• [2018/06/22]
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  • Anyone else getting a DoubleVS.Double thing where you/they can block right after a juggle?
    What is with this new Skullgirls? I had 1 gold for a year and now I have two teams full! :D Thank you devs, divine forces, luck, etc!
    One year of F2P and I had only 1 gold PW Fillia, but since 2.0 Ive gotten 4 golds! 3 of them today! Is this my luck for spending $5 finally?
    Got a UV Peacock, AND I've been upgraded to regular "member", WOOP!
    Lucking Fdiot
    Lucking Fdiot
    That's awesome, i've gotten a RB double. Would love to have a uv peacock.
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    Reactions: TRIX
    9s for the next Skullgirls character. Each BB is a different hacking minigame.
    Guess who's back with a brand new track and I don't mean nfowljdiwasinacaseofchildbwjdhneksaccusation--
    Saw the previous Pf scores for top 10% silver was around 400k average, got close to 600k and took a break--still ended up in 11-30% (TT~TT)
    I'm out of place in these forums with the only non-cartoon icon. And I make it work.
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    Reactions: Wulfden
    Good because I'm bad at names and wouldn't have recognized you without it(NoWalkthrough on discord).
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    Reactions: Keebs
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