The safest time to taunt is when knocking down the opponent after the air-combo.
The other not-so-safe way is to just taunt, but you cancel the taunt into a blockbuster if the opponent attacks/approaches.
Here's some taunts I normally use in my build and some I recommend:
1.Awroo Ready :
- Number One [ Chance to gain enrage on haste ]
- Weekend Warrior [ More hype mode means more Final Stands, Immunities and Regens ]
- Wrestler X [ Building hype mode faster helps to inflict more bleed ]
2. Medici Muscle :
- Armed Forces [ Tanky and has chance when hit to get more armour ]
- Brain Freeze [ Armor plus her SA punishes high-combo character greatly ]
3. Bailment :
-Princess Pride [ Immunity helps to prevent and bleeds that cancels out your Regen ]
4. Egret Call :
- Sheltered [ With the Critical Mass Marquee, she can definitely deal some serious damage]
- Primed [ Same reason as above ]
- No Egrets [ Critical Hits guarantee to disable Blockbuster, Special Moves and Tag-In ]
5. Bagpipe Blues :
- Resonant Evil [ Tanky and has chance when hit to get more armour ]
- Heavy Metal [ Tanky and has chance when hit to get more armour ]
6. Chocoglycemia :
- Graveyard Shift [ She or her teammates gain regen for any fighter defeated. She can gain an additional regen with taunt
- Icy Hot [ Gains regen on tagging in, can get more regen with taunt ]
7. Hi Hi Birdie :
- Sketchy [ Tagging In gives you immunity, can get immunity again with taunt ]
- Untouchable [ Tanky, Immunity helps to prevent bleed from cheesing through your Unflinching ]
8. Snake Charmer :
- Poltergust [ Gets blockbuster meter when a buff expires ]
- Scared Stiff [ Prevent bleed from cheesing through Unflinching ]
- Dead of Night [ Prevents armor break and bleed IF your SA triggers ]
9. Nyaaawn :
- Rogue Agent [ Gets evasion on any Precision Hit ]
- Feline Lucky [ Critical hits has chance to gain a lot of buffs, wouldn't recommend to equip since she gets 3 Precision stacks every 7 seconds anyway ]
10. Scarlet Ladies :
- Bloody Valentine [ Gets 10% health when using special moves, so you get an additional 10% health from regen ]
- Scarlet Viper [ Use the taunt after Sekhmet Blockbusters to immediately cancel any bleed effect on you ]
11. False Intentions: Useful for any Double, but best for Rainbow Blight and Jawbreaker
12. Born With It :
-Class Cutter [ Enrage helps in dealing at least 10% damage to trigger her SA ]
13. Really Talks! :
- Overclocked [ Gains Barrier when not hit for a certain amount of time ]
- Blue Screen [ Armor and Barrier makes a very tanky build ]
- Nyanotech [ Gets barrier when launching a Headrone, use taunt for more barrier ]
14. Breakdown :
- Vaporwave Vixen [ Gets thorn and Miasma when not getting hit, use taunt to maintain her SA ]
- Chameleon Twist [ Gets Miasma when hitting a dashing opponent, use taunt and intercept attacks to reliably drain opponent HP
15. Smile! :
- Blood Drive [ She can get enrage pretty easily just by using a blockbuster to remove any Bleed on herself ]
- Freaky Friday [ Enrage helps to inflict at least 10% damage in one hit to trigger her SA ]
- Buzzkill [ Gets permanent enrage when opponent's health drop below 15%. Use taunt to further strengthen your attack ]
- Rage Appropriate [ Gets permanent Enrage when hit with at least 10% damage. Use taunt to boost your attack further ]
That's about it! Taunt generally helps any variants, but these are what I think would be a better build.