• [2018/06/22]
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What to do with duplicate fighters?


Mar 13, 2018
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Greetings! I'm fairly new to the game, and I've collected a lot of fighters, and I think they're getting out of hand... I have a lot of bronze fighters (which are almost all duplicates) that I never use, and it's a chore scrolling through my collection.
I also have a handful of bronze fighters that I usually use (I like to collect characters), so I don't need anymore new bronzies. What should I do with them? Some delightfully helpful folks have told me that I shouldn't use them for powering up my main fighters, so what are the other choices? Should I level them up to get skill points and then just... Leave them be? Thanks in advance!
Level them up to the bronze max of lvl 30 and then use the duplicates to evolve your bronze fighters to silver. Do not make the same mistake I made early on of powering up fighters with duplicates (unless you are getting bronze fighters so fast that you hit the newly expanded capacity limit of 250 before you are able to max your fighter lvl) . Once you've got enough silver fighters of the same character , consider evolving one or more to gold.
Lvl bronze duplicates for skill points which you can use on golds.
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Don’t ever sacrifice duplicate fighters cuz the XP gain from power up is too little to be worth it.

For duplicate bronze and silvers obviously you should level them to max if possible and if you really wanna get rid of them, then use them for evolution.

Hold on to duplicate golds for now since they said there will be a better way to deal with duplicate golds down the road.
Hold on to duplicate golds for now since they said there will be a better way to deal with duplicate golds down the road

Make sure to hold on to them, or you'll likely miss them later. Sorry for the cramped collection in the meantime!
Ah, thanks. I just got another That's All Folks Peacock, what a coincidence.
Is there gonna be a fighter "trade-up"?
like 2/3 gold fighter for another more specific gold fighter?
got a handful of golds from every weeks PF