Interrupt is when you are doing something and the opponent attacks and you can not longer end it. If you are doing a charge attack, and an opponent hist you, he interrupted your attack. By the other side, this term is more used in Special Abilities or Special Moves like "Big Band Dash attack CAN NOT BE interrupted", and means that even if you hit him during a dash attact, he will not react to the first hit and will charge at ypu normally. But if he charges, and a special move like Peacock Argus Agony is used, he will recibe more than 1 hit before reaching the oppoent, and so, his unfliching dash will be broken.
GUard Cancel is not possible here in SG Mobile, maybe you found a video or explanation of SkullGirls, the beat them up game from 2013.
Wellcome to the game!!
Happy Christmas!!