• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: 2.7.1 Update Notes (LIVE!)


Hidden Variable Dev
May 17, 2017
Reaction score
We have another update coming down the pipe just in time for Halloween! Players beware... you're in for a scare. * Piano Solo *

Here's what you can expect to find in the 2.7 update, which should be arriving sometime this week!

EDIT (2018/10/26)

A new update has been released on the App Store and Google Play Store! (2.7.1)

This update contains two major bug fixes:

- Addressed a major performance issue causing low FPS.
- Addressed an issue where sometimes Blockbusters and Special Moves inputs were not registering.


Six new Silver Halloween variants are available for everyone! You can find these Silver variants in every Relic that you would expect to find them in. Character Relics, Premiere Relics, Silver Lining Relics, you name it!


You can also find these variants in the limited time HAUNTED (Silver) Relic, which will guarantee you one of the six new Halloween themed variants.

You can get the Haunted Relic from our special Halloween Prize Fight on October 31st!


On October 31st, we'll be running a limited time 24-hour Halloween themed Prize Fight called "COSTUME PARTY".

Qualifying for event rewards will earn you a guaranteed Haunted Relic, which will secure you one of the new six Silver variants right off the bat!

Oh, and the top 100 players will also receive NECROBREAKER - Squigly! Best of luck to everyone aiming for the top 100.



When you load up 2.7, you'll be treated to a brand new Main Menu:


You'll should notice a few changes, notably that the MAIL and MISSIONS buttons have been moved to make room for a RIFT BATTLES button (a tease of what is to come in 3.0!).

You'll also notice a strange chest in the upper left hand corner that will take you to the...


The Cabinet Of Curiosities (mentioned back in our 2018 plans post as the "Direct Purchase Store") is now open for business! Keep an eye out for that bouncing chest on the main menu - you literally can't miss it...


Once opened, Taliesin will offer the player a selection of random items that can be purchased using Canopy Coins, including Relics, Moves, Characters, Keys, etc.

The items in the store will refresh every hour, but only after you re-open the chest. Make sure to check in often to see what's new!


Here's a preview of what you can expect to find!


You can also view the details of any item that appears in the shop, INCLUDING the stats of a given Move. Looking for that perfect ATK% + DEF% + METER GAIN% Blockbuster? A rare chance at a Premiere or Elemental Relic? Make sure to check in often!


A Skullgirls Mobile Wikia has arrived! Don't believe us? You can view it right now through this link:


Note that this Wiki is still a work-in-progress, and there's a lot of information that needs to be added.

That's where you come in! This is intended to be a COMMUNITY Wikia, which means that while it was developed with the support of Hidden Variable, it's still up to the Community to keep it up to date with helpful information, tips and tricks, and other minor details.

If you're interested in discussing improvements for the Wikia with other members, consider joining the official Skullgirls Discord!

To ensure folks check this out, an in game link to the Skullgirls Mobile Wikia page can now be found on the OPTIONS menu, under the SUPPORT tab.


You can also find a link to the Wikia on every variant by tapping the external link icon.



It's that time again! we've made a whole bunch of changes to a number of fighters, particularly many of the "lower tier" characters on our Community Tier List. You can find all the changes below, organized in a table for your reading pleasure!







Beowulf - HYPE MODE
  • Now gains one HYPE CHARGE every 30 seconds, even on the bench.
  • HYPE CHARGES are not removed on tag out.
Through play testing, we noticed that it was very rare to have the AI activate HYPE MODE, which made many variants that rely on it (Hype Man, Weekend Warrior, etc) ineffective on defense. While these changes will of course help player controlled Beowulf Fighters, they will definitely help the AI more reliably be able to activate HYPE MODE, especially for anchor Beowulf Fighters.



Everyone's favorite horrifying stage arrives just in time for Halloween! Gehenna is an underground area scattered with fleshy bits, veins, teeth, and everything in between.

It is located in the depths of the catacombs deep below the Grand Cathedral. Just take the first apocalyptic nightmare door on the left, right past the bathroom, you can't miss it.


Elemental Relic

  • Minimum possible Elemental Shards increased from 10 to 25
Daily Elemental Offer ($5 USD)
  • Elemental Shards increased from 10 to 20
Character Moves Bundles
  • Similar to the Ms. Fortune Moves bundles, there are now Moves Bundles for every character!
  • These Bundles will automatically trigger once you complete the BASIC version of every character's origin story.
  • They will also trigger around special events moving forward (keep an eye out around Halloween...)

Haunted Relic Pack

  • A limited time offer that includes a HAUNTED RELIC (which guarantees one of our new 6 Silver variants) along with a bunch of other goodies!
  • This offer will be available daily from the time the update goes live through the end of Halloween - make sure you don't miss out!


    • Fixed an issue with SM - PUMMEL HORSE where Cerebella would sometimes glitch the h*ck out then fly off the screen like a rocket when you attempted to throw a Fighter with UNFLINCHING. That was weird.
    • Fixed an issue where Beowulf would sometimes perform the incorrect grab on an opponent if he threw them just as they are standing up.
    • Fixed an issue where Beowulf would sometimes soft lock the game if the opponent he was throwing died through an external source, such as DOOM.
Big Band
    • Fixed an issue where Resonant Evil's STUN from SA2 would never activate if his MARQUEE ABILITY was active.
    • Fixed an issue where interactions with ARMOR triggered from Resonant Evil's SA1 could lead to weird invisible modifiers (e.g. if Painwheel - Rusty converted them to BLEEDS, the BLEEDS would be applied, but no BLEED modifier icon would be shown)
    • The bullet from BB - GUN BLADES now correctly breaks UNFLINCHING.
    • The orb from BB2 - INFERNO OF LEVIATHAN will now vanish after a certain amount of time has passed. This fixes an issue where the Orb would never disappear if a character EVADED it (e.g. via Filia - Windswept's SA).
    • Fixed an issue where Squigly could become stuck in her Charged Trip state if the opponent activates a BB during it.
    • Fixed an issue where SA1 would still fire even when being hit with PRECISION.
Ms. Fortune
    • Can no longer command her head while she is stunned in specific circumstances.
    • FELINE ALLERGIES is now a knockdown, and will prevent the opponent from recovering in mid air.
    • Lowered the Hitstun on her headless L3.
    • BB2 - OM NOM NOM can no longer be cancelled into recall before it activates.
    • Fixed an issue where the first level of her SA1 would not remove the ENRAGE even when falling below 75% HEALTH.
    • Fixed an issue where Painwheel was temporarily throw invincible as she was exiting her blocking animation.
  • Can no longer be used while stunned.
  • When STUN is removed before the duration expires, the affected character will correctly end the STUN animation early. (e.g. Weekend Warrior using HYPE MODE to remove the STUN as soon as it is applied)
Major Server Improvements
  • Numerous changes to our back end have been rolled out to improve server performance and stability. Everything should be smooth sailing now!
    • NOTE: That these changes were quietly rolled out already. :p
  • Yes, I just listed a major item in a minor section.
  • Nyctophobia (Dark Elemental Prize Fight Modifier)
    • No longer applies HASTE if the opponent is blocking.
  • Siege Cannon (Parasoul Daily Event Modifier)
    • Will always be removed even if the opponent is attacked out of their Charge Attack.
  • Fixed an issue where notifications were not firing on many devices running aOS 8.0.
  • Refined login flow for Facebook and Google bindings.
Combat UI
  • Improved the visibility of the QUEUED effect that is displayed on Special Moves and Blockbusters so they are actually noticeable for both SMs and BBs on all devices.
Story Mode
  • Adjusted Ms. Fortune art on "FISHBONE TO PICK" to accurately reflect Ms. Fortune pre-dismembered state. Thanks for the lovely edit, @Cellsai!
Loading Tips
  • Changed the loading tip for Valentine's old CA, "TARGET VITALS", to reflect her new CA, "SIPHON".
  • Various improvements to undesired language filtering. You can now use cursed and forbidden words such as "Cookie". DO NOT ABUSE THIS PRIVILEGE.
  • Fixed many spelling and translation errors in multiple languages.
That just about does it! Let us know what you think, and what you'd like to see for future updates - we're always listening.

Just a quick note, this will our final 2.X update! What does that mean? You guessed it! Our next update for Skullgirls will be Skullgirls 3.0, featuring RIFT BATTLES.

We'll detail exactly what that means as we get closer to our 3.0 update, but in the meantime we recommend making sure you have 20 strong Defenders (and counters for the most challenging variants) ready for action.

If you have any questions, let us know down below!
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That Inkling buff tho

In all seriousness, these changes will very much so help the state of the game and viability of certain characters. I look forward to the new Silvers as well, and I'm extremely excited about The Cabinet of Curiosities.

I'll be sure to tune in for more information on Rift Battles, even though I sure don't have 20 good defenders.

Also I'm relieved that we can finally say Cookie in the chat. I won't abuse this privilege, Liam, you can count on me.
This is great! I’m so excited- one thing though, while I’m happy the bronzes got buffs do you think you guys could still keep Eliza decrypteds Convert three buffs to bleed SA? You could add her new SA2 to SA1 and it would fit perfectly. While I know many people don’t always like playing Decrypted I especially find her old SA useful for those pesky Reasonant Evils,Untouchables, Armed forces, and any fighter that can get Invincible or Final Stand. Putting that aside I’m glad that I kept my sentimental Sketchy Peacock and that she’s finally getting the buffs she deseverves. Otherwise thank you for those hints at the ends and thank you for creating one of my favorite Mobile Games. Can’t aait for 2.9! (And 3.0)
It's that time again! we've made a whole bunch of changes to a number of fighters, particularly many of the "lower tier" characters on our Community Tier List. You can find all the changes below, organized in a table for your reading pleasure!
Aaaaand... what about grey cells on tables for FIGHTER CHANGES and MARQUEE ABILITY CHANGES? Does it mean that this old (bought) variant is become to nothing?
Does it mean that Painwheel, Cerebella and Double for now can choose from only 1 MA? I can't believe that Double's MA "Chaos" will deleted on 2.7... It is really sad(((

For all other changes i can say only... Finally)
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Aaaaand... what about grey cells on tables for FIGHTER CHANGES and MARQUEE ABILITY CHANGES? Does it mean that this old (bought) variant is become to nothing?
Does it mean that Painwheel, Cerebella and Double for now can choose from only 1 MA? I can't believe that Double's MA "Chaos" will deleted on 2.7... It is really sad(((

For all other changes i can say only... Finally)

The grey boxes mean they won't be changed, sorry if this is sarcasm. It's the internet, I can't tell from your voice, you know?
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Reactions: rexturtle1120

A Skullgirls Mobile Wikia has arrived! Don't believe us? You can view it right now through this link:


Note that this Wiki is still a work-in-progress, and there's a lot of information that needs to be added.

That's where you come in! This is intended to be a COMMUNITY Wikia, which means that while it was developed with the support of Hidden Variable, it's still up to the Community to keep it up to date with helpful information, tips and tricks, and other minor details.

If you're interested in discussing improvements for the Wikia with other members, consider joining the official Skullgirls Discord!

To ensure folks check this out, an in game link to the Skullgirls Mobile Wikia page can now be found on the OPTIONS menu, under the SUPPORT tab.


You can also find a link to the Wikia on every variant by tapping the external link icon.


Good thing I updated the stat sheet then. I don't have all the data(missing 3 nat golds) but it's already a good way to compare numbers. :D
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Oh!!! This is gonna be fun! I'm gonna love the updated hype man change giving him more reliable use! And that defending beowulf AI now can be more powerful. And I love the new variants! Best of luck everyone to the new pf! And best of luck to those of us that are making the ultimate defending roster for the upcoming rift battles!
I'm a bit worried that these rift battles are taking a lot of inspiration from Summoner's War, which is a fine game in and of itself but the set up of rifts were always kind of boring. Rarely have I been disappointed by the Skullgirl devs, though, so I trust that it will be a worthwhile addition.
...Or at the very least, a source of income
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So... is anyone going to tell them that the problem with Painwheel's Marquee abilities are the triggers and not the effects?
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The Understudy Cerebella change on her SA2 feels like a nerf more than just an adjustment if it removes her teammates' throw damage increase. It barely pulls it's own weight in gold prize fights and I use it just as a support for both gold and silver prize fights. I can't understand how this would be a buff to improve it's usage.
Is Peacock Inkling support now getting weaker? :eek:
25% bonus damage is better for some battles o_O
I think what the devs were trying to do with Inkling's SA2 was make her a better and more focused solo carry, since her SA1 is geared for an offensive solo carry unit. The old SA2 clashed with her SA1 in terms what role Inkling served(solo carry versus support).
So... is anyone going to tell them that the problem with Painwheel's Marquee abilities are the triggers and not the effects?
What wrong with the trigger?
So... is anyone going to tell them that the problem with Painwheel's Marquee abilities are the triggers and not the effects?
Honestly I think that the current trigger of critical hits for the Painwheel MAs is fine as is. I wonder why you think the critical hit triggers for the Painwheel MAs are the main problem with them.
What wrong with the trigger?
The problem with the trigger is that you're relying on an opponent's action, not your own. At best, you're dealing with a character who's using those crits for things other than straight damage (Parasite Weave, no egrets, etc.) At worst, that's a five percent chance an effect procs every time you get hit that doesn't save you from getting your butt served to you on a silver platter. Painwheel isn't the tankiest (tanky-est?) character to begin with, so having both her effects assume she's getting batted around like a pinata doesn't do much for the character. In offense, it's pointless, in defense, if the effect is activating at a sizable rate, it's too late to salvage her.
Waiiiit, this week? It’s Wednesday already!
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