In the new rift, I was setting up my base and I realized I need to level up some catalysts. The catalyst level up window was kinda wired: I need to close the old window to click the “upgrade”, so I decided to quit the rift base setting up step and level up my catalyst in Collection. After finishing leveling up the catalyst, I went back clicking into the Rift battle. A window pops up at the end with “no thanks” and “yes” buttons. The “yes” button doesn’t redirect me to the base setup page and I can not click into MyBase. The “ no thanks” gets me back to the main menu. I have tried restarting the app but it still doesn’t work.
I don’t know know if anyone is running into the same issue. I hope this issue could be fixed soon.
I don’t know know if anyone is running into the same issue. I hope this issue could be fixed soon.