• [2018/06/22]
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Other Suggestions for the future and errors to be corrected


New Member
Dec 21, 2022
Reaction score
Hello, I would like to leave here a contribution of suggestions for the future of the game. Some, in my opinion, are necessary for the best balance of the game:


It's no secret that the rift system is beat and repetitive; defense bases are basically based on repeated Painwhells with Don't Poke The Buer and "tankers" that can be knocked down by any X-Bot with friends. The best example of this is Deny17s, who posts videos on YouTube that are like cake recipes because they are so repeated, which is why, on this date, he is completing 6 weeks of rank "Legend"; it's nothing personal against him, every game has the best and his skill and talent are remarkable and deserve applause, it's against the system itself, repeated, without option, monotonous. It needs to be redone and rethought.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game."

To do this, in my opinion, two things would be needed:

1.1) New character skill balancing

Recently, the Umbrella Death Wish was added to the game, its abilities are way above average. The Hex, the high attack, the buff transfer, the allies' resurrection, doesn't that seem like a lot? For those who received one on Halloween, no. But before anyone says it's drama, for less than that they changed the abilities of The Legend of Parassoul and Fukua's Lob's of Love. Not to mention that soon the Unholy Host will become popular with the advent of the next update.

More recently, we had the addition of the "Dead Eye", I still see little because there are few Black Dahlia with a high level and with the complete skill tree, although it is not exclusive to her, she is her main user. When Black Dahlias become more popular and accessible the Dead Eye will become more present in our lives, so when that happens what's the point of having defenders in the rift? And what's the point of having defensive characters in the game? I challenge anyone to say which defensive character will not be affected by Dead Eye - of course, there is Dream Band and Spliting Image that are guaranteed in healing and defense, that is, in the force of hate (your hate), for them nothing changes , just a good tank breaker that everyone has to defeat them; just like their example, one more argument that the system needs reforms.

So what's the solution? Two come to mind:

1.1.1) Changing the abilities of characters and Dead Eye for the worse
Personally, I think this is the worst idea, it's bad when it happens in a game. Like everything else in life, the most prepared have to prevail, and that would take away the chance factor, luck, in the game; luck to win that desired character and invest in it.

1.1.2) A new generation of defenders
Just like we had a new generation of exceptional attackers like Death Wish, Unholy Host, Fur Monger, it would be nice to have a new generation of exceptional defenders.

1.1.3) A new buff or defensive effect to rival Dead Eye.
It's always good to have the opportunity to defend yourself and not get caught down with your pants in your hands.

1.2) New Catalysts
It's pretty self-explanatory.


Who here was already in a Prize Fight, high rank, adrenaline in the blood and when the fight starts, where are the moves?

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It would be amazing to be able to choose a move slot for each fighter, in such a way that they equip themselves automatically even when equipped on other fighters. I would like to commend and congratulate whoever came up with the idea to create the save slots, this one deserves a raise, wonderful idea, but we can improve even more.

However, not everything in this life is flowers and if that doesn't work out, it would be good to see if the moves are equipped on the character selection screen. You know those yellow dots that appear on the screen before the fight starts showing the teams, these yellow dots could also appear on the characters on the selection screen, it would be great.


This has already become an old promise, is it really that hard to do? After a few months of play everything was easily completed.


I love playing online to interact with new people and make new friends, but a very open chat ends up being boring, people meddling in each other's business, parallel subjects that get confused; it would be nice to have a system to create closed chat rooms. Rumors say that the Guild system is coming, it would be a good opportunity to create private chats within the guild.


Coursed Experiments are very good, but it would be nice to have a new difficulty, more challenging, new rewards, after all, any level 70 can be done in minutes. Seriously, something like that would be awesome.

If possible, daily character events at a new non-skipable difficulty, with new rewards.


Skull Girls seems to be very popular in Latin America (Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries, especially Brazil "Are you afraid?"), not infrequently we see Russians and Turks out there in chats. That's the kind of inclusion that's good in gaming, chat that's open and accessible to all, with respect and diversity. So what's the point of having only lives with rewards from streamers in English? I would like the chance to win rewards and a Number Cruncher with a person who speaks my language, not to mention it would be a good advertisement.

Well, for now that's all I'd like to suggest to developers for the future. It's a good game, it has a long future, but sometimes it fails in small things.

This message was translated in google translator so there may be some errors.