• [2018/06/22]
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Characters Summary of current balance change suggestions


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2023
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The next major update is just about 1.5 month away, and I think devs have already started working on it. So, I will post a summary of the current balance adjustment suggestions again! Some suggestions were adjusted from previous one.

This time too, there are still many fighters who need adjustments! I hope this suggestions will reached and recognized by devs.

⚠️There are a lot of contents, I’ve attached spoilers for each suggestions.

Update: I made some changes to the suggestions of Heavy Handed and Reimaged!

Sig1 - 10/12/15% chance to avoid all damage and gain UNFLINCHING for 6 seconds.
Sig2 - All teammate’s ACCURACY increases by 20/25/30% (cannot exceed 50%)
Risky Ginger🔴
Sig1 - When hitting an ATTACKING opponent, gain ENRAGE and inflict RANDOM DEBUFF for 10/12/15 seconds. 1 ENRAGE will removed after each blocked hit, but while near a tear, gain 5% BB METER instead.

Sig2 - With at least 5/4/3 stacks of ENRAGE, BB will become UNBLOCKABLE and reset the timer of all opponent DEBUFF (except STUN and DOOM)
Princess Pride🟡
Sig1 - Gain REGEN for 6/7/8 seconds when spawning a tear.

Sig2 - Inflict 10/12/15% bonus damage per current active tear.
Idol Threat🔵
Sig1 - Gain EVASION every 20 seconds. EVADING or hit an ATTACKING opponent grant FINAL STAND and 2 stacks of ARMOR for 8/10/12 seconds.

Sig2 - While benefiting from ARMOR, swap 1 opponent’s BUFF and 1 her DEBUFF every 5/4/3 seconds.

•Note - Sig2 is also works as a simple buff stealer or debuff pusher
Sig1 - While blocking, gain 1/2/3% of HEALTH and BB METER per second. Effect is doubled while below 50% health.

Sig2 - BLOCK PROFICIENCY increases by 15/20/25%. Effect is doubled while below 50% health.
Shadow Ops🟣
Sig1 - Inflict CURSE after opponent is near a tear for 2/1/0 seconds.

Sig2 - Also, additionally gain 1/2/3 stacks of THORNS.
Bad Ms Frosty🔵
Sig1 - CRITICAL HITS have 25/35/50% chance to inflict DISABLE BBand ARMOR BREAK for 5/6/7 seconds.

Sig2 - CRIT RATE of BB increases by 25/30/35%.
Sig1 - When hitting an ATTACKING opponent, remove 1 BUFF and gain 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION.

Sig2 - PRECISION HIT will ignore DEF and ARMOR and has 10/15/20% increased CRIT DAMAGE.
No Egrets🔵
Sig1 - CRITICAL HIT will inflict DISABLE SPECIAL, DISABLE BB or DISABLE TAG INS for 5/6/7 seconds.

Sig2 - While opponent is suffering from all 3 DEBUFF above, inflict IMMOBILIZE.
Sig1 - When blocking a hit, reduce damage taken by 25/50/75% and gain ENRAGE and THORNS for 10 seconds. (Enrage removal is gone)

Sig2- While benefitting from ENRAGE, 25/35/50% of the damage dealt is regained as health and 10% chance on hit to increase the duration of all BUFF by 1 seconds.
Heavy Handed🔴
Sig1 - Gain ENRAGE every 0.3/0.2/0.1 seconds while charging CHARGE ATTACK. ENRAGE will removed after next hit. Gain 1 stack of PRECISION whenever you gain ENRAGE.

Sig2 - When reaching 5 stacks of ENRAGE, gain UNFLINCHING for 6/7/8 seconds. Also, while benefiting from UNFLINCHING, gain permanent DEADEYE.

- Unflinching will not disappear after next hit.
Parasite Weave 🔴
Sig1 - 15% on hit to inflict SLIME for 5/7/10 seconds and gain 3% BB METER. If opponent is not suffering from SLIME, additionally inflict HEAVY BREED for 7 seconds.

Sig2 - When using BB, remove all opponent’s SLIME and gain 6/7/8 seconds of ENRAGE as the same number of removed SLIME.
Temple Tyrant🔵
Sig1 - When TRANSMUTING to an elemental advantage, heal 15/20/25% health and gain 3 stacks of AUTO-BLOCK for 10 seconds.

Sig2 - No change
Chameleon Twist🟢
Sig1 - When hitting an ATTACKING opponent, gain MIASMA and EVASION for 5/7/10 seconds.

Sig2 - 5/7/10% chance when HIT to gain MIASMA and EVASION for 5/7/10 seconds.
Dragon Brawler🔴
Sig1 - No change

Sig2 - When defeating opponent with BB, gain 25/35/50% BB meter and maximize HYPE.
Last Hope 🟡
Sig1 - Once per match while Valentine is alive, all teammates remove all DEBUFF and gain HEAVY REGEN for 5/7/10 seconds when drops below 25% health.

Sig2 - Once per match when defeated, remove all DEBUFF and resurrect with 15/25/50% health.
Feathered Edges🔵
Sig1 -Well-timed blocking remove all DEBUFF, grant 3 stacks of BARRIER and disable opponent’s BB and TAG INS for 10 seconds.

Sig2 - While benefiting from BARRIER, steal 1 BUFF from opponent and convert it into 5/7/10 seconds of MIASMA every 3 seconds.
Heavy Metal🔵
Sig1 - 10/13/15% chance to gain ARMOR for 5 seconds when each fighter hits with close-range attack (includes blocking)

Sig2 - No change
Sig1 - No change

Sig2 - When defeated or detonating, remove opponent BUFF and inflict DISABLE BB for 10/15/20 seconds. Also once per match, resurrect with 25% health and gain permanent HEAVY REGEN and 2 stacks of BARRIER.
…Wow, that’s a lot! Thanks for reading! Also, I’d like to thank every geniuses who commented to the suggestions in my threads. Their comments were great help in creating them.

Again, comments about my suggestions are always welcome. It will definitely help me to create my future suggestions!!
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Reactions: Thesmellofman
Really like your twist on weave!

Im going to rank your suggestions by the following metric:

++ (might be a bit overtuned or too good, or simply doesn't need the buff)Feathered Edges,
Bad Ms. Frosty, Shadow ops
FE: makes her a second makima but more safe, already has rift use and the best perfect block ability. while she can be changed, she is far from useless, and this buff would make her maybe too good still.

BMF: same thing. She could be made better but definitely doesn't need it to be useful.

SO: same thing, would also probably lag the game.
+ (great balancing, needs the change, fun)Risky Ginger,
Parasite Weave, Dragon Brawler, Untouchable,
Chameleon Twist, Ms. Trial
RG: seems fun, dmark is very good for parasoul, but this seems better/ more fun.

PW: said it before will say it again: cool change.

UT: might not be that great on defense still but she'd be great support depending on how it interacts with reistance and having accuracy already.
- (still does rather poor compared to others; not the direction I would go in)Reimaged,
Temple Tyrant
REI: This would mostly buff her defense, while she needs offensive buffs imo. I would still change the first ability.

FF: First ability is definitely needed, but second ability would be near useless (she isn't going to die while blocking and healing 6% a second, if anything she'd get one shot on block when above this threshold.

TT: shes offense, autoblock isnt going to help her that much.
-- (still underperforming, bad)Heavy Handed, Heavy MetalBoth Heavy diamonds need way more utility to be any useful. More damage =/= More useful. (armor gain is simply for more damage for instance)
0 (no real opinion)Last Hope, Mega Sonic, Idol threat, Princess Pride,
No Egrets
LH: would this really change that much?

Do think element exclusives aren't made to be game defining good to lower the feeling of unjustice for not getting them

Hope this feedback is somewhat helpful!
Really like your twist on weave!

Im going to rank your suggestions by the following metric:

++ (might be a bit overtuned or too good, or simply doesn't need the buff)Feathered Edges,
Bad Ms. Frosty, Shadow ops
FE: makes her a second makima but more safe, already has rift use and the best perfect block ability. while she can be changed, she is far from useless, and this buff would make her maybe too good still.

BMF: same thing. She could be made better but definitely doesn't need it to be useful.

SO: same thing, would also probably lag the game.
+ (great balancing, needs the change, fun)Risky Ginger,
Parasite Weave, Dragon Brawler, Untouchable,
Chameleon Twist, Ms. Trial
RG: seems fun, dmark is very good for parasoul, but this seems better/ more fun.

PW: said it before will say it again: cool change.

UT: might not be that great on defense still but she'd be great support depending on how it interacts with reistance and having accuracy already.
- (still does rather poor compared to others; not the direction I would go in)Reimaged,
Temple Tyrant
REI: This would mostly buff her defense, while she needs offensive buffs imo. I would still change the first ability.

FF: First ability is definitely needed, but second ability would be near useless (she isn't going to die while blocking and healing 6% a second, if anything she'd get one shot on block when above this threshold.

TT: shes offense, autoblock isnt going to help her that much.
-- (still underperforming, bad)Heavy Handed, Heavy MetalBoth Heavy diamonds need way more utility to be any useful. More damage =/= More useful. (armor gain is simply for more damage for instance)
0 (no real opinion)Last Hope, Mega Sonic, Idol threat, Princess Pride,
No Egrets
LH: would this really change that much?

Do think element exclusives aren't made to be game defining good to lower the feeling of unjustice for not getting them

Hope this feedback is somewhat helpful!
Thank you for your comment! I’ll answer to some of them:

- I personally don't think all variants need to be offensive. See Blue Screen, Splitting Image or Assasin’s Greed etc. Their sigs are completely defensive, not suitable for offense. Would like to see more fighters that are completely defensive imo.

- For Reimaged, I made her adjustments with defensive strength in mind, but with this adjustment, it can be expected that she can play an active role as a "revenger" on the offensive side, like Megalomaniac or Dark Might. Also, her Sig2 is a great match for Megalomaniac herself with 2nd marquee!

- For Heavy Handed, she is a fighter that specializes in charge attacks, and since she needs to repeat them multiple times to inflict high damage, I thought it would be a good idea to add a scaling effect that would allow her to grow along with that. I know it is just a 50% increase and death mark is enough, but since many fighters have death mark, I’d like to see other better way to buff her with scaling effect. Want to hear other people’s comments about her…

-For Heavy Metal, I personally don’t want to change his performance very much, add him a little buff to make it easier to inflict bonus damage. His performance wasn't that bad before the A-train change, so If you consider that any BBs can activate A-train-like abilities, it doesn't seem so bad, does it?
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I agree with the Untouchable Peacock buff, It makes her stand out from That's all folks, those two are way to similar and would add more uniqueness and strategy with it, it be a first Gold support Peacock which is a plus. I like your other suggestions, they actually would make Useless fighters be more viable which would help newer players.
I personally don't think all variants need to be offensive. See Blue Screen, Splitting Image or Assasin’s Greed etc. Their sigs are completely defensive, not suitable for offense. Would like to see more fighters that are completely defensive imo.
Fair, but both Splitting and AG are useful on offense too as niche selections for 1. precision fukua or 2. insane regen for reflect. Only being defensive seems more as an ability for a silver (resident evil, treble) While even diamonds like model leader provide some sort of support on offense (debuff clear, free buff). Investing 5m coins (and 10m+ coin on a defensive set) just to never be able to use the variant yourself seems like bad design, but thats subjective of course.

If you consider that any BBs can activate A-train-like abilities, it doesn't seem so bad, does it?

gaining armor would just increase the blockbuster damage, hence my previous comment:
More damage =/= More useful. (armor gain is simply for more damage for instance)
Don't get me wrong though, I do agree that he should be able to gain his effect himself, but just armor and effectively specific enrage stacks doesn't cut it.