• [2018/06/22]
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  • So, I got Red Velvet 2 days ago. Rn, I'm not sure if I want to invest into her, especially cause I have a killer Bloodbath. Should I invest?
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    Reactions: Erick Draves
    Okay, interesting idea: Team up Claw & Order and Red Velvet. Claw is great for keeping strong debuffs applied by others going, and does really good damage too. Since Red Velvet's curse is 15 seconds long, it wouldn't even be that hard to keep up.
    I suppose Red Velvet, Squiggly and Claw would be the ultimate counter to nearly everything.
    But I don't have CnO *angry noises*
    Dude I hate Robo Fortune's a.i. Forces me to turtle cause I get countered if I dash up to her
    Just dash up while she is blocking and then turtle in her face because D1 is safe on block
    So, after facing a lot of Blue Screens in rfits, let me say, she's not that good on defense. I'd say why if I wasn't limited to 140 letters
    She's interesting on offense. Like, obviously not her self-destruct, but having a couple stacks of armor going *before* you screw up and get retaliated against can be nice. Easier to eat a BB3 too.
    I think that what is making Blue Screen underperform is that her armor is actually designed to be fair to play against. The stronger tanks in the game utilize timed armor stacks that appear at random, which is far less fair to play against than Blue Screen's self removing armor on knockdown.
    Good on offense? Huh, would've never guessed
    After looking around at the other armored tanks, yea I realized that their stacks of armor are pretty random. Which I must've gotten used to and that's why Blue Screen feels weak to me
    Looks like dark essences are in VERY high demand for me. RE, PurrD, Primed, Bloodbath and Xeno all need them
    How's that max Primed been doing for ya?
    The Primed has been very impressive. I actually did a crit test with her for fun in training mode. With five enrages, five tears out, and a level 15 Silent Scope with no other external damage modifiers, she hit for 197,325 damage on a crit Silent Scope
    Jeez. Now I'm terrified of that Primed. Imagine that with bleed and Jinx
    So about Robo Fortune...what exactly do power surge and barrier do? I'm guessing barrier's just gonna be better armor. But what about surge?
    Power surge is like a debuff version of Assassins greed. Barrier is just getting temporary health for the duration.
    If I’m not wrong each stack of Power Surge will cause the enemy to lose 5% health when they use a blockbuster. I’m guessing barrier is 5% extra health per stack too.
    Oh. Barrier sounds pretty handy. Meanwhile power surge sounds kinda broken. Especially if you constant inflict it
    Hit my personal best in Second to Nun. 36 wins and then I lost to a Bloodbath (I think it was Bloodbath anyway). I cri
    Man this sucks. I lost 5 rift battles this season and am stuck in G2. Can't stand facing G1s with 15k diamonds yet I only have 1 12k diamond
    Edited all the tier lists to account for changes in thought process. Look out for other ones in the near future
    As clarification, the tier lists I currently make are offense based. Eventually, I will get to defense lists. Maybe lists for Rifts too...
    I'm thinking about making a post where everyone makes up terrible SAs for a character. Which one do y'all wanna make bad SAs for?
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    Reactions: rexturtle1120
    Cerebella, cause it seems like all her SAs (And stats) are perfect
    Eliza, because making bad SAs for her practically defeats the major purpose for using her.
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