• [2018/06/22]
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  1. SvenZ

    Other Deployments - bonus XP on successful deployment

    I think deployment XP needs to be boosted. Considering your characters are out of play for a lengthy time, the amount of XP you earn is quite insignificant compared to what you can earn by just playing. This is mainly because the XP reward is split among all characters that are part of the...
  2. SvenZ

    Other Remove the Battle Pass redirect

    When you gain progress towards a goal in the battle pass, a pop-up card to the right appears. As of 6.4 clicking on the card will redirect you to the Battle Pass. This is very intrusive and annoying. It disrupts your entire flow and you'll more often than not, click the card by accident. The...
  3. SvenZ

    Other [New Mechanic] Special Move and Blockbuster CORRUPTION

    Update: I no longer support this suggestion Suggestion: 1. A new button will be added to Special Moves and Blockbusters. It will be called "Corrupt". 2. On click, the player will be brought to a menu where they'll be requested to sacrifice 3 Catalysts in order to Corrupt the Special Move or...
  4. SvenZ

    Other [Buff] - CRIT Resistance > also reduces CRIT Damage

    Right now, Crit Resist is not a highly favorable stat. There are even offensive builds that strictly go CRITLESS, because of how punishing landing a critical can be vs certain characters (Dahlia, Painwheel). At the same time, the game can be quite bursty late game, which is the result of highly...
  5. SvenZ

    Characters [SA Tweaks] Big Band - Bassline

    Bassline is pretty weak right now. From the Big Band update I expected him to get reworked, given how he was front and center in all of the posts leading up to 6.3. By design Bassline is simply outdated, given how much faster the game is now. If he was average at launch, he's ways below average...
  6. SvenZ

    Characters [SA Tweaks] Big Band - Vintage Virtuoso

    I feel like one of Vintage Virtuoso's problems is the dependance on high combos, which contradicts with the Guard Break debuff, as it's only viable while in neutral. If you're going for a high combo, by the time your combo ends, Guard Break's duration will be close to over, and you'll have very...
  7. SvenZ

    Other [Buff] - Formula change for Flat Attack and Flat Health

    Brief Explanation: - Flat Attack and Flat HP will now be increased by % Increase modifiers. Example: Your character has 1000 base attack, 50% Damage increase and 500 flat damage increase. Old formula: 2000 total damage New formula: 2250 total damage Long Explanation...
  8. SvenZ

    Other [Marquee Abilities] trigger CD for Dahlia and Painwheel

    Black Dahlia's "No Time to Die" and Painwheel's "Tainted Blood" marquees have enforced the strategy of going critless for certain builds. This goes against the stat design of the game, as you're encouraged to not unlock everything in your skill tree for certain characters and thus miss their...
  9. SvenZ

    Bug - Normal [Big Band] "Giant Step" bug vs Double and Big Band

    1. Big Band knocks up the opponent (Double or Big Band) 2. Use Sweet Clarinet immediately after knock up 3. Buffer into Giant Step Expected Results: Big Band lands on the ground and uses Giant Step Actual Results: Big Band does an air normal, lands, and then uses Giant Step From my...
  10. SvenZ

    Characters Annie - Star Shine SA2 [Buff]

    I know that her SA2 was changed with good intentions in mind. Vs single nodes, it's indeed faster, 15 sec opposed to 30. However, vs 2 it's the same or worse, and vs 3 it's significantly slower. This change aims at addressing that Signature Ability 2 - Old Gain permanent PRECISION after...
  11. SvenZ

    Characters Robot Fortune - Persona Assistant [Tweak]

    Persona Assistant is an interesting variant, with her main downside being the very, very low effect window of her Signature Ability 1, and the very long downtime before it even procs. I don't think the ability needs to be reworked, just for the numbers to be tweaked a bit. Old Every 30...
  12. SvenZ

    Characters Cerebella - Heavy Handed [Buff]

    This thread will be formatted at a later date. Old Signature Abilities New Signature Abilities Signature Ability 1 - [No changes have been made] Gain ENRAGE every 0.3/0.2/0.1 seconds while charging a CHARGE ATTACK. ENRAGE is removed after the next HIT. Signature Ability 2 -...
  13. SvenZ

    Collection Allow us to name our Loadouts

    Would be a nice quality of life change for the following cases. [Case 1] You have a lot of loadouts with similar or exactly the same abilities but different stats. - with a name for each loadout, you can quickly at a glance see which loadout was for what. [Case 2] You're a returning player...
  14. SvenZ

    Characters Big Band - Take the A Train and Heavy Metal

    The changes made to "Take the A Train" in patch 6.3 The effect rework of "Take the A Train" is an indirect nerf to Heavy Metal's Signature Ability 2. Previously, you could finish a combo with Take the A Train and gain Armor for quite a decent duration. That not only boosted Take the A...
  15. SvenZ

    Characters Marie - Snake Charmer [ Rework ]

    A lot of people say Snake Charmer is bad, and I understand why. Maid of Honor is the defensive Marie, Phantom Wrangler is the offensive one, and Snake Charmer is left as the utility one. However, there are some issues around accessing her utility that don't make her a favorable pick. This...
  16. SvenZ

    Characters Double - Transmutation [Remake]

    I'm a relatively new SGM player, but even I can tell that Double's character ability is simply outdated. Here are its current issues: - You can't block in Neutral without triggering your character ability. This can be troublesome, because you may accidentally lose the element you want while...
  17. SvenZ

    Characters Squigly - Dead Heat and Thrill Shrieker [REWORK]

    OLD SA 1 NEW SA 1 Why the change? - As you may have noticed, we're taking Thrill's SA 1 and giving it to Dead Heat. - Dead Heat's issue is getting easy access to Enrage. She is currently too dependent on support characters for her SA 2 to be viable. SA 1 is purely offensive and provides no...