• [2018/06/22]
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Squigly Story(Couldn't find a better name, sorry.)

Oni Main

New Member
Aug 12, 2022
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So, I've been thinking about Squigly's story for a while and, generally, it's a pretty sad one(no offense to the other stories such as Ms.Fortune, etc) and, personally, I would like to hear others opinions on it and what would Squigly's next story would be("next story" as in, what will happen after her next awakening, y'know?)
So, I've been thinking about Squigly's story for a while and, generally, it's a pretty sad one(no offense to the other stories such as Ms.Fortune, etc) and, personally, I would like to hear others opinions on it and what would Squigly's next story would be("next story" as in, what will happen after her next awakening, y'know?)
OR... They could just make an anime series based on the game and we get all the story plots we want... just saying...
Best case scenario: Squigly gets a Skull Heart shard that allows her and Leviathan to "live" forever with no more "sleeps"
The Marie announcement trailer hinted at an unprecedented event: the Skull Heart was destroyed, but a shard remained. This somehow let Marie to continue on. Is this the end of the seven-year cycle that has been going on for centuries? Skull Heart appears > grants wish > Skullgirl appears > (death and destruction) > Skullgirl defeated > Skull Heart later reappears

Worst case scenario: Squigly loses her individuality and becomes a mindless thrall to the Skull Heart

Boring case scenario: The next Skullgirl appears too far away and does not wake up Squigly. They "sleep" for 7 years (just like what happened with Skullgirl Queen Nancy in No Man's Land 7 years ago).

Hard to predict as there is theonite energy all over the place. Marie is becoming a former-Skullgirl splinter group and Umbrella is showing a concerning amount of Skullgirl power. And Squigly's own story hints that she is tapping into some unknown, otherworldly power source (vague relation to Abaddon, the space parasite?). So there are evolution potentials everywhere.
I just want to see squigly and dahlia interaction. 😅 Hope they settle their differences and the bad blood they had. I wanna see them hug it out ❤️😖