• [2018/06/22]
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Bug - Normal Where are my mails?


New Member
Jul 30, 2017
Reaction score
Hi, I have a problem with the mail.

The issue is that for months I am keeping gold characters (Prize fights) for later claiming them and evolve some diamond because I have no space in the collection (and I do not like to fill it with duplicate gold characters) but today checking how many characters I needed for the next diamond I realize that the messages are not complete. In the notification of the mail they appear 55 without claiming but counting them there are only 20. 35 gold characters disappeared!

About a month ago when I evolved an epic sax were complete.

I was just looking for a character to evolve because I almost have 3 more complete escences and I get this surprise.

I already restarted the game, the phone and even tried on another phone but it's still the same.

I leave some images as reference where you can see the last message but many more no longer appear. Screenshot_20180925-214055.jpg Screenshot_20180925-214044.jpg

Please tell me there is a solution for this :/
Hey Ignis,

Just wanted to let you know I'm looking into this, but I don't know off the top of my head what the issue is.

It's possible that we only display a certain amount of mail messages here before hiding the rest of them, so you would possibly need to claim one in order for another one to appear.

We also don't recommend using the mail as "storage" in any occasion.

I'll follow up again once I have more details!
Ok, I came back after a week of tests with what seems to be the answer to the problem: the current mailbox only supports 22 messages.

Reclaiming characters does not correct it, if more mails arrive the oldest ones disappear.

The notification icon shows that the messages have increased after receiving rewards from PF's but only the last 22 are stored and obviously the oldest disappears.

Now the question is: the +35 golden characters that disappeared are already lost? I hope it is not so because it would totally ruin my plans to have more diamonds.
Screenshot_20181027-213249.jpg Ok there is only one left to claim (There are exactly 38 characters that disappeared) and the problem remains the same. I have done everything but nothing works

I'm still waiting for a solution.
I just discovered this issue!!
62 "New messages" but only 30+ 'most recent' are accessible! That means I've lost 30 messages including my BETA REWARDS!!

Not seeing any updates in this thread...Am I and others S.O.L.?

We got A LOT of messages during December. And for which I am very grateful of the Devs generosity during the Holidays. Thank you!
But a side-effect (for me at least) is that I lost about 30+ older UNREAD messages. This seems to be an ongoing issue, but it may have been too subtle to notice with the only the mail count being on the main page. Who's gonna scroll and count their unread messages manually?
So, I used this last PF to better document this issue.

Before the PF ended here is the state of my in-game messages:

Message count:

I can access about 35 of the unread messages, here are the (oldest) ones after scrolling to the bottom:

Here is are the last (oldest) of the read messages at that time as well:

Ok PF ends! Wait for reward mails...

Ding! You got mail!

Ok, let's see what happens to the older messages; scrolling down...
Hmmm... I've lost a Bronze Blood Sport reward...

Now to check my Read messages:
I lost 2 messages without actually reading/claiming any new messages...

So, let's claim our Gold PF reward:


With 1 less unread message, maybe that lost Bronze Eliza will pop back:
Nope. Now I can access 37 unread messages, but any old ones that drop off seem to be 'lost' never to return. But remember, in the main page it says I have 61 'new' messages...

Ok, if we read/claimed a new message that moves it to the Read tab, we should see an older mail drop off the list:
Nope. No change even after claiming the Gold PF reward. Strange.

I understand if Mail is temporary. But it has to be disclosed somewhere that messages will expire and/or there is a limit to how many UNREAD messages will be 'stored'. We've been trained/conditioned to collect everything else in the game, so if Mail/Messages are fundamentally different due to their use/nature, fine, but please be up front with that info if the issue can't be fixed. I'm sure many players have Unclaimed/Unread PF rewards piling up and may not even notice the slow decay of Bronze/Silver disappearing from the bottom up (like I said, who's gonna scroll and count), but when they lose a Gold or other 'valuable' reward (like my BETA REWARDS), they'll notice.


  • mail_after.jpg
    655.2 KB · Views: 3
We got A LOT of messages during December. And for which I am very grateful of the Devs generosity during the Holidays. Thank you!
But a side-effect (for me at least) is that I lost about 30+ older UNREAD messages. This seems to be an ongoing issue, but it may have been too subtle to notice with the only the mail count being on the main page. Who's gonna scroll and count their unread messages manually?
So, I used this last PF to better document this issue.

Before the PF ended here is the state of my in-game messages:

Message count:
View attachment 3026

I can access about 35 of the unread messages, here are the (oldest) ones after scrolling to the bottom:
View attachment 3027

Here is are the last (oldest) of the read messages at that time as well:
View attachment 3028

Ok PF ends! Wait for reward mails...

Ding! You got mail!
View attachment 3030

Ok, let's see what happens to the older messages; scrolling down...
View attachment 3031
Hmmm... I've lost a Bronze Blood Sport reward...

Now to check my Read messages:
View attachment 3032
I lost 2 messages without actually reading/claiming any new messages...

So, let's claim our Gold PF reward:

View attachment 3033

With 1 less unread message, maybe that lost Bronze Eliza will pop back:
View attachment 3034
Nope. Now I can access 37 unread messages, but any old ones that drop off seem to be 'lost' never to return. But remember, in the main page it says I have 61 'new' messages...

Ok, if we read/claimed a new message that moves it to the Read tab, we should see an older mail drop off the list:
View attachment 3035
Nope. No change even after claiming the Gold PF reward. Strange.

I understand if Mail is temporary. But it has to be disclosed somewhere that messages will expire and/or there is a limit to how many UNREAD messages will be 'stored'. We've been trained/conditioned to collect everything else in the game, so if Mail/Messages are fundamentally different due to their use/nature, fine, but please be up front with that info if the issue can't be fixed. I'm sure many players have Unclaimed/Unread PF rewards piling up and may not even notice the slow decay of Bronze/Silver disappearing from the bottom up (like I said, who's gonna scroll and count), but when they lose a Gold or other 'valuable' reward (like my BETA REWARDS), they'll notice

Ok figured it out. Seems there is a combined (read/unread) message limit. Just throw out your read messages and your 'lost' mail will pop back up:
Ok figured it out. Seems there is a combined (read/unread) message limit. Just throw out your read messages and your 'lost' mail will pop back up:
Sorry I didn't get to you sooner.

Yeah, this is a known bug that we hope to have resolved soon. Like you said, read mail will count towards the unread limit, which may hide important mail.
Sorry I didn't get to you sooner.

Yeah, this is a known bug that we hope to have resolved soon. Like you said, read mail will count towards the unread limit, which may hide important mail.
No worries, it was the holiday(s)! Besides, working up the 'bug' report with screenshots kinda made it 'click' for me as what was going on as soon as I hit reply.

Most users are reading/claiming messages right away so their inbox is most likely 0-4 messages unread at that most, so it makes sense to have the decay happen in the read tab. Once I tested deleting read messages and unread ones came back, I was happy! It was like a brain-teaser :D
In retrospect, I should have came back here to post about the solution once I helped Ignis finally resolve this issue over email. :D