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Other Black Dahlia - Tea Slip [Additional Effect]


Active Member
Apr 10, 2024
Reaction score
For reference, this is current Tea Slip:
I propose that the ability works a bit more like her 2nd Encore counterpart.

Has a 50/75/100% chance to remove all DEBUFFS when used.
Dahlia teleports backward, instantly reloads her gun, and leaves a doily in her original location. Using Tea Slip again will teleport her to the doily.
- Reload works only on first use. Using the ability again to teleport to the doily will NOT reload her gun again.
- CD starts the moment the ability is used and not on second use(i.e. teleporting to the doily)
- Doily will last on the ground for 10 seconds.
- If the enemy moves past the doily towards your side of the playing field, the doily will be removed.
- Using a different Tea Slip(one assigned to a different ability slot) will remove the old doily and create a new one. For reference, this is how Tea Slip works in 2nd Encore.

- Will give some more flavor to Tea Slip. Example: you can instant teleport and grab the opponent to punish them.
- Will allow for even more defensive play. Example: you can use Tea Slip to quick reload, dash past it, and if being near the opponent ain't your fancy, use Tea Slip again to teleport back to safety. Basically giving you 2 backwards teleports in the process.

- Pretty niche and might not be enough to make the ability more popular