• [2018/06/22]
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Social Hub Speculation


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
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Coming soon to 4.1 (currently we are at 4.0.2), the Social Hub!

Announcement Tweet said:
At last, the long awaited FRIENDS feature will be arriving in our 4.1 update coming this month!

Search for friends via the SOCIAL HUB, or send friend requests directly from CHAT. You'll also be able to send your friends GIFTS! More details coming soon...

From the screenshot, it appears you can have at least 4 friends, but I wonder if there is a list limit?

There are two types of gifts: gold and pink. In a game where collection is largely built on luck, I doubt characters will be in the heart-shaped boxes. Character trade is unthinkable, so what would you like to see gifted?

PINK GIFT - common, pink heart with a red bow
Bronze and Silver moves, keys, or catalysts? Small sums of canopy coins?

GOLD GIFT - rare, gold heart with orange bow
Premium loot - diamond/gold moves, keys, and catalysts? Elemental shards? 12 hours XP boosters?

I can see characters being involved, but in a blind, unopened relic way. You can't give someone a Xenomorph Double directly, but maybe the Premiere Relic they receive will be lucky enough to give them the gold oily doom monster.

It would be extraordinary if there is a 1% chance that the gift is a Skull Heart. The cursed object will either grant you a warped wish (gain any variant you want, but your best character gets reduced to level 1 -- or a thousand other equally cool and cruel bargains) or a million coins for declining.
It would be extraordinary if there is a 1% chance that the gift is a Skull Heart. The cursed object will either grant you a warped wish (gain any variant you want, but your best character gets reduced to level 1 -- or a thousand other equally cool and cruel bargains) or a million coins for declining.
That's an interesting thought, but picking the exact character you want for a greater chance than just pulling a random diamond is...not exactly broken, but definitely too generous. Maybe a Jackpot Relic or something similar would be a better trade off, or a choice of either a relic or some shards?

...I'm definitely over thinking this since it's not currently a feature. Huh.
From what I can tell from the screenshot, it looks like either you can give one gift to each person in a certain time period (probably daily) or they have to claim the gift you've currently gifted to them before you can send another, but you've got a limited quantity of gifts you can give as shown in the top right. Maybe these can be earned, maybe you get a certain number per day, maybe the amount you get is based on how many people you have in your list (so everyone can get one even if you've got a massive friends list). I hope you don't have a limited amount of time to claim the gifts you've received from others though.

Also, I'm guessing the last online thing is so you can make sure you're not wasting your limited gifts on folks who have stopped playing the game, but It would be nice to have the option to hide your status as that's a common feature for most social things and I know some folks would want it.

EDIT: Just posted on the Twitter:

:O That's some tasty looking loot! I can't identify what item is partially cut off on the far right though, does anyone recognize it?
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haha, yeah, instead of discussing the generous riches in the gifts, everyone's eyes are bulging, staring at that mysterious turquoise tag. Other than a new item that let's one feed XP directly to a character, I can't think of an aspect that is wanted. Maybe something that boosts luck (like increase your odds when opening relics) but hard to imagine how that would work.

that tweet said:
GIFTS contain a variety of useful items including Currencies, Relics, XP Boosters, and more!

Looks great! I was dreading receiving things like bronze or silver moves which I have zero interest in.
My first thought was an item that immediately restores the fighter's energy, but I hope it's an exp package! That would help a lot with things like quickly leveling recently evolved fighters to more quickly reach the stat levels they were at before their evolution.
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