys = 14
Rift coins = 1642
Energy refills = 119

Elemental Essences
Wind = 1 and 470 shards
Fire = 2 and 180 shards
Water = 4 and 940 shards
Light = 0 and 960 shards
Dark = 3 and 50 shards

Relic Shards
Silver = 10,770
Gold = 3,345
Diamond = 550

Fighter Capacity
Diamond = 44 (10 are natural Dias that are uninvested)
Gold = 162
Silver = 57
Bronze = 32

Gold Fighter Total: 162
Gold favorited characters: 17 (not all are necessarily invested, but will at some point)
Gold evolution fodder: 130

Silver Fighter Total: 57
Silver favorited characters 17 (not all are necessarily invested, but will at some point)
Silver evolution fodder: 40

Bronze Fighter Total: 32
Bronze invested characters: 21
Bronze evolution fodder 11

Moves Capacity 668/675
Gold = 660
Silver = 8
Bronze = 0

Unopened Move Relics
Gold move relics = 8
Silver move relics = 2
Bronze move relics = 0

Catalysts Capacity 27/500
Gold = 25
Silver = 2
Bronze = 0

Usage Questionnaire
Q: What are you mostly spending your Canopy coins on?
A: Moves and fighter upgrades. Recently spent around 1.5 million upgrading Summer Salt and Jaw breaker and let me say it was worth the investment.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Rift coins on?
A: Elemental shards. And catalysts/moves. Sometimes a bit of gold dust if I'm super close to the 1k.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Theonite on?
A: I am now only spending them on Beowulf relics. I want snake bite.

Q: Is there anything in the Cabinet of Curiosities you want added?
A: I think what we have is good.

I'm just havin fun. I really want to get snake bite though. My goal of diamonding every beowulf is almost complete! Just need to diamond number 1 and Freedom fighter! After that I'll be waiting for the next beowulf variants.

12h XP = 3
4h XP = 12

Canopy coins = 388,282
Theonite = 910
Bronze keys = 36
Silver keys = 3
Gold keys = 3
Diamond keys = 1
Rift coins = 16
Energy refills = 63

Elemental Essences
Wind = 0.745
Fire = 0.970
Water = 0.990
Light = 0.040
Dark = 1.965

Relic Shards
Silver = 210
Gold = 640
Diamond = 630

Fighter Capacity
Diamond = 6
Gold = 33
Silver = 150
Bronze = 58

Diamond Fighter Total: 6
Diamond invested characters 4 (1 in-progress natural, 3 MA'd evolved)
Diamond mostly-uninvested characters 2 (both natural)

Gold Fighter Total: 33
Gold invested characters 13
Gold favorited but mostly-uninvested characters 13
Gold evolution fodder 7

Silver Fighter Total: 150
Silver invested characters 5
Silver favorited but mostly-uninvested characters 29
Silver evolution fodder 116

Bronze Fighter Total: 58
Bronze invested characters 7
Bronze favorited but mostly-uninvested characters 18
evolution fodder 33

Moves Capacity 274/500
Gold = 274
Silver = 0
Bronze = 0

Unopened Relics
Premiere Relics = 4

Catalysts Capacity 4/500
Gold = 4
Silver = 0
Bronze = 0

Usage Questionnaire
Q: What are you mostly spending your Canopy coins on?
A: Gold and silver skill trees when I have the keys/skill points to marquee somebody, Premiere Relics and nice-looking gold moves otherwise.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Rift coins on?
A: I've been buying a lot of Elemental Shards lately -- all three of my evolved Diamonds were forged in the last two weeks. I'll likely switch to saving for big-ticket items soon, since I'm out of characters for whom I have enough fodder -- the silvers are spread out enough that they only represent 2-3 gold fodder per character.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Theonite on?
A: Canopy Coins, though I'll likely try to hop on the save-for-Fukua bandwagon soon ... but knowing that I'm an impulsive sucker for the gacha, the relics probably won't last that long once I start melting down silver fodder.

Q: Is there anything in the Cabinet of Curiosities you want added?
A: Not particularly -- I feel like both sides of the shop are in a good place right now, with enough desirable items to keep me checking the stock regularly but not so many that I'm just permanently bankrupt.
I have no idea how you guys can live with unopened relics. My brain itches whenever I see a notification in my Relics section. I have 0 impulse control I guess.

On to the boasting then!


12h XP = 5
4h XP = 8

Canopy coins = 2,436,113
Theonite = 1,333
Bronze keys = 160
Silver keys = 143
Gold keys = 210
Diamond keys = 7
Rift coins = 711
Energy refills = 82

Elemental Essences *1
Wind = 0 and 615 shards
Fire = 5 and 165 shards
Water = 6 and 935 shards
Light = 2 and 510 shards
Dark = 0 and 25 shards

Relic Shards
Silver = 335
Gold = 910
Diamond = 370

Fighter Capacity
Diamond = 19
Gold = 98
Silver = 190
Bronze = 42

Diamond Fighter Total: 19 *2
Diamond invested characters: 12
Diamond evolution fodder: 4

Gold Fighter Total: 98
Gold invested characters: 28
Gold evolution fodder: 70

Silver Fighter Total: 190 *3
Silver invested characters 9 *4
Silver evolution fodder 181

Bronze Fighter Total: 42
Bronze invested characters 3 *4
Bronze evolution fodder 39

Moves Capacity 683/700 *5
Gold = 683
Silver = 0
Bronze = 0

Unopened Move Relics
Gold move relics = 0
Silver move relics = 0
Bronze move relics = 0

Catalysts Capacity 25/500
Gold = 21
Silver = 4
Bronze = 0

Usage Questionnaire
Q: What are you mostly spending your Canopy coins on?
A: Skill tree nodes, then moves, then the occasional relic in the CoC.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Rift coins on?
A: Elemental Shards.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Theonite on?
A: 1.84M coin packs and lost streaks.

Q: Is there anything in the Cabinet of Curiosities you want added?
A: Moves with good stats.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -


If I could I'd trade all my essences for Light or Dark ones, lots of great choices to diamond there.
I have no idea who to Diamond in the Fire department, maybe I'll opt for Beat Box, Immoral Fiber or Thrill Seeker.
Water-wise Silent Kill is next on line and I need some gold Robo-Fortunes to evolve Blue Screen for rift-defense since I feel she's better than Untouchable.

2 I'm a bit disappointed on my latest Diamond pulls, I don't think Heavy Handed, Dream Band, Risky Ginger nor X-Bot are worth the tremendous investment to make them playable. I'd level a second Summer Salt but I know rift attacker variety would be patched in the very next day.
I'm actually gonna shut my mouth since I just got a Heart of Darkness from a random gifted Premiere Relic and I couldn't be more psyched.

3 So many silvers! I refuse to consume them for XP so the grind for Skill Points continues.

4 I know I should have some silvers and bronzes for the Story Mode challenges, but having repeats down there feels super wasteful. This is specially annoying when trying to equip moves, I have no way to tell if I'm taking a move from my gold Beat Box or my silver one. And now I have to level up a bronze one and I can't be bothered to.

5 Pruning moves is a hassle, fingers crossed some of the suggestions in the inventory thread are picked up by the Devs.

Finally, a suggestion: Don't let your frustration and hubris get the better of you and spend untold amounts of Theonite in lost streaks. I just wish I would listen to my own advice.
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12h XP = 15
4h XP = 33

Canopy coins = 14,744,714
Theonite = 8,069
Bronze keys = 173
Silver keys = 124
Gold keys = 35
Diamond keys = 10
Rift coins = 3,323
Energy refills = 197

Elemental Essences
Wind = 1.710
Fire = 4.260
Water = 4.885
Light = 5.165
Dark = 5.195

Relic Shards
Silver = 735
Gold = 815
Diamond = 930

Fighter Capacity 581/600
Diamond = 23
Gold = 96
Silver = 438
Bronze = 24

Diamond Fighter Total: 23
Diamond invested characters: 19 (13 MA'd evolved, rest in progress)
Diamond mostly-uninvested characters: 4 (duplicate natural diamonds, trying to figure out if I should invest since two are top tier - AG, LC)

Gold Fighter Total: 96
Gold invested characters: 24
Gold favorited but mostly-uninvested characters: 38
Gold evolution fodder: 34

Silver Fighter Total: 438
Silver invested characters: 6
Silver favorited but mostly-uninvested characters: 47
Silver evolution fodder: 385

Bronze Fighter Total: 24
Bronze invested characters: 4
Bronze evolution fodder: 20

Moves Capacity 1119/1200
Gold = 1119
Silver = 0
Bronze = 0

Unopened Relics
Jackpot Relics = 5
Premiere Relics = 153
Silver Fighter Relics = 17
Gold Fighter Relics = 11
Gold Move Relics = 378

Mail - Prize Fights (Need to free up space to open all these):
Gold Fighters = 15
Silver Fighters = 15
Bronze Fighters = 11

Catalysts Capacity 45/500
Gold = 45
Silver = 0
Bronze = 0

Usage Questionnaire
Q: What are you mostly spending your Canopy coins on?
A: Skill trees and upgrading moves. Also, buying any moves with good attributes from CoC and robo/val relics. Really want overclocked and need more folder for taking up all the useful vals to diamond.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Rift coins on?
A: Moves and Catalysts, also buying diamond keys when rift coins go above 5k. Considering buying some shards/essences for dark.

Q: What are you mostly spending your Theonite on?
A: Used to be mostly coins and event packs if I'm interested in a certain fighter. Now, just saving up for next event/new fighter/coins if really needed

Q: Is there anything in the Cabinet of Curiosities you want added?
A: Not really, feel like there's a good mix now.
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Lot of a good data here, makes me reconsider some collection goals and hoarding habits. I appreciate all the input, even the dizzying "I got 47 diamonds" flexes.

@fanghoul musing about Parasoul variant assembly in another thread got me thinking about a neglected category: character collection completion-ism


Character Completion
Most characters have 11 variants (2 Bronze, 3 Silver, 4 Gold, and 2 Diamond). Did you catch 'em all yet?

Beowulf: 09/11
Big Band: 09/11
Cerebella: 10/11
Double: 09/11
Eliza: 11/12
Filia: 08/11
Ms. Fortune: 08/11
Painwheel: 08/11
Parasoul: 09/11
Peacock: 09/11
Robo-Fortune: 08/11
Squigly: 10/11
Valentine: 08/11

Most Wanted
Wish upon a Skull Heart for what you want most/what's missing:

Most wanted Silver = Rock Star Filia
Most wanted Gold = Rainbow Blight Double
Most wanted Diamond = Necromancer Painwheel

Brief Investment History

First character to evolve from Silver to Gold = Resonant Evil Big Band
First character to evolve from Gold to Diamond = Primed Parasoul
First Diamond to reach the level 60 cap = Primed Parasoul
First duplicate Diamond crushed into essence = Love Crafted Squigly

Number of Natural Diamonds = 8
First Diamond to spend a Diamond Key on = None! Although many are worthy, I keep holding out for "next one will Djinn Fizz or Necromancer!" hope. Going "all in" on a Natural Diamond is a big deal! haha, maybe this hesitation is why I'm sinking into Silver in the Rift...

Beowulf: 07/11
Big Band: 08/11
Cerebella: 09/11
Double: 06/11
Eliza: 07/12
Filia: 08/11
Ms. Fortune: 07/11
Painwheel: 09/11
Parasoul: 06/11
Peacock: 04/11
Robo-Fortune: 07/11
Squigly: 06/11
Valentine: 07/11

I have few peacock because recently evolved two to diamond.

Most Wanted

Most wanted Silver = Oh Mai - Valentine
Most wanted Gold = Megasonic - Big Band
Most wanted Diamond = Overclocked - Robo fortune

when i started playing a long time ago i had oh mai ... more i sacrificed at the time i didn't know she was rare .... amateur mistake ...LOL

Brief Investment History

First character to evolve from Silver to Gold = ReRun - Peacock
First character to evolve from Gold to Diamond = Resonant Evil - Big Band
First Diamond to reach the level 60 cap = Xenomorph - Double
First duplicate Diamond crushed into essence = Heavy Metal - Big Band he was my first duplicate ... but I didn't turn him into essence ...

Number of Natural Diamonds = 5
First Diamond to spend a Diamond Key on = Heavy Metal - Big Band
he was the first, but currently the one that I invested the most in my keys was the Fly trap painwheel, which I already released the whole tree just needs to improve.

Character Completion
Bronze 26/26 -- (19 evolved to Gold / 0 to Diamond)
Silver 39/39 --- (27 evolved to Gold / 2 to Diamond)
Gold 34/49 --- (9 evolved to Diamond)
Diamond 9/26

Beowulf: 08/11
Big Band: 08/11
Cerebella: 09/11
Double: 08/11
Eliza: 07/12
Filia: 07/11
Ms. Fortune: 08/11
Painwheel: 08/11
Parasoul: 10/11
Peacock: 09/11
Robo-Fortune: 09/11
Squigly: 08/11
Valentine: 08/11

Most Wanted
Wish upon a Skull Heart for what you want most/what's missing:

Most wanted Gold = Brain Freeze Cerebella (I need Meow & Forever a whole lot more but at this point I'm just angry I haven't seen BF)
Most wanted Diamond = Assassin's Greed (I hate her but she's such a beast on defense)

Brief Investment History
First Bronze evolved to Silver
= Rerun Peacock
First Silver evolved to Gold = Big Top Cerebella
First Silver evolved to Diamond = Toad Warrior Cerebella
First Gold evolved to Diamond = Harlequin Cerebella
First Diamond to reach the level 60 cap = None yet. (Summer Salt Parasoul is at 56)
First duplicate Diamond crushed into essence = None Yet

Number of Natural Diamonds = 9 (+1 duplicate)
First Diamond to spend a Diamond Key on = Summer Salt Parasoul. She's such a beast I have considered investing in my duplicate

Fully Invested Diamonds: Summer Salt and Djinn Frizz.
Work in Progress Diamonds: Heart of Darkness Double and Freeze Frame Peacock.
Golds evolved to Diamond: Harlequin, Poltergust, Surgeon General, Epic Sax, Diva Intervention, Wulfsbane, Primed, and Xenomorph.
Silvers evolved to Diamond: Toad Warrior and Resonant Evil.

I want to have one of every Bronze, Silver and Gold variant at Gold 50 with Diamond reserved for the monsters for Rifts and high level PFs. Of course, my usable diamonds have priority over that.
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Character Completion
Bronze 26/26 -- (3 evolved to Gold / 2 to Diamond)
Silver 39/39 --- (7 evolved to Gold / 5 to Diamond)
Gold 38/53 --- (25 evolved to Diamond)
Diamond 9/26

Beowulf: 08/11
Big Band: 07/11
Cerebella: 10/11
Double: 08/11
Eliza: 08/12
Filia: 08/11
Ms. Fortune: 08/11
Painwheel: 08/11
Parasoul: 09/11
Peacock: 10/11
Robo-Fortune: 10/11
Squigly: 10/11
Valentine: 08/11

Most Wanted
Wish upon a Skull Heart for what you want most/what's missing:

Most wanted Gold = Mean One Peacock or literally any of the elemental exclusives
Most wanted Diamond = Dream Band/Heavy Metal Big Band (either one would be awesome to have)

Brief Investment History
First Gold evolved to Diamond
= Buzzkill Painwheel
First Diamond to reach the level 60 cap = Assassin's Greed Valentine
First duplicate Diamond crushed into essence = Freeze Frame Peacock

Number of Natural Diamonds
= 9
First Diamond to spend a Diamond Key on = Assassin's Greed Valentine. The first Diamond I pulled at level ~20 or so, carried me so much in the early days!

Fully Invested Diamonds: Summer Salt, Assassin's Greed and Love Crafted.
Work in Progress Diamonds: none at the moment but probably Heavy Handed Cerebella if I don't pull any Big Band Diamonds soon
Golds evolved to Diamond: a lot.. main focus is to expand this more and have every gold variant at Diamond!
Silvers evolved to Diamond: Toad Warrior, Resonant Evil, Doublicious, Purrfect Dark, Shadow Ops.
Bronze evolved to Diamond: Sheltered, In Denile

The ultimate goal is to have every single variant at Diamond, starting with the Golds and the useful ones for Rifts.

Character Completion

Beowulf: 8/11
Big Band: 11/11
Cerebella: 8/11
Double: 6/11
Eliza: 6/12
Filia: 8/11
Ms. Fortune: 8/11
Painwheel: 9/11
Parasoul: 8/11
Peacock: 8/11
Robo-Fortune: 9/11
Squigly: 7/11
Valentine: 6/11

Most Wanted
Wish upon a Skull Heart for what you want most/what's missing:

Most wanted Silver = Necrobreaker Squigly
Most wanted Gold = Head Hunter Robo
Most wanted Diamond = XBot Robo

Brief Investment History

First character to evolve from Silver to Gold = Kill Joy Valentine
First character to evolve from Gold to Diamond = Harlequin Cerebella
First Diamond to reach the level 60 cap = None yet, though Overclocked is closest at a high 58
First duplicate Diamond crushed into essence = Dream Band Big Band

Number of Natural Diamonds = 8
First Diamond to spend a Diamond Key on = Overclocked Robo

Fully Invested Diamonds: Overclocked
Work in Progress Diamonds: Neuromancer, Plot Twisted, Dream Band, Heavy Metal
Golds evolved to Diamond: Harlequin, Poltergust, Primed, Parasite Weave, Silent Kill, Persona Assistant
Silvers evolved to Diamond: Purrminator, Doublicious
Bronze evolved to Diamond: None

Long Term Goal

All Robos, all diamonded. Even M3OW, who I want to use as my icon for the joke value.

My luck is... weird. I've gotten twice as many random diamond pulls as golds in the past month (4 vs 2). I've never bought a single Band relic for anything other than coins in the CoC but I have all of his variants, but I've bought a ton of Robo relics for theo and still some of them elude me. My only times getting dupe diamonds have been A) totally random full-odds pulls B) from character-specific relics that C) I have both diamonds from already. Also, excluding the Bands, my last 10 or so gold pulls have all been dupes of the pf golds; I had 5 random pull Poltergusts before ever earning one from a pf.