• [2018/06/22]
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Resolved Accolades Not Unlocking - REPLY HERE

Hello, my accolades aren't unlocking after my long hiatus.
Username: Joetheho
Skullgirls id: 0yc5-19hxc
Hello, I have the same problem with the accolades of the story Mode too.
Username: yister
Id: 02z2-29q8w
I currently have 10 diamond characters in Skullgirs but in the rewards it appears that I only have 8 diamond characters and I cannot claim the reward

My ID is: 0he7-es8c7
My user is: user1831
Tengo 12 variantes de diamante pero por alguna razón el galardon de 10 personajes de diamante no se me desbloquea, quedó en 9/10
Lo mismo pasa con el de combo de 50 golpes, quedó en 4/5
Username: Gabi0007
ID: 3oz7-g5jl
Hey, quite a few of my Accolades are locked when I’ve well exceeded them.

Madzy - 260e-bjb8
Hellow newly reinstated user here, having the problems mentioned with leveling and training acolates being unobtainable
Account name: Loisuri
Public id: 2n0u-90ac
Tengo el mismo problema, las recompensas de elogios del modo historia…
Usuario: erice
ID: 4apq-1be2x
Hola, esto me está sucediendo actualmente en mi cuenta. Completé todas las estrellas del modo historia en varias dificultades, pero no se desbloquearon los elogios me aparece que tengo 1162 y no 1164 estrellas.

Nombre de usuario: ♡SÁNCHEZ♡
ID: 0g01-crttt
Gracias por su tiempo.
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Story mode accolades issue

Username : KOPTIL_NYA
ID : 01pm-1b5ps

Hi, I have finished the main story in all difficulties and claimed the 100% master story relc but i have the treasure node one stuck at 67/68 so please help
Username: OMAr_XD
ID: 1twd-mapo4
Hi, this is happening Player Level Acollades.
Username: CØSMO
ID: 4sgl-20wgg
HI, I'm a returning player after 3 years and my accolades missions are bugged plz help
Username: RexKiritö
ID: 3one-14w14
Hi, I'm also having this issue after returning to the game after a period of absence.
User: funtimepizza69
ID: 092g-6jty
I'm currently having this issue
username: Shiny_Kitsune
ID: 0go6-ena4
I completed the story mode ones (I've already claimed them all but I also had problems with them as well, but I fixed it myself), I recently completed the story on master and they didn't give me my relic.
Name: Fetuchini Puchini
ID: 03yx-mb0sa
Missing lvl and story accolades
Username: Link12
ID: 02qb-dugc
Hi,i have the same problem with accolades reward for story mode and advancement (player level) i already cleared story upto expert and I'm level 50+ now but I can't claim the rewards... Help please

Username : Obira
ID : 1ktl-2ddhg
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