• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: 1.2.0 Update Notes


Game Director
Hidden Variable Dev
May 5, 2017
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
The new 1.2.0 update will be going LIVE shortly - here’s a full, detailed rundown of ALL the stuff we’ve packed into it!


  • French
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  • A new mode has been added called PRIZE FIGHTS.
  • Prize Fights are time-limited events that will allow you to fight teams of other players who are also competing in that event.
  • Each win accumulates points for that specific event that can never be lost (you are always progressing).
  • Building win streaks will increase your point multiplier, but will also pit you against more challenging teams based on your team’s Fighter Score (FS), with more clever AI.
  • There are two types of rewards that you can earn from Prize Fights:
    • Milestone Rewards are earned by accumulating points and are granted as you progress through the event. They often include Canopy Coins, Theonite, and Skill Points for the featured Fighter.
    • Rank Rewards are granted based on where you placed once the event is complete, and will be sent to your mailbox. They often include Skill Tree Keys (more on that below), Skill Points, Moves, and (for top players) the featured Fighter for that event
  • Prize Fights use “blue” energy (like Quick Play) instead of the “gold” energy used in Story and Daily Event modes.
  • Prize Fights will be used to introduce new Fighters to the game prior to them being available via Relics.
  • To start, we will be offering 3 Prize Fights at a time:
    • BASIC
      • CONSTRAINTS: Bronze Fighters ONLY
      • TOP REWARD: Featured Bronze Fighter
      • No modifiers
      • CONSTRAINTS: Bronze + Silver Fighters ONLY
      • TOP REWARD: Featured Silver Fighter
      • Special Modifiers Active
    • EXPERT
      • CONSTRAINTS: Silver + Gold Fighters ONLY
      • TOP REWARD: Featured Gold Fighter
      • Special Modifiers Active
  • Prize Fights last for three days (two sets of events per week)
  • In addition, shorter Canopy Coin-based Medici Heist events will also be available on weekends.
  • You can now collect multiple versions of the same Fighter (instead of them being automatically converted into Shard To Get Relic progress)
  • Now, every time you get ANY Fighter for ANY reason, you will gain 4% progress towards a Shard to Get Relic
  • You will no longer gain Skill Points when you get a Fighter. You can still get Skill Points by Leveling Up, Daily Events, and Prize Fight rewards
  • POWER UP Fighters by consuming other Fighters you don’t want via the POWER UP button on the Fighter Details screen
  • Consumed Fighters will grant a fixed amount of XP based on their Tier (regardless of Level)
    • BRONZE: +1,000 XP
    • SILVER: +10,000 XP
    • GOLD: +20,000 XP
  • +25% Bonus XP is granted if you use Fighters with a matching Type or a matching Element (maximum +50% Bonus XP)
  • Evolving now requires Fighters of the same Tier and Type instead of Skill Points
    • Ex: To Evolve a Bronze Valentine to Silver, you will need to consume 3 Bronze Valentines (any Variant)
  • Special Prize Fights will be made available on launch day (May 25th) that will let you earn Eliza for the very first time!
  • These events will also be the only way to get Eliza Moves at this point in time - get ‘em while they’re hot!


  • 7 NEW Bronze Fighters have been added to the Premiere and Character Relics:
    • Filia - Frayed Ends
      • Causes BLEED when hit and inflicts Bonus Damage vs enemies that are BLEEDING
    • Big Band - Beatbox
      • Using Special Moves grants short, stackable ENRAGE and Blockbuster METER bonuses
    • Peacock - Sketchy
      • Tagging in SLOWS enemy Blockbuster METER gain and HASTENS your own
    • Cerebella - Headstrong
      • Throws have a chance to inflict CRIPPLE and ARMOR BREAK
    • Parasoul - Heavy Reign
      • Gains extra Blockbuster METER when inflicting or taking a CRITICAL HIT
    • Valentine - Icy Hot
      • Teammates Tag In with REGEN and ARMOR
    • Painwheel - Twisted Mettle
      • Causes BLEED when struck with a CRITICAL HIT, moderate chance to inflict BLEED if opponent is already BLEEDING
    • Eliza - Decrypted (not yet available in Relics)
      • Bonus damage based on enemy beneficial effects, converts enemy beneficial effects to BLEED when triggering Sekhmet mode
  • Damage based Moves now do increasingly more damage based on their Tier
    • L1 Bronze moves will now do ~25% LESS damage as they did before
    • L1 Silver moves will do approximately THE SAME damage as they did before
    • L1 Gold moves will now do ~25% MORE damage as they did before
  • All damage-based Moves now have a Damage Tier that indicates their damage range relative to other moves:
    • VERY LOW
    • LOW
    • MED
    • HIGH
    • ULTRA
  • Upgrading Moves can increase the damage that they inflict at 3 level milestones (at L6, L12, and L15)
  • New +’s on the Move Details pop-up indicate the amount of bonus damage a move is inflicting within the range for that Damage Tier

  • The 3rd and 4th section of each Fighter’s Skill Tree now require Keys to unlock
  • To purchase any node in those sections, you will need to unlock that segment via a Key
  • There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold Keys - unlocking a segment requires a Key that matches that Fighter’s Base Tier
    • Ex: A Bronze Fighter that has Evolved to Gold will ALWAYS require Bronze Keys
    • Although lower Tier Fighters remain less powerful than “Natural” higher Tier Fighters, their Skill Tree costs will always be cheaper
  • You can earn Keys by completing Story Mode milestones and as top Prize Fight rewards
  • Soft Launch players will receive FREE KEYS relative to their Story Mode progression status after the build goes live to compensate them for Keys they would have otherwise earned during Single Player mode after Hard Launch
  • If you already purchased a node in that Section, you will not lose any progress. Before you can purchase other nodes in that section, you will need to unlock it with a Key

  • Aggressiveness
    • AI will now play more aggressively at higher levels
    • AI will not needlessly backdash as frequently, and will be more aggressive when cornered
  • Reactive Awareness
    • AI now reacts more intelligently to enemy projectiles
    • AI will now throw break more frequently at high level
    • AI will more effectively punish blocked attacks at high levels
  • Launcher Combos
    • Light Combos will now only “cancel” (quickly transition) into Launcher attacks on a successful hit
  • Light Combo Finisher Punishable on Block
    • Light Combo Finishers can now be reliably punished by Light 1 attacks if blocked
  • Blockbusters
    • Blockbuster damage rebalanced to more closely standardize damage per BB Tier
    • BB3s now require 10% more meter
    • Fixed bug where some throw-based Blockbusters granted an improper amount of Blockbuster METER
  • Post Defeat Tag In Invincibility
    • Fighters are now invincible on Tag In after a teammate is defeated
  • Burst Moves
    • Fixed bug with certain Burst attacks that allowed you to ignore damage for the duration of the animation
    • Fixed bug that prevented Burst attacks from firing while the Fighter reacted to hits. Now Bursts can reliably interrupt combos as intended
  • Outtake Moves
    • Fixed bug where Walking fighters would not react properly to Outtakes
    • Fixed issue where Outtakes near the end of a Match could lead to buggy behavior
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    • Big Band (Flat) is now known as Big Band (Bassline)
    • Fixed bug with BB2 Tympani Drive that made certain hits Unblockable at times
    • Fixed bug where certain hits of Cerebella’s Advanced Combo would not be reliably blocked
    • Improved camera logic for SM Pummel Horse to better highlight the animation
    • Fixed edge cases with Sekhmet mode that lead to buggy and/or unintended behavior
    • Improved reliability of Painwheel’s combos overall:
      • Decreased Launcher startup frames to enable easier use
      • Enabled faster cancelling from Tap attacks into Launcher
    • Removed “stagger” hit reaction from Dash attack
    • Improved ease of accessing Flying Mode via “double swipe up” gesture
    • BB2 Buer Thresher will now always drain its BB meter to 0 on use
    • BB1 Silent Scope no longer grants Parasoul BB meter on hit
    • Light 3 attack stuns opponents longer, allowing for easier follow-up combos
    • Fixed bug with Parasoul SM Forbearance & Canopy Bounce that led to server errors when trying to equip/unequip them
    • Parasoul (Princess Pride) Regen effects reduced
    • SM George’s Day Out and SM George at the Air Show have much shorter hit stuns
    • Fixed bug with SM George at the Air Show not properly inflicting Armor Break
    • BB1 Shadow of Impending Doom will always initially spawn on the enemy’s position and then follow them briefly during the “shadow” phase (before objects start to drop)
    • (AI ONLY) Players can no longer block BB3 Deadly Airport (to match behavior of other BB3s)
    • BB2 Forbidden Procedure will now resurrect fallen teammates and move upgrades increase the amount of Health restored
  • You can now login and authenticate with LINE or Google (in addition to Facebook)
  • We recommend logging in via one of these services ASAP to help protect your progress!
  • Relic Bundles
    • Relics are now available in bundles of 10 (+1 BONUS RELIC)
    • BONUS Relics have 2x the drop rates for RARE rewards
  • Character Relic Exclusives
    • Character Relics now have an EXCLUSIVE chance to acquire a specific Gold Fighter via that Relic
    • You will not be able to get the listed Gold Fighter from the Premium or Shard to Get Relics (although the odds for getting rare rewards from those Relics have not changed)
  • Carousel → Rare VFX
    • Now, instead of a carousel previewing the potential rewards for a given Relic, you will simply see either Common VFX (for Bronze rewards) or Rare VFX (for Silver or Gold rewards)
  • Overall
    • You’ll notice that most of our screens, buttons and frames have gotten a fresh coat of paint. Everything looks cleaner, sharper, and more consistent!
  • Fighter Details
    • Fixed issue causing Fighters to appear off-centered on the Fighter Details screen on 4:3 aspect ratio devices (ex: iPads)
    • Cleaned up stats presentation to improve readability
  • Fighter Cards
    • Removed green “Upgrade Available” icon that obscured player level on Fighter Cards
    • Swapped Fighter Name and Type on Fighter Cards to mirror Match Preview
  • Move Details
    • Added Rarity Tier and Gear Point cost on Move Details
    • Added Skull icon and UNBLOCKABLE text to BB3s to better distinguish them from other BBs
  • Story/Event Node Maps
    • Updated Treasure and Modifier icons to be more prominent
    • Updated Node states to more clearly indicate what nodes are Complete, Available/Incomplete, and Locked
    • Match Modifier icons can now be tapped to review both Modifiers and Team Constraints
  • Match Preview
    • Added ability to tap on your energy bar to reveal how much time remaining until your next energy refreshes
  • Home Button
    • Added HOME button to the top Nav Bar throughout the game to allow easy access back to the Main Menu
  • HUD
    • Updated in-game Health bar frames to match the materials of each Fighter’s tier
  • Performance Optimizations
    • Improved overall performance and stability throughout the game
  • Daily Event Difficulty Availability
    • All Daily Events difficulties are now available by default (no need to complete one to unlock the next)
  • Story Mode Tuning
    • Boss and Treasure Node fights have increased in difficulty - beware!
    • Removed Eliza Match Requirement from two fights in Going All In
  • Story/Event Mode Reward Adjustments
    • Replaying fights now grant you significantly less XP and SC (only 20% of the original reward)
    • XP granted on Fight loss has been reduced from 5% to 0%
    • Added Relic and Canopy Coin rewards to some Treasure Nodes and reduced Theonite rewards accordingly
  • Match Modifier Warning
    • At the beginning of any fight involving Match Modifiers, there will now be an alert that you can tap which highlights what Modifiers are currently active before the fight begins
  • Match Tier Constraints
    • Fixed an issue where match constraints used the “natural tier” instead of the “current tier” for a Fighter
    • For example: “Silver Only” fights would not consider an evolved Bronze Fighters as valid entries
  • Daily Missions
    • Disabled a number of Daily Missions that were not updating properly (will re-add them later)
    • Reduced Theonite rewards for “Hard” Daily Missions by ~20%
  • Move Selling
    • Now you can sell multiple moves at once via a button on the bottom of the Collection > Moves screen
    • Updated the base price for selling a move to L1 Base Price + 50% of Upgrade Cost:
      • L1 Bronze Move: 200 SC → 1,000 SC
      • L1 Silver Move: 400 SC → 2,000 SC
      • L1 Gold Move: 1,000 SC → 5,000 SC
  • Quick Play
    • As a result of Prize Fights providing similar functionality with better rewards, Quick Play has been removed
  • Duplicate Fighter Tinting
    • Tuned tinting values for all Fighters instances where the player and opponent are using the same Fighter
  • Music
    • New music throughout the game!
  • Initial Download Process
    • Segmented initial download process to allow players to jump into the Tutorial quicker while the remaining data downloads in the background
  • Loading Hints
    • Added tons of new hints - shortened others to make them more readable
  • Stage Lighting
    • Brightened up some darker stages that made the action hard to read on lower brightness settings
  • Multiple Local Notifications
    • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes receive several local notifications at once.
  • Disabled Features (for now…)
    • Disabled Welcome Pack offer
    • Hid the teased “Coming Soon” Marquee Ability details pending full integration

That’s it! We’re already hard at work on even more improvements and additions to the game.

Please share your feedback about what changes you like, and what you’d like for us to add next!
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Still confused about getting Eliza for prize fights or we will still get her through prize fights and i'm happy that there is new bronze palettes! It was dull when it was just locked normal colors!
Still confused about getting Eliza for prize fights or we will still get her through prize fights

Top ranked players at the end of the Eliza Prize Fights will earn Eliza Fighters. If you have participated in the Soft Launch, you should have enough Fighters (compared to folks who are starting for the first time) to be in a good position to post an Eliza-worthy score.

Once the new update is live, you can review the reward structure for the current Prize Fights (the tiers and rewards for Eliza's will be comparable).
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I have participated in the soft launch and got a good fighter (Ivy league Parasoul) i'm still wondering if the app supports android 4.0.0 and up.
I wonder how fair the matchmaking for Prize Fights will be. Because right now I've got a team with a combined fighter score of over 23k.
Yowza that's a patch list!

A couple of questions:
Eliza is first appearing in the Prize Fights events, but she's also listed as a new Bronze drop in the regular relics. Will it be possible to get that Bronze version from standard relics after the update, but before the Prize Fights?

I have already authorized my game with Facebook. If I try to log in with Google now, what will happen?
(I would prefer to log in with Google, but I don't want data to be lost or something!)

Really happy to see characters are now invincible when they enter after a character is defeated. This makes it more difficult to beat the opponents sometimes, but I still think it's such a massive boost to actual players who might be getting frustrated dying on incoming when they can't do anything.

Also Painwheel fixes. Yay!

Story/Event Mode Reward Adjustments
  • Replaying fights now grant you significantly less XP and SC (only 20% of the original reward)
  • XP granted on Fight loss has been reduced from 5% to 0%
WOW! RIP autopilot grinding story mode for easy XP!

I wonder how fair the matchmaking for Prize Fights will be. Because right now I've got a team with a combined fighter score of over 23k.
Moisterrific confirmed top of every SG ranking board until end of time.
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  • SM George’s Day Out and SM George at the Air Show have much shorter hit stuns

Feels like it's my fault my Georgey got nerfed; I hope it isn't underpowered.

Story/Event Mode Reward Adjustments
  • Added Relic and Canopy Coin rewards to some Treasure Nodes and reduced Theonite rewards accordingly

Will these be given/taken, similar to skill keys, for players that already finished them?
I wonder how fair the matchmaking for Prize Fights will be. Because right now I've got a team with a combined fighter score of over 23k.

We have some Aeon / Venus teams that are pretty high up there. If you get to 'em, let us know how tough they are!

Eliza is first appearing in the Prize Fights events, but she's also listed as a new Bronze drop in the regular relics. Will it be possible to get that Bronze version from standard relics after the update, but before the Prize Fights?

Ack, that was my mistake. Eliza will not be available in those Relics until later. I'll make the correction. Sorry / good catch!

I have already authorized my game with Facebook. If I try to log in with Google now, what will happen?
(I would prefer to log in with Google, but I don't want data to be lost or something!)

Now that you are authenticated with Facebook, the only way to "promote" your account higher would be to login with LINE. I don't believe you will even be prompted to login with Google. If you are fully logged out for some reason, I would recommend logging back in with Facebook as your "master" social media account for now just to avoid potential conflicts.

Really happy to see characters are now invincible when they enter after a character is defeated. This makes it more difficult to beat the opponents sometimes, but I still think it's such a massive boost to actual players who might be getting frustrated dying on incoming when they can't do anything.

Thanks for bringing it up earlier on Skullheart during the Beta!

Feels like it's my fault my Georgey got nerfed; I hope it isn't underpowered.

I didn't want to be the one to say it, but...

(don't worry, the Georges are still very useful)

Will these be given/taken, similar to skill keys, for players that already finished them?

Nope! Outside of some extreme circumstance, we would never take away rewards you have already earned. If you already earned the rewards, enjoy!
Also - the new update is now LIVE!
How big is the update? Kinda tanked my data allowance this month so I'll be using 7eleven's free net to get this!

Oh it's an actual play store update, not in game. 80mb should be fine in 7 :)
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How big is the update? Kinda tanked my data allowance this month so I'll be using 7eleven's free net to get this!

Oh it's an actual play store update, not in game. 80mb should be fine in 7 :)

Be forewarned, there's also going to be a CDN download afterwards on startup (~250MB). Sorry!
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Be forewarned, there's also going to be a CDN download afterwards on startup (~250MB). Sorry!
By any chance will the game run 4.0.0? I'm fine with the lag, I just want it to support 4.0.0
It looks like "Evolve" now needs 3 of same type of characters for Bronze.

4 for silver.

Question: After you Evolve a character, do they stay at level 30 or restart at level 1?

Looks like it was a wrong move to upgrade my bronze characters.... shouldve kept them to evolve because getting rid of useless duplicates via upgrading only grants measly 1k exp or 10k or 20k for gold. It's worth 1 fight or 5 LOL!

Hm I am liking the new Prize system. Seems pretty easy to get over 2m exp...

So does that mean we essentially get a new gold character every 3 days or so if we beat the Gold Event in Prize Fights?

Right now, it's Gold Two To Tangle Felia... Rewards have 10 tiers.......

So does that mean if you reach 10 milestone and get the top milestone reward you are automatically granted a Gold Felia??? How does this work??
Just read another thread and it seems Prize event mode introduces new characters before they are available in relics......................

So that means we should NOT spend any coins for maybe 2 months or so because they release new characters every 3 days?

If we unload all our gems on May 25th when "Eliza" comes out.... she will not even be in relics it seems until event is over. BUT if you wait until event is over you will miss out on any of the new characters that come out via Prize events.

So it's a balancing act it seems...

Better not spend any gems for 2 weeks or so imo.
We have some Aeon / Venus teams that are pretty high up there. If you get to 'em, let us know how tough they are!


They don't seem to have any blockbusters compared to player teams, but they sort of make up for it by having better stats and higher fighter scores than any player team I've seen. Funny thing is the only times I've lost was to one of these bot teams, otherwise I'd have a much higher streak than 11.

Is there a way for us to know our current rank in the event rewards list? I thought there would be a leaderboard of some sorts.

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It doesn't seem that hard to get over 2million exp.

I think if you get over 2million exp you will be in top 10%... so every 3 days we get free gold characters :D

Well... not hard for people who have been playing this game for months and have good gold teams.

Time will tell...

I hope after this event i am in top 10% at least.... will be nice to see a leaderboard of sorts........... and a % next to my name LOL
Any chances of this releasing in Mexico? I always get left out of the good games :(
Hm it's not worldwide release yet? Strange.. I thought it was!

Also... is there anyway to shorten the "Syncing Downloads" when the game loads?

I am running an IPad Pro and this goes on for like 40 seconds now as compared to a 3 second load time before the 1.2 update rolled out!
Hm it's not worldwide release yet? Strange.. I thought it was!

Also... is there anyway to shorten the "Syncing Downloads" when the game loads?

I am running an IPad Pro and this goes on for like 40 seconds now as compared to a 3 second load time before the 1.2 update rolled out!

Worldwide release is on May 25, that's when Eliza gets released as well.

Playing on an iPhone 6s here, I also noticed the loading time is significantly slower now than version 1.1.1.