• [2018/06/22]
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  1. K

    New Team Concept: Xenomorph, Unholy Host, Dark Might

    I had a thought about this new team that might work very well both defensively and offensively. Please note that I don't have an Unholy Host, so this is all theoretical and based on my extensive usage of the other two characters combined with many matches against Unholy Host. Here's why I chose...
  2. M

    Prize fighter defense order

    I’ve been playing for years but I’ve never been able to figure out what order my defense team is in when an opponent selects my team to fight against. When I select “defense” on the fight screen, my fighters appear in the order I see them when I go up to fight. However in the prize fight page...
  3. 500TheoniteSeriously

    Other Fighter order suggestion

    Problem: This is how team comps look like before choosing an opponent team in a prize fight, both your team and your opponents's are facing to the right. But: Your team's order flips and the opponent's (tho it doesn't flip) looks kind of weird now that the way they are facing has flipped...
  4. Gamer_Shot69

    Fights Custom team presets

    It would be much more convenient if we could create custom 3 character team presets so we wouldn't have to go to the trouble of finding and replacing cards every time a different opponent calls for a different team layout or composition, if we could have presets they could act as shortcuts or...
  5. K

    Bug - Normal A team dont changed in rift battle after new enemy

    I started a new rift battle but one of my enemy's team in the choose team menu dont changed, stayed the same team as my opponent's before