• [2018/06/22]
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Slots o' Fun (August Prize Fight)


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
Reaction score
It's raining relics! Filia, are you okay?


SLOTS O' FUN Milestone Rewards
  1. 25,000 = 10 Theonite 10,000 Canopy Coins
  2. 50,000 = 20 Theonite 15,000 Canopy Coins
  3. 100,000 = 30 Theonite 22,500 Canopy Coins
  4. 325,000 = 40 Theonite 34,000 Canopy Coins 1 Showtime Relic
  5. 800,000 = 50 Theonite 50,000 Canopy Coins
  6. 1,500,000 = 60 Theonite 76,000 Canopy Coins
  7. 2,500,000 = 70 Theonite 114,000 Canopy Coins 1 Showtime Relic
  8. 4,500,000 = 80 Theonite 171,000 Canopy Coins
  9. 8,000,000 = 90 Theonite 256,000 Canopy Coins
  10. 12,500,000 = 100 Theonite 384,000 Canopy Coins 1 Showtime Relic
  11. 25,000,000 = 100 Air Elemental Shards 100 Dark Elemental Shards 500 Gold Relic Shards
  12. 50,000,000 = 150 Air Elemental Shards 150 Dark Elemental Shards 250 Diamond Relic Shards
  13. 100,000,000 = 250 Air Elemental Shards 250 Dark Elemental Shards 1 LEGENDARYRELIC
  14. 150,000,000 = Double Down Diamond Relic
TOTAL: 550 Theonite 1,132,500 Canopy Coins 3 Showtime Relics 1/2 Air Elemental Essence 1/2 Dark Elemental Essence (1000 shards = 1 crystal) and more!


Model Leader Annie
Dream Catcher Peacock
Stand Out Eliza

Feathered Edges Fukua
High Ruler Parsoul
Surgeon General Valentine

Candy Crusher Umbrella
Hype Man Beowulf
Resonant Evil Big Band
Toad Warrior Cerebella
Myst-Match Double
Hair Apparent Filia
Feline Lucky Ms. Fortune
Blood Drive Painwheel
Purrminator Robo-Fortune
Gang Green Squigly


Model Leader Annie
Stand Out Eliza
Dream Catcher Peacock
Heart of Darkness Double
Creature of Habit Double


Every 10 seconds, gain 1 new, random BUFF for 20 seconds.

While benefitting from exactly 2 stacks of any BUFF, also gain PERMANENT IMMUNITY.

While benefitting from exactly 3 stacks of any BUFF, also gain PERMANENT HASTE.

While benefitting from exactly 5 stacks of any BUFF, also gain PERMANENT PRECISION.
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Thinking about who thrives in this PF as attackers and maybe defenders if the AI can meet the requirements:


Thrill Shrieker Squigly - 2 dragon charges to get 2x ENRAGE
Fan Favorite Beowulf - 2x ENRAGE (10s) when activating Hype Mode, while teammates are alive (need both?)
Rage Appropriate Painwheel - get below 50% health for 2x ARMOR
Robocopy Big Band - defeat an opponent for 2x ENRAGE (30s)


Snake Bite Beowulf - get 3x EVASION when activating Hype Mode
Rock Star Filia - give teammate 3x BARRIER when they tag in (and she is alive)
Buzz Kill Painwheel - gain permanent ENRAGE when opponent health drops below 25%
Robocopy Big Band - die to gain 3x ARMOR (10s) and 3x BARRIER


Heavy Handed Cerebella - summon 5x ENRAGE at will with charge attack. But it all vanishes after next ultra-strong attack
Megasonic Big Band - block hits to get 5x ENRAGE and 5x THORNS for 10 seconds
Dragon Brawler Beowulf - 5x PRECISION when activating Hype Mode (here's some precision to go with your precision?)
Plot Twisted Squigly - after revival (if one of the debuffs don't interefere), 5x THORNS for 20 seconds
Gang Green Squigly - near a corpse, gains quickly fading (5s) MIASMA
Fire Branded Annie - special moves and BB in Star Power mode gain ENRAGE (but it will all go away if you use a charge attack)
Dead of Winter Squigly - revives with 5x ARMOR, but loses a stack with each hit
Snake Bite Beowulf - 5x BARRIER when defeating opponent in Hype Mode
G.I. Jazz Big Band - fall below 25% health for 5x REGEN and 3x ARMOR
Vintage Virtuoso Big Band - do a 50 hit combo to gain 5x ENRAGE (10s)
Overclocked Robo-Fortune - don't get hit for 15s to gain 5x BARRIER
X-Bot Robo-Fortune - stay far away from opponent for 5s to gain 5x BARRIER
Blue Screen Robo-Fortune - remain standing for 25s for 5x ARMOR
Shadow Ops Parasoul - stand near a tear for 5s for 5x THORNS
Primed Parasoul - spawn 5 tears for 5x ENRAGE (10s)


Fly Trap Painwheel - 5x timeless REGEN after defeating opponent
Vaporwave Vixen Fukua - stand still and feel the power! All three modifier tiers easily come with the MIASMA and THORNS

Model Leader Annie - gains permanent 5x AUTO-BLOCK after losing 75% health
Djinn Frizz Filia - requires luck, but 33% chance to turn random buffs into permanent ENRAGE when using a BB

EDIT: Theory vs Reality moment. Maybe it is a bug? Or maybe permanent buffs do not count as "any BUFF" in the modifiers. My Djinn Frizz got 5x ENRAGE... and nothing else. If you have a Model Leader Annie, please test to see if 5x of permanent AUTO-BLOCK also does not trigger the modifiers.

Vintage Virtuoso Big Band - theoretical: if ever 10 combo hits grant PRECISION, and each PRECISION hit grants ENRAGE, then getting to a 50 hit combo gives you a series of 10s windows to keep the permanent PRECISION going. Every PRECISION hit will give you ENRAGE, so you could potentially stay at 5x ENRAGE (anyone able to try this out?)

Some fighters can gain these powers without buffs. Like Solar Flair Annie can get permanent HASTE in Star Power mode and Star Shine Annie already gets permanent PRECISION after 30s.
There is a group of fighters that can appear in any category from the randomness of gaining buffs while getting hit. Not something to count on! For example, Heavy Metal Big Band and Resonant Evil Big Band gaining ARMOR.

There are more fighters to add, but I need a break! Who else belongs on the list?
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Would Evergreen Evil work as a support in the sense of extending limited buffs long enough to keep them going?

Amazing work writing all the potential good fighters for this month's PF! It's extremely helpful and fun figuring out ways to work with this since it's not leaving any time soon. ;)
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Tres Chic is absurd in this PF, stay on your side until you get 5 stacks of a buff then go to their side to take advantage of the precision.

PThreads gets the permanent buffs from the modifier for 30~ seconds if you can time the transition between blessing and enrage correctly.

Mean One, depending on their defenders, can be really good too.

Timeless is similar to Tres, just a bit worse since she doesnt really have any utility

Rogue Agent? maybe?

Shuppet gets precision and miasma if she dies, pair with evergreen maybe?
As Wulfden suggests, Evergreen Evil Double is your #1 supporter for this PF. The buff extension is great for attack and defense. And that Christmas tree monster even appears in the following example, more evidence how buggy this PF is.


Two stacks of ARMOR are displayed, but every attack deals zero damage. Invisible armor?!

The plan: Use Fly Trap Painwheel to get to 5x REGEN to get permanent PRECISION to destroy Model Leader Annie without her defense buffs. And then defuse Plot Twisted Squigly's revive too.

Match starts with Plot Twisted Squigly on point. As the fight goes on, she gets tougher. What's going on? ML Annie's SA1 grants ARMOR for 15 seconds every 20 seconds. But they were invisible? So I hit her with an outtake. Annie hops in and shrugs off all of Fly Trap's attacks, taking no damage. The invisible armor transferred to Annie. Game over.

The lesson: Stay far away from Model Leader Annie. Something happened here that doesn't make sense. Best to avoid it entirely.


I thought Djinn Frizz Filia would rule this PF, with 5x ENRAGE and permanent PRECISION, but it appears permanent buffs don't count as "any buffs." How does that make sense? I wonder if this applies to other permanent buff fighters like Model Leader Annie (SA2: Gain permanent AUTO-BLOCK for each 15% HEALTH lost) or Rage Appropriate Painwheel (SA1: Gain permanent ENRAGE every time an opponent's attack inflicts more than 10% total HEALTH). I'm trying to think of other fighters that get multiple permanent buffs (a lot are singles). Needs testing.

Other multiple permanent buff fighters: Buzzkill Painwheel, Raining Champ Umbrella,
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Two stacks of ARMOR are displayed, but every attack deals zero damage. Invisible armor?!
I don't know about Plot Twisted, but remember that Annie's BLUESHIFT MA reduces damage from first 4 hits by 40%. It seems that the reduction is additive, not multiplicative. So Model Leader would have 50% DEFENSE + 40% ARMOR + 40% MA = 130% damage reduction. Note that Inevitable Snuggle deals 4 hits and therefore is completely negated by this damage reduction. I am pretty confident that any additional hits after the Snuggle would deal some damage (like 10% if you don't have any PIERCING equipped).


I thought Djinn Frizz Filia would rule this PF, with 5x ENRAGE and permanent PRECISION, but it appears permanent buffs don't count as "any buffs." How does that make sense? I wonder if this applies to other permanent buff fighters like Model Leader Annie (SA2: Gain permanent AUTO-BLOCK for each 15% HEALTH lost) or Rage Appropriate Painwheel (SA1: Gain permanent ENRAGE every time an opponent's attack inflicts more than 10% total HEALTH). I'm trying to think of other fighters that get multiple permanent buffs (a lot are singles). Needs testing.
So I have tested this, and in my case Permanent buffs work exactly like common buffs. Both Djinn Frizz and Model Leader were able to get corresponding buffs from PF modifiers upon reaching several stacks of ENRAGE or AUTO-BLOCK. Here are the screenshots:


It is still possible that you are experiencing a bug, like with invisible ARMOR, PRECISION or IMMUNITY. Heck, I've been fighting a Heavy Metal Band yesterday and landed like seven or eight 50+ hit combos with my Love Crafted, but I have never seen a single Death Mark or Heavy Bleed, not even BB Disable efffect of her SA! That was an insane fight, I have barely made it under 3 minutes without ability to apply ARMOR BREAK from Drag'N'Drop...
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Candy crusher can get 5x timeless regeneration when overstuffed, so its a very easy way to get permanent precision(until you knocked down)
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Once this PF was patched, it became a blast. Great balance of being powered-up and having dangerous enemies. The results:

Slots O' Fun Prize Fight (August Special Event) [08-01-22 / 08-31-22]
- #1 - 1,003,487,296
- #100 - 286,539,639
- 10% - 21,006,395
- 30% - 4,544,197
- 60% - 696,055
Source: PF/Rift results thread

My first Model Leader Annie was waiting at the 150 million mark, so now I can be like everyone else and put her on every PF defense team, and every Rift boss node (even non-Water weeks) :p
  • Haha
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SLOTS O' FUN Milestone Rewards
  1. 25,000 = 10 Theonite 10,000 Canopy Coins
  2. 50,000 = 20 Theonite 15,000 Canopy Coins
  3. 100,000 = 30 Theonite 22,500 Canopy Coins
  4. 325,000 = 40 Theonite 34,000 Canopy Coins 1 Showtime Relic
  5. 800,000 = 50 Theonite 50,000 Canopy Coins
  6. 1,500,000 = 60 Theonite 76,000 Canopy Coins
  7. 2,500,000 = 70 Theonite 114,000 Canopy Coins 1 Showtime Relic
  8. 4,500,000 = 80 Theonite 171,000 Canopy Coins
  9. 8,000,000 = 90 Theonite 256,000 Canopy Coins
  10. 12,500,000 = 100 Theonite 384,000 Canopy Coins 1 Showtime Relic
  11. 25,000,000 = 100 Air Elemental Shards 100 Dark Elemental Shards 500 Gold Relic Shards
  12. 50,000,000 = 150 Air Elemental Shards 150 Dark Elemental Shards 250 Diamond Relic Shards
  13. 100,000,000 = 250 Air Elemental Shards 250 Dark Elemental Shards 1 LEGENDARY RELIC
  14. 150,000,000 = Double Down Diamond Relic
TOTAL: 550 Theonite 1,132,500 Canopy Coins 3 Showtime Relics 1/2 Air Elemental Essence 1/2 Dark Elemental Essence (1000 shards = 1 crystal) and more!


Altar Ego Double (new!)
Snake Bite Beowulf
Overclocked Robo-Fortune

Final Fang Valentine (new!)
Grim Fan Painwheel
High Ruler Parasoul

Candy Crusher Umbrella
Dead Heat Squigly
Inkling Peacock
Chameleon Twist Fukua
Purrfect Dark
Hair Apparent Filia
Scarlet Viper Eliza
Gray Matter Cerebella
Robocopy Big Band
Dame Slayer Black Dahlia
Triple Threat Annie


Altar Ego Double
Snake Bite Beowulf
Overclocked Robo-Fortune
Assassin's Greed Valentine
Freeze Frame Peacock


Every 10 seconds, gain 1 new, random BUFF for 20 seconds.

While benefitting from exactly 2 stacks of any BUFF, also gain PERMANENT IMMUNITY.

While benefitting from exactly 3 stacks of any BUFF, also gain PERMANENT HASTE.

While benefitting from exactly 5 stacks of any BUFF, also gain PERMANENT PRECISION.

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It's back! And no bugs this time! And Black Dahlia is here now to create more chaos (hello Corrosive Agent).
Unholy Host and Death Wish are also quite fun to play in this pf too, one can deny buffs the other steal them.

Edit: And I get my second Snake Bite and 3 irrelevent Silver. Good thing is Beo's prestige is useful
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