• [2018/06/22]
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What are your worst invested gold fighters?


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2018
Reaction score
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I thought it would be fun to make a thread asking all of you about what your worst overall invested gold fighters or diamond fighters are. What I am referring to is any invested gold or diamond fighter on your account that has zero offensive or defensive value to you. You can also throw in any diamond fighters that you regret diamonding and think would have been better off as just a gold. For me it would be Weekend Warrior and That's All Folks. I had invested into both of those in the early days of my account. At that time I was a naive noob who had no idea how good anything was and also was not aware of any of the community resources that were available at the time(the forums, the SGM subreddit, and the SG Discord). The two of them did get me through the story content and allowed me to grind for the copy of Primed that became my diamond Primed. However at this stage of the game the two of them just languish in my box, gathering digital dust.
probably Raw Nerv. i used to think that her haste and enrage was super op until i learned how those buffs have little use to her since her health is abysmal
and if we’re counting silvers/bronzes we evolved to gold i’m one of those people who has a gold Rerun because i was just a Peacock nerd at some point. i do still use her quite a bit for fun sometimes but she is pretty garbage. tbh she fits well into my joke team (which is literally just 3 Peaocks - you’d be surprised how much trouble people have with it sometimes) for the inertia node in rift as it’s just kinda funny
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Fortunately I always wait a long time before upgrading new fighters. I got some of the best golds in the game as my first ones (Bloodbath was my first, and I got Surgeon General, Poltergust, Bio, and Rainbow Blight pretty early too) so when I got Weekend Warrior, TAF, Nerv, etc I just had no interest in them. I guess my worst is Hack n Splash, and she’s at least okay. I haven’t invested much in her, and I don’t regret doing so. In fact I’ll probably finish her skill tree eventually, at least if they change her SA2.
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I have a maxed out lv50 Wulfsbane, with even his MA, that I haven't actively used in a fight in maybe the last 6 months? Occasionally he gets used when I'm using autobattle to get through the 1-8 streak part of Prize Fights.

I mean, he's not a terrible character, but I've never been a huge Beowulf person to start with, and I'm also not a "grimdark" kind of person. He helped out when I was starting out, but I completely moved on to characters I find more appealing in their play style and aesthetically.

I guess my Raw Nerve doesn't get much use either, but is at least one of my favorite color pallets of her, because it's one of the few that doesn't make me think "OMG, THAT POOR GIRL!"
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i regret investing in my princess pride honestly. i never really worked on her much, BUT at one point i had sacrificed another princess pride to power her up, and its kind of upsetting because now im behind on getting gold parasouls to evolve my primed. i also went pretty deep into the skill tree for thats all folks, so i wasted quite a few keys on her :(
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Bio Exorcist, i thought i’d be able to solo the her nonsense daily with her on master difficulty with little investment but it turns out that she’s actually garbage because i have to be close to them while not blocking and have to really on immunity to get me out of Doom Problems. I don’t get the idea of why she’s praised a lot but i know damn well the moment i got Poltergust was the moment i decided to deny existence of Bio-Exorcist because polter is more reliable than her a lot, at least she has more reliable SA and ATK compared to Bio who’s just charge and wait til they die.
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La pregunta en realidad es...
¿ Por que quitaron habilidades y disminuyeron el poder de peleadores decentes como la furia de Peacock Ya esta! Cerebella...[ todas ]...y Big Band Resonancia ViL...antes era mas resistente.
Ahora lo puedes matar mas fácilmente y su habilidad de "aturdimiento" y "escudo" son inútiles contra peleadores diamante con mas poder o nivel mayor.

Pero si preguntas que oros son malos o inutiles...la verdad es que ninguno lo es.
Mi recomendación es..darle mas prioridad a los peleadores evolucionados de bronce y plata para que puedan tener un uso satisfactorio en contra de otros peleadores oro,diamante natural o diamante evolucionados.

No puedes comparar los PE's de un bronce evolucionado a Oro contra los de un Oro Natural...me refiero a buscar un balance o un equilibrio dentro del juego.
A veces siento que eso lo ignoran a propósito.
Yo entiendo que la función de un proyecto empresarial siempre es la finalidad de producir ingresos y generar ganancias.

Pero si uno va a gastar $$$$$$ real en un juego ..tiene que ser satisfactorio para el jugador y un compromiso por parte del desarrollador.

No un martirio o algo que produzca molestia e incorformidad.
Sólo pido eso...compromiso y lealtad para el jugador...independientemente de si son nuevos o veteranos.

Mighty Zu...yo te lo digo sinceramente.
Amo los videojuegos.
Son una parte de mi vida diaria y un Zén para el estres y la presión industrial..y como jugador deseo variedad y opciones.

Disfrute mucho del Encore desde que salió hace ya 7 años la Playstation Viita hasta su versión final en la PC y Xbox One.
Quiero disfrutar igualmente de esta versión móvil.
Hasta el final.
Cuando ya este terminada y ya no haya nada más que agregar.
Pero con la satisfacción..de que valio realmente la pena el tiempo invertido mi esfuerzo en conseguír lo mejor de este juego..y lo más importante.
Mi dinero.

Mucha Páz! y ojalá puedan entenderme.
La pregunta en realidad es...
¿ Por que quitaron habilidades y disminuyeron el poder de peleadores decentes como la furia de Peacock Ya esta! Cerebella...[ todas ]...y Big Band Resonancia ViL...antes era mas resistente.
Ahora lo puedes matar mas fácilmente y su habilidad de "aturdimiento" y "escudo" son inútiles contra peleadores diamante con mas poder o nivel mayor.

Pero si preguntas que oros son malos o inutiles...la verdad es que ninguno lo es.
Mi recomendación es..darle mas prioridad a los peleadores evolucionados de bronce y plata para que puedan tener un uso satisfactorio en contra de otros peleadores oro,diamante natural o diamante evolucionados.

No puedes comparar los PE's de un bronce evolucionado a Oro contra los de un Oro Natural...me refiero a buscar un balance o un equilibrio dentro del juego.
A veces siento que eso lo ignoran a propósito.
Yo entiendo que la función de un proyecto empresarial siempre es la finalidad de producir ingresos y generar ganancias.

Pero si uno va a gastar $$$$$$ real en un juego ..tiene que ser satisfactorio para el jugador y un compromiso por parte del desarrollador.

No un martirio o algo que produzca molestia e incorformidad.
Sólo pido eso...compromiso y lealtad para el jugador...independientemente de si son nuevos o veteranos.

Mighty Zu...yo te lo digo sinceramente.
Amo los videojuegos.
Son una parte de mi vida diaria y un Zén para el estres y la presión industrial..y como jugador deseo variedad y opciones.

Disfrute mucho del Encore desde que salió hace ya 7 años la Playstation Viita hasta su versión final en la PC y Xbox One.
Quiero disfrutar igualmente de esta versión móvil.
Hasta el final.
Cuando ya este terminada y ya no haya nada más que agregar.
Pero con la satisfacción..de que valio realmente la pena el tiempo invertido mi esfuerzo en conseguír lo mejor de este juego..y lo más importante.
Mi dinero.

Mucha Páz! y ojalá puedan entenderme.
Could you please post this in the feedback section of the forum? The point of this thread is to share personal experiences about gold or diamond fighters that got investment but ended up doing nothing.
Probably my personal least favorite fighter would be either Raw Nerv or Untouchable. Both were my first gold variant of each character, and truth be told, I ended up leveling up Untouchable to diamond, given that she's decent on a defensive role. The thing is, I tend to favor more offensive fighters myself, so at often times I slip when using her for offense more often than not. So why not use someone else for offense? I'm an idiot, that's why.

As for Raw Nerv, there's not much to her tbh. Sure she inflicts Death Mark now, but that doesn't change the fight dramatically. If anything the only reason I leveled her up to max gold was because at the time I didn't have a Buzzkill (and I was too stupid to realized that Rusty was good).

The rest of golds I got, I think they're decent enough. Although I'd tag Bio-Exorcist of being a bit overrated. I dunno, setting her first on a defense team is a complete double-edge sword. In fact, lately I've been killing the rest of the opponents' teammates offscreen, and it most certainly worked. But that's on a defensive level though and to be fair, it'd take guts to try it with a Bio-RE-SG team, all maxed diamonds (which I didn't). In offense, same thing except it's me who needs to be careful not to get the rest of the team killed. On that aspect, I have no issue, and she can be really useful (though I still prefer Poltergust).
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As far as golds I regret spending on, Untouchable, Raw Nerv and Parasite Weave have to be the ones I regret. Raw Nerv was back when I first started out. She was my 2nd gold ever (first being UV). For a while I didn't know about the existence of the SGM discord, the forums or the SGM subreddit). I stopped using her when I started getting more golds besides her, AF and UV. I thought her haste and enrage were godly, but when I actually realized the circumstances of gaining these buffs, I knew she sucked. Parasite Weave used to be good, but I was just unable to get to 1-10% at all for a long time (keep in mind, this was back when LINE still owned this game). I knew she was extremely good, so when I finally got her I was happy. But this was close to the time when she got nerfed hard, so investing in her ended up being a waste. Now she just gains dust and I sold all of her moves afterwards since I stopped using her. Untouchable's one I'll probably get cut slack for. She's not the best for offense, but I maxed her out in an attempt to get better on the defensive. But honestly (and you can probably cut slack on me for this), she's overrated for defense. Her health isn't THAT good and her SA is easy to get around. Yes, her SA1 could save her from fatal hits. But honestly, 15% is not a chance I'd count on. Plus, there are plenty of ways to work around it. She's honestly never made a huge impact when put on my defense teams. Plus I care more about offense than defense. So I decided that i'd use her to diamond my UV, which I obviously don't regret.

In regards to silvers evolved to gold, Robocopy, No Egrets and Scarlet Viper are ones I regret. Robocopy's kinda obvious so yea. No Egrets can be good, yes, but with a Primed and Sheltered competing for Parasoul moves and sp, I eventually abandoned No Egrets. Not to mention lockdown is somewhat weak at the moment. Its good, but in most circumstances, its probably not going to be enough since No Egrets is somewhat lacking in damage. Scarlet Viper's fine, but considering I have a Bloodbath at 7k FS now (making her usable for me now, I don't see much reason to use her. I'll probably get around to her eventually, but for now, she's just gathering dust.
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My worst gold is Windswept Filia. She was my first gold, way back in level 35. Playing once a day for one year, I've reached level 61 and I still don't know how to play her, so she only gathers dust nowadays. I should probably max her out, just to respect the fact that she was my first ever gold.
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My worst gold is Windswept Filia. She was my first gold, way back in level 35. Playing once a day for one year, I've reached level 61 and I still don't know how to play her, so she only gathers dust nowadays. I should probably max her out, just to respect the fact that she was my first ever gold.
Windswept is the gold filia variant with the highest attack, and her SA allows you to survive a lot of things. Argus agonies, parasoul bb3, strike up the band, etc. You'll be surprised how many blockbusters and special moves she can dodge. You can dodge a Beast of Gehena, and one time i got lucky and dodge an entire Strike up the band. Strike up the band has two phases, and in the first phase where the drums are created, if you can dodge all damage instances, the second phase won't happen.
My HQ Bella. Sigh. I had the tendency to use weaker fighter to build up pf streak. When she was gold, HQ had the highest fs so she always gets used last. The thing is I’m not that good. So before I get to use HQ id lose my streak and start over with using raw nerv or untouchable. Now Ive evolved her to diamond she is a exp mule so I’m not gonna use her for another good while.

Another one that’s really disappointing is my diamond AF. People. Pros. Said af is pretty good. But man I’m not feeling it. Not when she was gold and not when she is diamond. Well she’s only lvl20 diamond so i will lvl her and see if anything changes.
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