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Characters Annie - Pillar of Creation effect


Nov 16, 2019
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Annie's second tier blockbuster (bb2) move Pillar of Creation is a single, high damage dealing move with an interesting effect. However, it is majorly limited due to the combo condition in situations where it could be helpful. Similar blockbusters like Snuggle or Tongue Twister (that heal self instead of teammates), have an extra BENEFIT instead of a CONDITION for the first effect to activate(!). To still reward player for reaching a high combo count with Annie, but make it useful for others that don't, I want to give the following feedback.

HEAL teammates for 50/75/100% of the damage dealt if used with a COMBO COUNT of at least 30.HEAL teammates for 25/30/35% of the damage dealt. Effect doubled if used with a COMBO COUNT of at least 30.

The extra benefit when reaching the 30 combo count could be anything. The current is named as it may not be wished to add an actual seperate effect to the move, like gaining a buff for example.

While I do not believe it would be on the level of snuggle (that heals AND gains 3 miasma on kill, command grab) or Tongue Twister (heals AND inflict 2-3 stacks of slime, command grab) with this change, I hope it will be intentionally used as a healing option instead of just a big damage number display =).

Let me know what you think of this change below,
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Reactions: SvenZ and Dusty00
I'm not a big Annie main, so I can't comment on the exact numbers, but I think this is a very clean and welcomed adjustment. Considering she also has low combo count builds, this can spice those up.
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